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  • JAVA实现二分查找



    给定一已排好序的n个元素a[0 : n-1],现要在这n个元素中找出一特定元素x。

    算法 思想

    首先,将表中间位置记录的关键字与查找关键字比较,如果两者相等,则查找成功;否则利用中间位置记录将表分成前、后两个子表,如果中间位置记录的关键字大 于查找关键字,则进一步查找前一子表,否则进一步查找后一子表。重复以上过程,直到找到满足条件的记录,使查找成功,或直到子表不存在为止,此时查找不成功。

     1 public class BinarySearch {
     3     /***
     4      * 
     5      * @param a 已排好序的数组
     6      * @param dst 需要查找的目标值
     7      * @return 查找到目标值返回目标值在数组中的位置,没有超重到目标值返回-1
     8      */
     9     public int binarySearch(int[] a, int dst) {
    11         int flag = 0;
    12         //先判断数组是顺序还是倒序
    13         if (a[0] > a[a.length - 1]) {
    14             System.out.println("array is reverse order");
    15             flag = 1;  //数组为倒序
    16         }
    18         int mid = -1;
    19         int low = 0;
    20         int high = a.length - 1;
    21         if (0 == flag) {
    22             while (low <= high) {
    23                 mid = low + (high-low)/2; //此处不用(low + high)/2是防止low + high值溢出
    24                 if (a[mid] == dst) {
    25                     printSearchResult(a,dst,mid);
    26                     return mid;
    27                 } else if (dst < a[mid]) {
    28                     high = mid - 1;
    29                 } else {
    30                     low = mid + 1;
    31                 }
    32             }
    33         } else {
    34             while (low <= high) {
    35                 mid = low + (high-low)/2; //此处不用(low + high)/2是防止low + high值溢出
    36                 if (a[mid] == dst) {
    37                     printSearchResult(a,dst,mid);
    38                     return mid;
    39                 } else if (dst < a[mid]) {
    40                     low = mid + 1;
    41                 } else {
    42                     high = mid - 1;
    43                 }
    44             }
    45         }
    48         System.out.println("not find the num " + dst + " in the array");
    49         return -1;
    51     }
    53     /***
    54      * 打印查找结果
    55      * @param a 数组
    56      * @param dst 查找的目标值
    57      * @param position 目标值在数组中的位置
    58      */
    59     private void printSearchResult(int[] a,int dst, int position) {
    60         String tmp = "find the num " + dst + " in the array {";
    61         for (int i = 0; i < a.length - 2; i++) {
    62             tmp += a[i] + ",";
    63         }
    64         tmp += a[a.length - 1] + "}, position is " + position;
    65         System.out.println(tmp);
    66     }
    68     public static void main(String[] args) {
    69         int a[] = {1,3,5,7,8,9,10,12,15,17};
    70         BinarySearch binarySearch = new BinarySearch();
    71         binarySearch.binarySearch(a,17);
    72         binarySearch.binarySearch(a, 8);
    73         int b[] = {17,13,11,9,7,6,4,2,1};
    74         binarySearch.binarySearch(b,17);
    75         binarySearch.binarySearch(b, 4);
    76         binarySearch.binarySearch(b, 1);
    77     }
    79 }
     1 public class BinarySearch {
     2     public static void main(String[] args) {
     3         int[] arys = {1, 3, 6, 11, 35, 36, 45, 66, 75};
     4         System.out.println(binarySearch(arys, 6, 0, arys.length - 1));
     5     }
     7     private static int binarySearch(int[] arys, int element, int begin, int end) {
     8         // TODO Auto-generated method stub
     9         if (begin <= end) {
    10             int mid = (begin + end) >> 1;
    11             if (arys[mid] == element)
    12                 return mid;
    13             else if(arys[mid] > element) {
    14                 return binarySearch(arys, element, 0, mid - 1);
    15             } else {
    16                 return binarySearch(arys, element, mid + 1, end);
    17             }
    18         } else
    19         return -1;
    20     }
    21 }
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