翻译的初衷以及为什么选择《Entity Framework 6 Recipes》来学习,请看本系列开篇
3-14 结果集扁平化
图3-15 模型中,一个代表助理的Associate的实体类型和一个代表助理工资历史的AssociateSalary实体
你想在一个查询中获取所有的associates 和他们的工资历史,可能有些新员工在系统还没有工资记录。 你希望查询结果集中能包含这些关联。
代码清单3-30. 使用LINQ和Entity SQL扁平化结果集
1 using (var context = new EFRecipesEntities()) 2 { 3 // 删除之前的测试数据 4 context.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("delete from chapter3.associatesalary"); 5 context.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("delete from chapter3.associate"); 6 // 添加新的测试数据 7 var assoc1 = new Associate { Name = "Janis Roberts" }; 8 var assoc2 = new Associate { Name = "Kevin Hodges" }; 9 var assoc3 = new Associate { Name = "Bill Jordan" }; 10 var salary1 = new AssociateSalary 11 { 12 Salary = 39500M, 13 SalaryDate = DateTime.Parse("8/4/09") 14 }; 15 var salary2 = new AssociateSalary 16 { 17 Salary = 41900M, 18 SalaryDate = DateTime.Parse("2/5/10") 19 }; 20 var salary3 = new AssociateSalary 21 { 22 Salary = 33500M, 23 SalaryDate = DateTime.Parse("10/08/09") 24 }; 25 assoc2.AssociateSalaries.Add(salary1); 26 assoc2.AssociateSalaries.Add(salary2); 27 assoc3.AssociateSalaries.Add(salary3); 28 context.Associates.Add(assoc1); 29 context.Associates.Add(assoc2); 30 context.Associates.Add(assoc3); 31 context.SaveChanges(); 32 } 33 34 using (var context = new EFRecipesEntities()) 35 { 36 Console.WriteLine("Using LINQ..."); 37 var allHistory = from a in context.Associates 38 from ah in a.AssociateSalaries.DefaultIfEmpty() 39 orderby a.Name 40 select new 41 { 42 Name = a.Name, 43 Salary = (decimal?)ah.Salary, 44 Date = (DateTime?)ah.SalaryDate 45 }; 46 47 Console.WriteLine("Associate Salary History"); 48 foreach (var history in allHistory) 49 { 50 if (history.Salary.HasValue) 51 Console.WriteLine("{0} Salary on {1} was {2}", history.Name, 52 history.Date.Value.ToShortDateString(), 53 history.Salary.Value.ToString("C")); 54 else 55 Console.WriteLine("{0} --", history.Name); 56 } 57 } 58 59 using (var context = new EFRecipesEntities()) 60 { 61 Console.WriteLine("\nUsing Entity SQL..."); 62 var esql = @"select a.Name, h.Salary, h.SalaryDate 63 from Associates as a outer apply 64 a.AssociateSalaries as h order by a.Name"; 65 var allHistory = ((IObjectContextAdapter)context).ObjectContext.CreateQuery<DbDataRecord>(esql); 66 Console.WriteLine("Associate Salary History"); 67 foreach (var history in allHistory) 68 { 69 if (history["Salary"] != DBNull.Value) 70 Console.WriteLine("{0} Salary on {1:d} was {2:c}", history["Name"], 71 history["SalaryDate"], history["Salary"]); 72 else 73 Console.WriteLine("{0} --", history["Name"]); 74 } 75 } 76 77 Console.WriteLine("\nPress <enter> to continue..."); 78 Console.ReadLine(); 79 }
这里的诀窍是,我们“扁平化”(flatten)层次结构的数据,比如,一个associate和多个 salary输入。代码清单3-30输出如下:
1 Using LINQ... 2 Associate Salary History 3 Bill Jordan Salary on 10/8/2009 was $33,500.00 4 Janis Roberts --Kevin Hodges Salary on 8/4/2009 was $39,500.00 5 Kevin Hodges Salary on 2/5/2010 was $41,900.00 6 Using Entity SQL... 7 Bill Jordan Salary on 10/8/2009 was $33,500.00 8 Janis Roberts --Kevin Hodges Salary on 8/4/2009 was $39,500.00 9 Kevin Hodges Salary on 2/5/2010 was $41,900.00
为了扁平化结果集,我们使用了3-10中的策略、使用嵌套形式的from从句和DefaultIfEmpty()方法来获得两张表的一个左外连接。方法DefaultIfEmpty()能确保我们有左边表(Associate 实体)的所有行,即使右边(AssociateSalary实体)没有与它对应的行。我们将结果集投影到一个匿名类型,当没有AssociateSalary实体与Associate实体对应时,小心属性salary 和 salarydate得到null值。
对于Entity SQL 解决方案,我们使用 outer apply 操作符创建Associate实体和AssociateSalary实体之间的匹配。 在SQL Server中,可以使用corss和outer apply操作符。
3-15 使用多属性分组
图3-16 包含一个Enent实体的模型,Event有属性name,city和sate属性
1 public class Event 2 { 3 public int EventId { get; set; } 4 public string Name { get; set; } 5 public string State { get; set; } 6 public string City { get; set; } 7 }
代码清单3-32. 上下文对象
1 public class EFRecipesEntities : DbContext 2 { 3 public EFRecipesEntities() 4 : base("ConnectionString") {} 5 6 public DbSet<Event> Events { get; set; } 7 8 protected override void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder) 9 { 10 modelBuilder.Entity<Event>().ToTable("Chapter3.Event"); 11 base.OnModelCreating(modelBuilder); 12 } 13 }
代码清单3-33 多属性分组
1 using (var context = new EFRecipesEntities()) 2 { 3 // 删除之前的测试数据 4 context.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("delete from chapter3.event"); 5 //添加新的测试数据 6 context.Events.Add(new Event 7 { 8 Name = "TechFest 2010", 9 State = "TX", 10 City = "Dallas" 11 }); 12 context.Events.Add(new Event 13 { 14 Name = "Little Blue River Festival", 15 State = "MO", 16 City = "Raytown" 17 }); 18 context.Events.Add(new Event 19 { 20 Name = "Fourth of July Fireworks", 21 State = "MO", 22 City = "Raytown" 23 }); 24 context.Events.Add(new Event 25 { 26 Name = "BBQ Ribs Championship", 27 State = "TX", 28 City = "Dallas" 29 }); 30 context.Events.Add(new Event 31 { 32 Name = "Thunder on the Ohio", 33 State = "KY", 34 City = "Louisville" 35 }); 36 context.SaveChanges(); 37 } 38 39 using (var context = new EFRecipesEntities()) 40 { 41 Console.WriteLine("Using LINQ"); 42 var results = from e in context.Events 43 // 使用匿名类型封闭复合key State 和City 44 group e by new { e.State, e.City } into g 45 select new 46 { 47 State = g.Key.State, 48 City = g.Key.City, 49 Events = g 50 }; 51 Console.WriteLine("Events by State and City..."); 52 foreach (var item in results) 53 { 54 Console.WriteLine("{0}, {1}", item.City, item.State); 55 foreach (var ev in item.Events) 56 { 57 Console.WriteLine("\t{0}", ev.Name); 58 } 59 } 60 } 61 62 using (var context = new EFRecipesEntities()) 63 { 64 Console.WriteLine("\nUsing Entity SQL"); 65 var esql = @"select e.State, e.City, GroupPartition(e) as Events 66 from Events as e 67 group by e.State, e.City"; 68 var records = ((IObjectContextAdapter)context).ObjectContext.CreateQuery<DbDataRecord>(esql); 69 Console.WriteLine("Events by State and City..."); 70 foreach (var rec in records) 71 { 72 Console.WriteLine("{0}, {1}", rec["City"], rec["State"]); 73 var events = (List<Event>)rec["Events"]; 74 foreach (var ev in events) 75 { 76 Console.WriteLine("\t{0}", ev.Name); 77 } 78 } 79 } 80 81 Console.WriteLine("\nPress <enter> to continue..."); 82 Console.ReadLine();
Using LINQ Events by State and City... Louisville, KY Thunder on the Ohio Raytown, MO Little Blue River Festival Fourth of July Fireworks Dallas, TX TechFest 2010 BBQ Ribs Championship Using Entity SQL Events by State and City... Louisville, KY Thunder on the Ohio Raytown, MO Little Blue River Festival Fourth of July Fireworks Dallas, TX TechFest 2010 BBQ Ribs Championship
在代码清单3-33中,针对这个问题,展示了两种不同的方法。 第一种方法使用LINQ和group by 操作符按sate和city对结果集进行分组。当用group by进行多属性分组时, 我们创建了一个匿名类型对数据进行分组。 使用into从句将分组放到g中,它是我们存放查询结果集的第二个序列。
我们把结果集从g中投影到第二个匿名类型中,通过从分组key的字段State(第一个匿名类型中)获取State值,从分组key的字段City中获取 City值,对于events 我只是简单地把分组的全部成员分配给它。
对于Entity SQL方法,我们只能投影group by 从句使用的列、常量或者从聚合函数计算得到的值。在我们示例中,我们投影state、city和分组中的events.
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