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  • 使用VBSCRIPT安装字体

        根据新系统要求,经常要部署一些原来系统里没有的字体,原先我为了图省事经常会要求用户手动安装字体文件,虽然Windows的易用性做得相当不错,但是仍然要照顾一些不会安装字体的人,其实把这些字体打包进安装包更为方便,不过我觉得总不能每有新字体都要搞个安装包那么麻烦吧。更重要的是仍然有人会问我字体怎么安装,以前清一色的Windows XP系统,我倒也方便,直接告知打开控制面板找到字体文件夹,把要安装的字体拖进去即可;现在有Windows 7还是Windows 8等各种版本Windows系统,对于安装字体这个小小操作我也开始分情况讨论了。

      使用VBScript脚本来实现这个功能。脚本的重点是采用Shell.ApplicationActiveX/COM对象实现复制到系统特殊文件夹下,实际上这个操作和用户手动复制到字体文件夹下一样,系统会自动为我们安装字体而不需要我们顾及注册表更新的问题,对于Vista及更高版本的系统来说,我参考了《The true ultimate font install for Windows 7 and XP vbs》的做法,使用.InvokeVerb("Install")直接调用字体文件对象的安装命令。


    ' File Description : VBScript Windows Fonts Installer
    ' Copyright (c) 2016-2017 Cheney_Yang. All rights reserved.
    ' Author: Cheney_Yang
    ' This code is distributed under the BSD license
    ' Usage:
    '    Drag Font files or folder to this script
    '    or Double click this script file, It will install fonts on the current directory
    '    or select font directory to install 
    ' *** 请不要移除此版权信息 ***
    Option Explicit
    Const FONTS = &H14&
    Const HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE = &H80000002
    Const strComputer = "." 
    Const SHELL_MY_COMPUTER = &H11
    Const SHELL_OPTIONS = 0
    Function GetOpenDirectory(title)
        Dim ShlApp,ShlFdr,ShlFdrItem
        Set ShlApp = WSH.CreateObject("Shell.Application")
        Set ShlFdr = ShlApp.Namespace(SHELL_MY_COMPUTER)
        Set ShlFdrItem = ShlFdr.Self
        GetOpenDirectory = ShlFdrItem.Path
        Set ShlFdrItem = Nothing
        Set ShlFdr = Nothing
        Set ShlFdr = ShlApp.BrowseForFolder _
                    (SHELL_WINDOW_HANDLE, _
                    title, _
                    SHELL_OPTIONS, _
        If ShlFdr Is Nothing Then
            GetOpenDirectory = ""
            Set ShlFdrItem = ShlFdr.Self
            GetOpenDirectory = ShlFdrItem.Path
            Set ShlFdrItem = Nothing
        End If
        Set ShlApp = Nothing
    End Function
    Function IsVista()
        IsVista = False
        Dim objWMIService, colOperationSystems, objOperationSystem
        Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\" & strComputer & "
        Set colOperationSystems = objWMIService.ExecQuery ("Select * from Win32_OperatingSystem")
            For Each objOperationSystem In colOperationSystems
                If CInt(Left(objOperationSystem.Version, 1)) > 5 Then
                    IsVista = True
                    Exit Function
                End If
        Set colOperationSystems = Nothing
        Set objWMIService = Nothing
    End Function
    Class FontInstaller
        Private objShell
        Private objFolder
        Private objRegistry
        Private strKeyPath
        Private objRegExp
        Private objFileSystemObject
        Private objDictFontFiles
        Private objDictFontNames
        Private pfnCallBack
        Private blnIsVista
        Public Property Get FileSystemObject
            Set FileSystemObject = objFileSystemObject
        End Property
        Public Property Let CallBack(value)
            pfnCallBack = value
        End Property
        Private Sub Class_Initialize()
            strKeyPath = "SoftwareMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionFonts"
            Set objShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
            Set objFileSystemObject = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
            Set objFolder = objShell.Namespace(FONTS)
            Set objDictFontFiles = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
            Set objDictFontNames = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
            Set objRegistry = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\" &_ 
                         strComputer & "
            Set objRegExp = New RegExp
                objRegExp.Global = False
                objRegExp.Pattern = "^([^(]+) (.+$"
            blnIsVista = IsVista()
        End Sub
        Private Sub Class_Terminate()
            Set objRegExp = Nothing
            Set objRegistry = Nothing
            Set objFolder = Nothing
            Set objDictFontFiles = Nothing
            Set objDictFontNames = Nothing
            Set objFileSystemObject = Nothing
            Set objShell = Nothing
        End Sub
        Private Function GetFilenameWithoutExtension(ByVal FileName)
            ' http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/ebe19301-541a-412b-8e89-08c4263cc60b/get-filename-without-extension
            Dim Result, i
            Result = FileName
            i = InStrRev(FileName, ".")
            If ( i > 0 ) Then
            Result = Mid(FileName, 1, i - 1)
            End If
            GetFilenameWithoutExtension = Result
        End Function
        Private Sub makeFontNameList()
            On Error Resume Next
            Dim strValue,arrEntryNames
            objRegistry.EnumValues HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, strKeyPath, arrEntryNames
            For Each strValue in arrEntryNames 
               objDictFontNames.Add objRegExp.Replace(strValue, "$1"), strValue
            If Err.Number<>0 Then Err.Clear
        End Sub
        Private Sub makeFontFileList()
            On Error Resume Next
            Dim objFolderItem,colItems,objItem
            Set objFolderItem = objFolder.Self
            'Wscript.Echo objFolderItem.Path
            Set colItems = objFolder.Items
            For Each objItem in colItems
                objDictFontFiles.Add GetFilenameWithoutExtension(objItem.Name),objItem.Name
            Set colItems = Nothing
            Set objFolderItem = Nothing
            If Err.Number<>0 Then Err.Clear
        End Sub
        Function getBaseName(ByVal strFileName)
            getBaseName = objFileSystemObject.GetBaseName(strFileName)
        End Function
        Public Function PathAddBackslash(strFileName)
            PathAddBackslash = strFileName
            If objFileSystemObject.FolderExists(strFileName) Then
              Dim last
              ' 文件夹存在
              ' 截取最后一个字符
              last = Right(strFileName, 1)
              If last<>"" And last<>"/" Then
                PathAddBackslash = strFileName & ""
              End If
            End If
        End Function
        Public Function isFontInstalled(ByVal strName)
            isFontInstalled = objDictFontNames.Exists(strName) Or objDictFontFiles.Exists(strName)
        End Function
        Public Function isFontFileInstalled(ByVal strFileName)
            isFontFileInstalled = isFontInstalled(objFileSystemObject.GetBaseName(strFileName))
        End Function
        Public Sub installFromFile(ByVal strFileName)
            Dim strExtension, strBaseFileName, objCallBack, nResult
            strBaseFileName = objFileSystemObject.GetBaseName(strFileName)
            strExtension = UCase(objFileSystemObject.GetExtensionName(strFileName))
            If Len(pfnCallBack) > 0 Then
                Set objCallBack = GetRef(pfnCallBack)
                Set objCallBack = Nothing
            End If
            If strExtension = "TTF" Or strExtension = "TTC" Or strExtension = "OTF" Then
                If Not isFontInstalled(strBaseFileName) Then
                    If blnIsVista Then
                        Dim objFont, objFontNameSpace
                        Set objFontNameSpace = objShell.Namespace(objFileSystemObject.GetParentFolderName(strFileName))
                        Set objFont = objFontNameSpace.ParseName(objFileSystemObject.GetFileName(strFileName))
                            'WSH.Echo objFileSystemObject.GetParentFolderName(strFileName)
                        Set objFont = Nothing
                        Set objFontNameSpace = Nothing
                    'WSH.Echo strFileName
                    objFolder.CopyHere strFileName
                    End If
                    nResult = 0
                    nResult = 1
                End If
                nResult = -1
            End If
            If IsObject(objCallBack) Then
                objCallBack Me, strFileName, nResult
                Set objCallBack = Nothing
            End If
        End Sub
        Public Sub installFromDirectory(ByVal strDirName)
            Dim objFolder, colFiles, objFile
            Set objFolder = objFileSystemObject.GetFolder(strDirName)
            Set colFiles = objFolder.Files
            For Each objFile in colFiles
                If objFile.Size > 0 Then
                    installFromFile PathAddBackslash(strDirName) & objFile.Name
                End If
            Set colFiles = Nothing
            Set objFolder = Nothing
        End Sub
        Public Sub setDragDrop(objArgs)
            ' http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/c488f3e0(v=vs.84).aspx
            Dim i
            For i = 0 to objArgs.Count - 1
               If objFileSystemObject.FileExists(objArgs(i)) Then
                    installFromFile objArgs(i)
               ElseIf objFileSystemObject.FolderExists(objArgs(i)) Then
                    installFromDirectory objArgs(i)
               End If
        End Sub
    End Class
    Sub ForceCScriptExecution()
        ' https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4692542/force-a-vbs-to-run-using-cscript-instead-of-wscript
        ' http://www.winhelponline.com/articles/185/1/VBScripts-and-UAC-elevation.html
        Dim Arg, Str
        If Not LCase( Right( WScript.FullName, 12 ) ) = "cscript.exe" Then
            For Each Arg In WScript.Arguments
                If InStr( Arg, " " ) Then Arg = """" & Arg & """"
                Str = Str & " " & Arg
            If IsVista() Then
                CreateObject( "Shell.Application" ).ShellExecute _
                    "cscript.exe","//nologo """ & _
                    WScript.ScriptFullName & _
                    """ " & Str, "", "runas", 1
                CreateObject( "WScript.Shell" ).Run _
                "cscript //nologo """ & _
                WScript.ScriptFullName & _
                """ " & Str
            End If
        End If
    End Sub
    Sub DisplayMessage(ByRef objInstaller, ByVal strFileName, ByVal nResult)
        WScript.StdOut.Write "Install " & objInstaller.getBaseName(strFileName) & " ->>> "
        Select Case nResult
            Case 0
                WScript.StdOut.Write "SUCCEEDED"
            Case 1
                WScript.StdOut.Write "ALREADY INSTALLED"
            Case -1
                WScript.StdOut.Write "FAILED (Reason: Not a Font File)"
        End Select
        WScript.StdOut.Write vbCrLf
    End Sub
    Sub Pause(strPause)
         WScript.Echo (strPause)
    End Sub
    Function VBMain(colArguments)
        VBMain = 0
        WSH.Echo "Easy Font Installer 1.0" & vbCrLf &_
                  "Written By Cheney_Yang " & vbCrLf & vbCrLf
        Dim objInstaller, objFso, objDictFontFiles
        Set objInstaller = New FontInstaller
            objInstaller.CallBack = "DisplayMessage"
            If colArguments.Count > 0 Then
                objInstaller.setDragDrop colArguments
                Set objFso = objInstaller.FileSystemObject
                Set objDictFontFiles = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
                Dim objFolder, colFiles, objFile, strDirName, strExtension
                strDirName = objFso.GetParentFolderName(WScript.ScriptFullName)
                Set objFolder = objFso.GetFolder(strDirName)
                Set colFiles = objFolder.Files
                For Each objFile in colFiles
                    If objFile.Size > 0 Then
                        strExtension = UCase(objFso.GetExtensionName(objFile.Name))
                        If strExtension = "TTF" Or strExtension = "TTC" Or strExtension = "OTF" Then
                            objDictFontFiles.Add objFile.Name, objInstaller.PathAddBackslash(strDirName) & objFile.Name
                        End If
                    End If
                Set colFiles = Nothing
                Set objFolder = Nothing
                Set objFso = Nothing
                If objDictFontFiles.Count > 0 Then
                    If MsgBox("Current Directory has " & objDictFontFiles.Count & " Font Files." & vbCrLf &_
                            vbCrLf & "Click OK to continue install or Cancel to Select Directory", 1) = 1 Then
                          Dim i, objItems
                          For i = 0 To  objDictFontFiles.Count-1
                            objItems = objDictFontFiles.Items
                            objInstaller.installFromFile objItems(i)
                        strDirName = GetOpenDirectory("Select Fonts Directory:")
                        If strDirName<>"" Then
                            objInstaller.installFromDirectory strDirName
                            WScript.Echo "----- Drag Font File To This Script -----"
                        End If
                    End If
                End If
                Set objDictFontFiles = Nothing
            End If
        Set objInstaller = Nothing
        Pause vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "Press Enter to continue"
    End Function



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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/YangGC/p/6380430.html
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