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  • 《windows程序设计》哆啦A梦(10)


    program Project2;
    {$R *.res}
      Point = record
        x: Integer;
        y: Integer;
      swndClass: tagWNDCLASS;
      message: MSG;
      mHwnd: hwnd;
      cxClient, cyClient: Integer;
    function WindowProc(hwnd: hwnd; uMsg: UINT; wParam: wParam; lParam: lParam): LRESULT; stdcall;
      i: integer;
      uhdc: HDC;
      ps: PAINTSTRUCT;
      GrayPen: HPEN;
      hOldPen: HPEN;
      hTempPen: HPEN;
      hBlueBrush: HBRUSH;
      hRedBrush: HBRUSH;
      hOldBrush: HBRUSH;
      HyelloBrush: HBRUSH;
      apt: array[0..128] of Point;
      case uMsg of
            cxclient := loword(lParam);
            cyclient := HiWord(lParam);
            result := 0;
            uhdc := BeginPaint(hwnd, ps);
            GrayPen := CreatePen(PS_DOT, 1, RGB(192, 192, 192));
            hOldPen := SelectObject(uhdc, GrayPen);
            MoveToEx(uhdc, cxClient div 2, 0, nil);
            LineTo(uhdc, cxClient div 2, cyClient);
            MoveToEx(uhdc, 0, cyClient div 2, nil);
            LineTo(uhdc, cxClient, cyClient div 2);
            SelectObject(uhdc, hOldPen);
            hBlueBrush := CreateSolidBrush(RGB(0, 159, 232));
            hOldBrush := SelectObject(uhdc, hBlueBrush);
            Ellipse(uhdc, cxClient div 2 - 120, cyClient div 2 - 200, cxClient div 2 + 120, cyClient div 2 + 40);
            SelectObject(uhdc, hOldBrush);
            Ellipse(uhdc, cxClient div 2 - 100, cyClient div 2 - 160, cxClient div 2 + 100, cyClient div 2 + 40);
            Ellipse(uhdc, cxClient div 2 - 50, cyClient div 2 - 180, cxClient div 2, cyClient div 2 - 120);
            Ellipse(uhdc, cxClient div 2 + 50, cyClient div 2 - 180, cxClient div 2, cyClient div 2 - 120);
            hOldBrush := SelectObject(uhdc, GetStockObject(BLACK_BRUSH));
            Ellipse(uhdc, cxClient div 2 - 20, cyClient div 2 - 160, cxClient div 2 - 5, cyClient div 2 - 140);
            Ellipse(uhdc, cxClient div 2 + 20, cyClient div 2 - 160, cxClient div 2 + 5, cyClient div 2 - 140);
            SelectObject(uhdc, hOldBrush);
            Ellipse(uhdc, cxClient div 2 - 15, cyClient div 2 - 155, cxClient div 2 - 10, cyClient div 2 - 145);
            Ellipse(uhdc, cxClient div 2 + 15, cyClient div 2 - 155, cxClient div 2 + 10, cyClient div 2 - 145);
            hRedBrush := CreateSolidBrush(RGB(255, 0, 0));
            hOldBrush := SelectObject(uhdc, hRedBrush);
            Ellipse(uhdc, cxClient div 2 - 10, cyClient div 2 - 135, cxClient div 2 + 10, cyClient div 2 - 115);
            SelectObject(uhdc, hOldBrush);
            MoveToEx(uhdc, cxClient div 2, cyClient div 2 - 115, nil);
            LineTo(uhdc, cxClient div 2, cyClient div 2 - 30);
            Arc(uhdc, cxClient div 2 - 70, cyClient div 2 - 120, cxClient div 2 + 70, cyClient div 2 - 30, cxClient div 2 - 60, cyClient div 2 - 50, cxClient div 2 + 60, cyClient div 2 - 50);
            MoveToEx(uhdc, cxClient div 2 - 70, cyClient div 2 - 115, nil);
            LineTo(uhdc, cxClient div 2 - 20, cyClient div 2 - 100);
            MoveToEx(uhdc, cxClient div 2 - 80, cyClient div 2 - 85, nil);
            LineTo(uhdc, cxClient div 2 - 20, cyClient div 2 - 85);
            MoveToEx(uhdc, cxClient div 2 - 70, cyClient div 2 - 55, nil);
            LineTo(uhdc, cxClient div 2 - 20, cyClient div 2 - 70);
            MoveToEx(uhdc, cxClient div 2 + 70, cyClient div 2 - 115, nil);
            LineTo(uhdc, cxClient div 2 + 20, cyClient div 2 - 100);
            MoveToEx(uhdc, cxClient div 2 + 80, cyClient div 2 - 85, nil);
            LineTo(uhdc, cxClient div 2 + 20, cyClient div 2 - 85);
            MoveToEx(uhdc, cxClient div 2 + 70, cyClient div 2 - 55, nil);
            LineTo(uhdc, cxClient div 2 + 20, cyClient div 2 - 70);
            hOldBrush := SelectObject(uhdc, hBlueBrush);
            Rectangle(uhdc, cxClient div 2 - 90, cyClient div 2, cxClient div 2 + 90, cyClient div 2 + 150);
            SelectObject(uhdc, hOldBrush);
            Ellipse(uhdc, cxClient div 2 - 70, cyClient div 2 - 20, cxClient div 2 + 70, cyClient div 2 + 120);
            hTempPen := CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 2, RGB(255, 255, 255));
            hOldPen := SelectObject(uhdc, hTempPen);
            Arc(uhdc, cxClient div 2 - 70, cyClient div 2 - 20, cxClient div 2 + 70, cyClient div 2 + 120, cxClient div 2 + 60, cyClient div 2 - 10, cxClient div 2 - 60, cyClient div 2 - 10);
            SelectObject(uhdc, hOldPen);
            hOldBrush := SelectObject(uhdc, hRedBrush);
            RoundRect(uhdc, cxClient div 2 - 95, cyClient div 2 - 5, cxClient div 2 + 95, cyClient div 2 + 10, 20, 20);
            SelectObject(uhdc, hOldBrush);
            HyelloBrush := CreateSolidBrush(RGB(255, 255, 0));
            hOldBrush := SelectObject(uhdc, HyelloBrush);
            Ellipse(uhdc, cxClient div 2 - 15, cyClient div 2, cxClient div 2 + 15, cyClient div 2 + 30);
            RoundRect(uhdc, cxClient div 2 - 15, cyClient div 2 + 10, cxClient div 2 + 15, cyClient div 2 + 15, 2, 2);
            SelectObject(uhdc, hRedBrush);
            Ellipse(uhdc, cxClient div 2 - 4, cyClient div 2 + 18, cxClient div 2 + 4, cyClient div 2 + 26);
            MoveToEx(uhdc, cxClient div 2, cyClient div 2 + 26, nil);
            LineTo(uhdc, cxClient div 2, cyClient div 2 + 30);
            SelectObject(uhdc, hOldBrush);
            pie(uhdc, cxClient div 2 - 50, cyClient div 2, cxClient div 2 + 50, cyClient div 2 + 100, cxClient div 2 - 50, cyClient div 2 + 50, cxClient div 2 + 50, cyClient div 2 + 50);
            pie(uhdc, cxClient div 2 - 20, cyClient div 2 + 130, cxClient div 2 + 20, cyClient div 2 + 170, cxClient div 2 + 20, cyClient div 2 + 150, cxClient div 2 - 20, cyClient div 2 + 150);
            hTempPen := CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 2, RGB(255, 255, 255));
            hOldPen := SelectObject(uhdc, hTempPen);
            MoveToEx(uhdc, cxClient div 2 - 20, cyClient div 2 + 150, nil);
            LineTo(uhdc, cxClient div 2 + 20, cyClient div 2 + 150);
            SelectObject(uhdc, hOldPen);
            Ellipse(uhdc, cxClient div 2 - 110, cyClient div 2 + 130, cxClient div 2 - 10, cyClient div 2 + 170);
            Ellipse(uhdc, cxClient div 2 + 110, cyClient div 2 + 130, cxClient div 2 + 10, cyClient div 2 + 170);
            hOldBrush := SelectObject(uhdc, hBlueBrush);
            apt[0].x := cxClient div 2 - 90;
            apt[0].y := cyClient div 2 + 10;
            apt[1].x := cxClient div 2 - 130;
            apt[1].y := cyClient div 2 + 50;
            apt[2].x := cxClient div 2 - 110;
            apt[2].y := cyClient div 2 + 70;
            apt[3].x := cxClient div 2 - 90;
            apt[3].y := cyClient div 2 + 60;
            Polygon(uhdc, apt, 4);
            SelectObject(uhdc, hOldBrush);
            Ellipse(uhdc, cxClient div 2 - 150, cyClient div 2 + 46, cxClient div 2 - 110, cyClient div 2 + 86);
            hOldBrush := SelectObject(uhdc, hBlueBrush);
            apt[0].x := cxClient div 2 + 90;
            apt[0].y := cyClient div 2 + 10;
            apt[1].x := cxClient div 2 + 130;
            apt[1].y := cyClient div 2 + 50;
            apt[2].x := cxClient div 2 + 110;
            apt[2].y := cyClient div 2 + 70;
            apt[3].x := cxClient div 2 + 90;
            apt[3].y := cyClient div 2 + 60;
            Polygon(uhdc, apt, 4);
            SelectObject(uhdc, hOldBrush);
            Ellipse(uhdc, cxClient div 2 + 150, cyClient div 2 + 46, cxClient div 2 + 110, cyClient div 2 + 86);
            hTempPen := CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 2, RGB(0, 159, 232));
            hOldPen := SelectObject(uhdc, hTempPen);
            MoveToEx(uhdc, cxClient div 2 - 90, cyClient div 2 + 10, nil);
            LineTo(uhdc, cxClient div 2 - 90, cyClient div 2 + 50);
            MoveToEx(uhdc, cxClient div 2 + 90, cyClient div 2 + 10, nil);
            LineTo(uhdc, cxClient div 2 + 90, cyClient div 2 + 50);
            MoveToEx(uhdc, cxClient div 2 - 20, cyClient div 2 + 150, nil);
            SelectObject(uhdc, hOldPen);
            EndPaint(hwnd, ps);
      result := DefWindowProc(hwnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam);
      swndClass.cbClsExtra := 0; //窗口类扩展,无
      swndClass.cbWndExtra := 0; //窗口实例扩展
      swndClass.hbrBackground := COLOR_BACKGROUND; //窗口背景颜色黑色
      swndClass.hCursor := LoadCursor(0, IDC_ARROW); //窗口采用箭头光标
      swndClass.hIcon := LoadIcon(0, IDI_APPLICATION); //窗口最小化图标:采用缺省图标
      swndClass.hInstance := hInstance; //窗口实例句柄
      swndClass.lpfnWndProc := @WindowProc; //窗口处理函数
      swndClass.lpszClassName := 'myWnd'; //窗口类名
      swndClass.lpszMenuName := nil; //窗口菜单
      swndClass.style := CS_DBLCLKS; //窗口样式
      if RegisterClass(swndClass) = 0 then
        Writeln('windows class register error!');
      mHwnd := CreateWindowEx(0, 'myWnd', 'Delphi Windows', WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW,  {滚动条添加}
        CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, 800, 800, HWND_DESKTOP, 0, hInstance, 0);
      ShowWindow(mHwnd, SW_SHOW);
      while GetMessage(message, 0, 0, 0) do











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