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  • Installation for TinyOS on Ubuntu 16.04

    What is TinyOS

    TinyOS operating system is essentially a collection of microcontroller and other IC drivers, core libraries, and higher-level application stacks that must be compiled with application specific code to load onto hardware platforms. Therefore, you must have a copy of the TinyOS source to compile these applications again.

    What is Telosb

    TelosB is a mote from Memsic (old Crossbow) technology. This mote has the same designed as the Tmote Sky mote from Sentilla.

    It is composed of the MSP430 (the MSP430F1611) microcontroller and the CC2420 radio chip. The microcontroller of this mote operates at 4.15 MHz and has a 10 kBytes internal RAM and a 48 kBytes program Flash memory.

    The RF output power of the Telos module from the CC2420 radio is below -8dBm. For this test, the Telos module is transmitting at 2.405GHz (IEEE 802.15.4 channel 11) using the O-QPSK modulation with DSSS. The CC2420 programmed output power is set to 0 dBm. The measured output power of the entire modulated spectrum is 2.4 dBm.

    Steps for installation

    Install Java

    If you print on terminal

    java -version

    You might know you have install openJDK in advance


    openJDK is good for usage. However, it is not enough for development.

    Therefore, you have to install Sun-Java(Oracle)

    # Result for java -version
    java version "1.8.0_201"
    Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_201-b09)
    Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.201-b09, mixed mode)

    Install TinyOS

    • Follow the instruction of wiki or stackexchange
    • Use the command below to know the package meaning:
    apt search tinyos-tools
    • There are two important component you ought to install:
    1. nesc : This is the nesC compiler used to compile TinyOS applications, includes support
    2. tinyos-tools: Development-tools for TinyOS
    • Here are two component optional for installation
    1. msp430-46(For Telosb): MSP430是德州公司新开发的一类具有16位总线的带FLASH 的单片机
    2. avr-tinyos(optional): AVR单片机
    • Get the TinyOS source code
    • Add environment variables to your shell
    • Access the serial ports
    sudo gpasswd -a labuser dialout
    # to see if you are in the right group
    groups labuser
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/WindyZ/p/10585509.html
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