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  • 爆破一个二元函数加密的cm

    系统 : Windows xp

    程序 : cztria~1

    程序下载地址 :http://pan.baidu.com/s/1slUwmVr

    要求 : 爆破

    使用工具 : OD 



    废话不多说,直接查询到字符串:“            you did it!”,双击定位:

    0040137B  |.  6A 40         push    40                               ; /Count = 40 (64.)
    0040137D  |.  68 20334000   push    00403320                         ; |pediy
    00401382  |.  FF35 66324000 push    dword ptr [403266]               ; |hWnd = 000405D8 (class='Edit',parent=000505C0)
    00401388  |.  E8 A3080000   call    <jmp.&USER32.GetWindowTextA>     ; GetWindowTextA
    0040138D  |.  83F8 04       cmp     eax, 4                           ;  小于等于4?
    00401390  |.  0F8E 9F000000 jle     00401435
    00401396  |.  6A 40         push    40                               ; /Count = 40 (64.)
    00401398  |.  68 60334000   push    00403360                         ; |12345
    0040139D  |.  68 B90B0000   push    0BB9                             ; |ControlID = BB9 (3001.)
    004013A2  |.  FF75 08       push    dword ptr [ebp+8]                ; |hWnd
    004013A5  |.  E8 6E080000   call    <jmp.&USER32.GetDlgItemTextA>    ; GetDlgItemTextA
    004013AA  |.  83F8 04       cmp     eax, 4                           ;  小于等于4?
    004013AD  |.  0F8E 82000000 jle     00401435
    004013B3  |.  A3 62324000   mov     dword ptr [403262], eax
    004013B8  |.  FF35 66324000 push    dword ptr [403266]               ; /hWnd = 000405D8 (class='Edit',parent=000505C0)
    004013BE  |.  E8 AF080000   call    <jmp.&USER32.SetFocus>           ; SetFocus
    004013C3  |.  BF 20334000   mov     edi, 00403320                    ;  pediy
    004013C8  |.  BE 20334000   mov     esi, 00403320                    ;  pediy
    004013CD  |>  AC            /lods    byte ptr [esi]                  ;  循环迭代用户名字符串
    004013CE  |.  0C 00         |or      al, 0
    004013D0  |.  74 05         |je      short 004013D7
    004013D2  |.  0C 20         |or      al, 20
    004013D4  |.  AA            |stos    byte ptr es:[edi]
    004013D5  |.^ EB F6         jmp     short 004013CD
    004013D7  |>  BF A0324000   mov     edi, 004032A0
    004013DC  |.  BE 60334000   mov     esi, 00403360                    ;  12345
    004013E1  |.  8D1D 20334000 lea     ebx, dword ptr [403320]
    004013E7  |.  33C9          xor     ecx, ecx
    004013E9  |>  AC            /lods    byte ptr [esi]                  ;  循环迭代 密码
    004013EA  |.  0C 00         |or      al, 0
    004013EC  |.  74 17         |je      short 00401405
    004013EE  |.  8A13          |mov     dl, byte ptr [ebx]              ;  循环迭代 用户名
    004013F0  |.  2AD0          |sub     dl, al                          ;  用户名字符 - 密码字符
    004013F2  |.  80CA 00       |or      dl, 0                           ;  如果相同,则跳转出错
    004013F5  |.  74 3E         |je      short 00401435
    004013F7  |.  8AC2          |mov     al, dl
    004013F9  |.  24 0F         |and     al, 0F
    004013FB  |.  0C 00         |or      al, 0                           ;  al为0?
    004013FD  |.  74 36         |je      short 00401435                  ;  为0则跳转出错
    004013FF  |.  AA            |stos    byte ptr es:[edi]               ;  保存al成表
    00401400  |.  02C8          |add     cl, al                          ;  结果累加
    00401402  |.  43            |inc     ebx
    00401403  |.^ EB E4         jmp     short 004013E9
    00401405  |>  890D 6A324000 mov     dword ptr [40326A], ecx          ;  保存累加结果
    0040140B  |.  E8 27020000   call    00401637                         ;  关键call
    00401410  |.  BE A0324000   mov     esi, 004032A0
    00401415  |.  8B15 62324000 mov     edx, dword ptr [403262]          ;  取密码长度
    0040141B  |.  C1EA 02       shr     edx, 2                           ;  逻辑右移
    0040141E  |.  03F2          add     esi, edx
    00401420  |.  8A06          mov     al, byte ptr [esi]               ;  表中取值
    00401422  |.  33D2          xor     edx, edx
    00401424  |.  8B15 6E324000 mov     edx, dword ptr [40326E]
    0040142A  |.  2BD0          sub     edx, eax
    0040142C  |.  A1 6A324000   mov     eax, dword ptr [40326A]
    00401431  |.  3BC2          cmp     eax, edx
    00401433      75 31         jz     short 00401466
    00401435  |>  68 00200000   push    2000                             ; /Style = MB_OK|MB_TASKMODAL
    0040143A  |.  68 D1314000   push    004031D1                         ; |              error
    0040143F  |.  68 F9314000   push    004031F9                         ; | sorry cracker, wrong.
    00401444  |.  FF75 08       push    dword ptr [ebp+8]                ; |hOwner
    00401447  |.  E8 02080000   call    <jmp.&USER32.MessageBoxA>        ; MessageBoxA
    0040144C  |.  6A 40         push    40                               ; /Length = 40 (64.)
    0040144E  |.  68 E0324000   push    004032E0                         ; |Destination = cztria~1.004032E0
    00401453  |.  E8 56080000   call    <jmp.&KERNEL32.RtlZeroMemory>    ; RtlZeroMemory
    00401458  |.  6A 40         push    40                               ; /Length = 40 (64.)
    0040145A  |.  68 A0334000   push    004033A0                         ; |Destination = cztria~1.004033A0
    0040145F  |.  E8 4A080000   call    <jmp.&KERNEL32.RtlZeroMemory>    ; RtlZeroMemory
    00401464  |.  EB 2F         jmp     short 00401495
    00401466  |>  68 00200000   push    2000                             ; /Style = MB_OK|MB_TASKMODAL
    0040146B  |.  68 E5314000   push    004031E5                         ; |       <registered>
    00401470  |.  68 10324000   push    00403210                         ; |            you did it!
    00401475  |.  FF75 08       push    dword ptr [ebp+8]                ; |hOwner
    00401478  |.  E8 D1070000   call    <jmp.&USER32.MessageBoxA>        ; MessageBoxA
    0040147D  |.  6A 40         push    40                               ; /Length = 40 (64.)
    0040147F  |.  68 E0324000   push    004032E0                         ; |Destination = cztria~1.004032E0
    00401484  |.  E8 25080000   call    <jmp.&KERNEL32.RtlZeroMemory>    ; RtlZeroMemory
    00401489  |.  6A 40         push    40                               ; /Length = 40 (64.)
    0040148B  |.  68 A0334000   push    004033A0                         ; |Destination = cztria~1.004033A0
    00401490  |.  E8 19080000   call    <jmp.&KERNEL32.RtlZeroMemory>    ; RtlZeroMemory

    跟入 0040140B |. E8 27020000 call 00401637 ; 关键call

    00401637  /$  BE A0324000   mov     esi, 004032A0
    0040163C  |.  8B15 62324000 mov     edx, dword ptr [403262]          ;  取密码长度
    00401642  |.  52            push    edx
    00401643  |.  33C0          xor     eax, eax
    00401645  |.  83EA 01       sub     edx, 1
    00401648  |.  03F2          add     esi, edx
    0040164A  |.  8A06          mov     al, byte ptr [esi]               ;  表中取值
    0040164C  |.  F7E0          mul     eax
    0040164E  |.  5A            pop     edx
    0040164F  |.  83EA 01       sub     edx, 1
    00401652  |.  F7E2          mul     edx
    00401654  |.  B9 01000000   mov     ecx, 1
    00401659  |>  2BC1          /sub     eax, ecx
    0040165B  |.  83F8 00       |cmp     eax, 0                          ;  eax为0?
    0040165E  |.  7E 08         |jle     short 00401668
    00401660  |.  83C2 01       |add     edx, 1
    00401663  |.  83C1 02       |add     ecx, 2
    00401666  |.^ EB F1         jmp     short 00401659
    00401668  |>  52            push    edx                              ;  保存edx
    00401669  |.  BE A0324000   mov     esi, 004032A0
    0040166E  |.  8BFE          mov     edi, esi
    00401670  |.  8B15 62324000 mov     edx, dword ptr [403262]          ;  取密码长度
    00401676  |.  33C0          xor     eax, eax
    00401678  |.  83EA 01       sub     edx, 1
    0040167B  |.  03F2          add     esi, edx
    0040167D  |.  8A06          mov     al, byte ptr [esi]               ;  表中取值
    0040167F  |.  83C0 01       add     eax, 1
    00401682  |.  5A            pop     edx
    00401683  |.  03C2          add     eax, edx
    00401685  |.  D1E8          shr     eax, 1
    00401687  |.  8B15 62324000 mov     edx, dword ptr [403262]          ;  取密码长度
    0040168D  |.  03FA          add     edi, edx
    0040168F  |.  AA            stos    byte ptr es:[edi]
    00401690  |.  F7E0          mul     eax
    00401692  |.  8B15 62324000 mov     edx, dword ptr [403262]          ;  取密码长度
    00401698  |.  83EA 01       sub     edx, 1
    0040169B  |.  F7E2          mul     edx
    0040169D  |.  B9 01000000   mov     ecx, 1
    004016A2  |>  2BC1          /sub     eax, ecx
    004016A4  |.  83F8 00       |cmp     eax, 0                          ;  eax为0?
    004016A7  |.  7E 08         |jle     short 004016B1
    004016A9  |.  83C2 01       |add     edx, 1
    004016AC  |.  83C1 02       |add     ecx, 2
    004016AF  |.^ EB F1         jmp     short 004016A2
    004016B1  |>  52            push    edx
    004016B2  |.  BE A0324000   mov     esi, 004032A0
    004016B7  |.  8B15 62324000 mov     edx, dword ptr [403262]          ;  取密码长度
    004016BD  |.  33C0          xor     eax, eax
    004016BF  |.  03F2          add     esi, edx
    004016C1  |.  8A06          mov     al, byte ptr [esi]               ;  取表中末位
    004016C3  |.  83C0 01       add     eax, 1
    004016C6  |.  5A            pop     edx
    004016C7  |.  03C2          add     eax, edx
    004016C9  |.  D1E8          shr     eax, 1
    004016CB  |.  A3 6E324000   mov     dword ptr [40326E], eax          ;  保存结果
    004016D0  .  C3            retn

    这是一个典型的二元函数加密,将用户名与密码的差值生成一个表 和 累加值。再根据表生成两个特殊值。

    输入的结果差值要符合 特殊值1 - 特殊值2 == 累加结果


    00401433 /75 31 jnz short 00401466


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