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  • window系统下 IIS 相关命令和工具介绍

    1. net start/stop w3svc
    这个command主要用于开启/停止服务 www service

        this command is used to start or stop www service. it commonly uses to reset w3svc after the  IIS configuration is modified.  
        notes: 不要w3svc和当个website搞混了。如果net stop w3svc,那么位于该server上的所有website都被stopped。 当然,我们也可以单独停掉某个website. 这就是下一个command 了

    2. iisweb.

    这个command用来控制所有和website相关的操作,比如create website,delete website, stop/pause website 等等。
    Description: Start, Stop, Pause, Delete, Query, or Create a   Web Site
     IIsWeb [/s <server> [/u <username> [/p <password>]]]   /<operation> [arguments]
    Value                   Description
    /s <server>             Connect to machine <server>                        [Default: this system]
    /u <username>           Connect as <domain>\<username> or                        <username> [Default: current user]
    /p <password>           Password for the <username> user
    <operation>             /start   Starts a site(s) on given IIS Server.
                                   /stop    Stops a site(s) from running on a given IIS Server.
                                  /pause   Pauses a site(s) that is  running on a given IIS Server.
                                 /delete  Deletes IIS configuration  from an existing Web Site. Content will not be deleted.
                                /create  Creates a Web Site.
                                 /query   Queries existing Web Sites.
    For detailed usage:
    IIsWeb /start /?
    IIsWeb /stop /?
    IIsWeb /pause /?
    IIsWeb /delete /?
    IIsWeb /create /?
    IIsWeb /query /?
    我想创建一个名为putuo的website, 其端口号80, ip 地址:,使用的appPool是myAppPool,文件位于c:\inetput\wwwroot\putuo
    则其syntax 如下:
    iisweb /create c:\inetput\wwwroot "putup"  /i  /b 80 /ap putuo

    3 iisapp

    Description: list IIS application pools and associated worker processes.             Recycle application pools.

    IIsApp.vbs [{ /a <app_pool_id> | /p <pid> } [/r] ]
    Value              Description
    /a <app_pool_id>   Specify an application pool by name. Surround  <app_pool_id> with quotes if it contains spaces.
                       If used alone without an accompanying action,
                       IIsApp.vbs will report PIDs of currently running
                       w3wp.exe processes serving pool <app_pool_id>.
    /p <pid>           Specify a process by process ID.營f used alone
                       without an accompanying action, IIsApp.vbs will
                       report the AppPoolId of the w3wp process specified
                       by <pid>. When a PID is specified with /r, that PID
                       is mapped to an application pool and the action is
                       taken upon the application pool.營f a PID is given
                       for a web garden, i.e. an application pool served
                       by more than one w3wp, then all w3wp抯 for that
                       application pool will be acted upon.
    /r                 Recycles the application pool.

    DEFAULT: no switches will print out the PID and AppPoolId.

    IIsApp /p 2368
    IIsApp /a DefaultAppPool /r
    IIsApp /p 2368 /r

    4 iisback

    C:\WINDOWS\system32>iisback /backup /?
    Description: Backup the IIS Server (includes all site data
                 and settings).

    Syntax: IIsBack [/s <server> [/u <username> [/p <password>]]]
            /backup [/b <BackupName>] [/v <VersionNumber>]
             [/e <BackupPassword>] [/overwrite]


    Value                   Description
    /s <server>             Connect to machine <server>
                            [Default: this system]
    /u <username>           Connect as <domain>\<username> or
                            <username> [Default: current user]
    /p <password>           Password for the <username> user
    /b <BackupName>         Description for the backup file.
                            [Default: "SampleBackup"]
    /v <VersionNumber>      Specifies the version number to be
                            assigned to the backup. Can be any
                            integer, HIGHEST_VERSION, or
                            NEXT_VERSION. [Default: NEXT_VERSION]
    /e <BackupPassword>     Encrypt the backup file with the
                            provided password
    /overwrite              Back up even if a backup of the same
                            name and version exists in the
                            specified location, overwriting if
                            necessary. [Default: disabled]


    IIsBack /backup
    IIsBack /s Server1 /u Administrator /p p@ssW0rd /backup /b NewBackup

     5 iisvdir
    这个command 主要用于创建/delete /query 虚拟目录

    Description: Create, delete, or query a web directory

    Syntax: IIsVDir [/s <server> [/u <username> [/p <password>]]]
            /<operation> [arguments]


    Value                   Description
    /s <server>             Connect to machine <server>
    /u <username>           Connect as <domain>\<username> or
                            <username> [Default: current user]
    /p <password>           Password for the <username> user
    <operation>             /create  Creates a web virtual directory
                                     on a specified web site.
                            /delete  Deletes a web virtual directory
                                     from a specified web site.
                            /query   Lists all virtual directories
                                     under the specified path.

    For detailed usage:

    IIsVDir /create /?
    IIsVDir /delete /?
    IIsVDir /query /?

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/Winston/p/1234107.html
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