一、 技术背景
非真实感绘制(Non-photorealistic rendering)
图17.2:(a)使用卡通着色法着色的对象(注意着色间的尖锐过渡)。(b)增强卡通效果,轮廓边(silhouette edge)被勾出。(c)使用标准散射光照着色的对象--摘自《龙书》
色阶效果采用了Diffuse Cubemap的方法实现。将模型法线作为第二套UV,根据光源方向设置适当的UV坐标变换矩阵,通过这套UV来索引一个保存了光照环境Diffuse光照信息的Cubemap贴图。普通的Diffuse Cubemap贴图上的光照信息是平滑过渡的,为了实现色阶效果,将普通的Diffuse Cubemap贴图在PhotoShop中进行色调分离,将连续的灰度变化变成4级灰度。
二、 实现原理
1. 把模型渲染到一张纹理图上;
2. 对这张图进行Sobel边缘检测,找出边界并把渲染到屏幕空间中。
索贝尔算子(Sobel operator)主要用作边缘检测,在技术上,它是一离散性差分算子,用来运算图像亮度函数的灰度之近似值。在图像的任何一点使用此算子,将会产生对应的灰度矢量或是其法矢量
Gx = (-1)*f(x-1, y-1) + 0*f(x,y-1) + 1*f(x+1,y-1)
+(-2)*f(x-1,y) + 0*f(x,y)+2*f(x+1,y)
+(-1)*f(x-1,y+1) + 0*f(x,y+1) + 1*f(x+1,y+1)
Gy =1* f(x-1, y-1) + 2*f(x,y-1)+ 1*f(x+1,y-1)
+0*f(x-1,y) 0*f(x,y) + 0*f(x+1,y)
+(-1)*f(x-1,y+1) + (-2)*f(x,y+1) + (-1)*f(x+1, y+1)
其中f(a,b), 表示图像(a,b)点的灰度值;
通常,为了提高效率 使用不开平方的近似值:
如果梯度G大于某一阀值 则认为该点(x,y)为边缘点。
计算出深度图中的像素梯度值G,我们预设一个阀值(Threshold)值T,G值大于T值时,认为该像素为深度变化较大的边缘,由此我们得到一张屏幕空间描边图(Edge Texture)。这种阈值化轮廓提取算法,已在数学上证明当像素点满足正态分布时所求解是最优的。
Pixel Shader:
//RT尺寸 off值即为相邻像素(想像一下九宫格)的距离
sampler RT: register(s0);
float4 myColor;
float fViewportWidth;
float fViewportHeight;
float4 ps_main(float2 texCoord: TEXCOORD0):COLOR
float4 newColor;
float offx=1.0f/fViewportWidth;
float offy=1.0f/fViewportHeight;
float p00 = tex2D( RT, texCoord + float2(-offx, -offy)).r;
float p01 = tex2D( RT, texCoord + float2( 0, -offy)).r;
float p02 = tex2D( RT, texCoord + float2( offx, -offy)).r;
float p10 = tex2D( RT, texCoord + float2(-offx, 0)).r;
float p12 = tex2D( RT, texCoord + float2( offx, 0)).r;
float p20 = tex2D( RT, texCoord + float2(-offx, offy)).r;
float p21 = tex2D( RT, texCoord + float2( 0, offy)).r;
float p22 = tex2D( RT, texCoord + float2( 1, offy)).r;
// sobel算子的横纵灰度值
float gx = (p00 + 2*p10 + p20) - (p02 + 2*p12 + p22);
float gy = (p00 + 2*p01 + p02) - (p20 + 2*p21 + p22);
float edgeSqr = gx*gx + gy*gy;
float final=1.0f - (edgeSqr < 0.07f*0.07f );
newColor.a = final;
return newColor;
float4x4 matViewProjection;
struct VS_INPUT
float4 Position : POSITION0;
float3 Normal : NORMAL0;
struct VS_OUTPUT
float4 Position : POSITION0;
VS_OUTPUT vs_main( VS_INPUT Input )
Output.Position = float4(Input.Position.xyz + Input.Normal*f1BiggerFactor1);
Output.Position = mul( Output.Position, matViewProjection );
return( Output );
sampler2D BaseMap;
float4 ps_main() : COLOR0
return float4(0, 1, 0, 1);
若两个三角面face0和face1在视图方向上与两个不同方向的面共享同一条边,则该边为轮廓边。也就是说,如果一个面是前面(front facing)而另一个面是后面(back facing),那么这条边就是一条轮廓边。图17.8给出了一个轮廓边和一个非轮廓边的例子。
图17.8:在(a)中,由v0 和v1定义的共享边的一个面是前面,而共享边另一个面是背面,因此该边是轮廓边。在(b)中,由v0 和v1定义的这两个共享边面都是前面,因此该边不是轮廓边。
要实现卡通着色,我们采用Lander在2000年3月发表在Game Developer Magazine的文章“Shades of Disney: Opaquing a 3D World”中所描述的方法。它像这样工作:我们创建一个带强度级别的灰度纹理,它包含我们需要的不同的着色强度。图17.3显示了我们在样例程序中使用的这个纹理。
图 17.3:用来保存着色强度的着色纹理。注意观察不连续的着色间过渡和纹理着色强度必须从左到右增加。
然后在顶点着色器中,我们执行标准散射点积运算(standard diffuse calculation dot product)来确定顶点法线N和光线向量L之间角度的余弦,用以确定顶点接收到多少光线:s=L·N
如果s<0,就表示光线向量和顶点法线之间的角度大于90度,也就表示该表面接收不到光线。因此,如果s<0,我们就让s=0。所以s ∈ [0, 1]。
现在,在通常的散射光照模型中,我们使用s来标记颜色向量。这样,顶点颜色的明暗取决于接收到的光照的数量:diffuseColor = s(r, g, b, a)
注意:标量(scalar)s必定是一个有效的纹理坐标,因为s ∈ [0, 1],这是通常的纹理坐标区间。
图17.4:那么,s ∈ [0, 0.33]的值使用shader0着色,s ∈ [ 0.33,0.66]的值使用shader1着色,s ∈ [0.66,1]的值使用shader2着色。当然,从这些着色的一种到另一种的过渡是不平滑的,这就赋予了我们期望的效果。
为了实现卡通着色, 我们需要创建一个带强度级别的灰度纹理, 来达到卡通绘画中的阴影过度效果。
然后在顶点着色器中,我们执行基本的散射运算,通过 光向量L与法向量N的点积,以确定顶点接受到了多少光线:
S= L.N
如果s<0;表明光线和顶点法线间的夹角大于90度,顶点接受不到任何光线,所以如果s<0,则让s=0; 以便让s位于[0,1]之间,方便在纹理坐标空间取值。
像素处理器中,我们从亮度纹理中取值, 由于亮度纹理只有3中颜色,所以着色的结果是一种颜色到另一种颜色的生硬过度,这正是我们所期望的。
VS_OUTPUT vs_main( VS_INPUT Input )
Output.Position = mul( Input.Position, matViewProjection );
float3 posW = mul( matView, Input.Position );
float3 normalW = mul( Input.Normal, matView);
float diffuse = max(0, dot(vecLightDir, normalW));
Output.Texcoord.x = diffuse;
Output.Texcoord.y = 0.0f;
return( Output );
sampler cartoonMap;
float4 ps_main( float2 tex:TEXCOORD0) : COLOR0
return tex2D( cartoonMap, tex);
三、 RenderMonkey实践
Now.It's action time:
四、 高斯模糊,随机颜色
其中报了个错,error X3025: global variables are implicitly constant, enable compatibility mode to allow modification,需要注意下这是因为当前编译的shader基于一个较老的shader版本,必须指定兼容模式D3DXSHADER_ENABLE_BACKWARDS_COMPATIBILITY才能 编译通过也就是在调用D3DXCompileShaderFromFile编译shader时,第6个参数必须包含此值。在RM中所以不要动态地改变全局变量值,直接中间赋值给一个局部变量吧~
五、 实际应用,RT处理
无心试了下Sobel算子,特别提下,发现网上有的代码使用Sobel的最终计算是错误的,如float final=1.0f - (edgeSqr > 0.07f*0.07f ); ,实际应为颜色值变化大的情况下,为false,返回1.0f,如下float final=1.0f - (edgeSqr < 0.07f*0.07f );

六、 其它相关内容
附录《RenderMonkey Predefined Variables》,省的总是把参数忘了~
--摘自RenderMonkey Documentation.pdf
Predefined Variables
RenderMonkey provides a set of predefined variables for added shader development
convenience. Such variables will display an appropriate tool tip (Predefined Variable) if
the mouse hovers over them. Predefined variables are shader constants whose values get
filled in at run-time by the viewer module directly at every frame. You cannot modify the
values directly through the same user interface that you can use to edit other variables of
similar types. A properly flagged predefined variable will be denoted in the workspace
tree view with a symbol over the nodes icon. For example:
RenderMonkey provides this set of predefined variables for your convenience:
Provides a floating point time value (in seconds) which repeats itself based on the
“Cycle time” set in the RenderMonkey Preferences dialog. By default this “Cycle
time” is set to 120 seconds. This means that the value of this variable cycles from
0 to 120 in 120 seconds and then goes back to 0 again.
This variable will provide the cosine of Time0_X.
This variable will provide the sine of Time0_X.
This variable will provide the tangent of Time0_X.
This variable will pack the above xxxTime0_X variables into a 4 component
floating point vector.
Example: float4(Time0_X,CosTime0_X,SinTime0_X,TanTime0_X).
This variable provides a scaled floating point time value [0..1] which repeats itself
based on the “Cycle time” set in the RenderMonkey Preferences dialog. By
default this “Cycle time” is set to 120 seconds. This means that the value of this
variable cycles from 0 to 1 in 120 seconds and then goes back to 0 again.
This variable will provide the cosine of Time0_1.
This variable will provide the sine of Time0_1.
This variable will provide the tangent of Time0_1.
This variable will pack the above xxxTime0_1 variables into a 4 component
floating point vector.
Example: float4(Time0_1,CosTime0_1,SinTime0_1,TanTime0_1).
This variable provides a scaled floating point time value [0..2PI] which repeats
itself based on the “Cycle time” set in the RenderMonkey Preferences dialog. By
default this “Cycle time” is set to 120 seconds. This means that the value of this
variable cycles from 0 to 2PI in 120 seconds and then goes back to 0 again.
This variable will provide the cosine of Time0_2PI.
This variable will provide the sine of Time0_2PI.
This variable will provide the tangent of Time0_2PI .
This variable will pack the above xxxTime0_2PI variables into a 4 component
floating point vector.
Example: float4(Time0_2PI,CosTime0_2PI,SinTime0_2PI,TanTime0_2PI).
This variable provides the “Cycle time” floating point value, as set in the
RenderMonkey Preferences dialog. By default this “Cycle time” is set to 120
This variable provides the calculated frames per second, returned as a floating
point value.
This variable provides the elapsed time (in seconds) from the last frame to the
current frame, returned as a floating point value.
This variable provides the preview window width (in pixels), returned as a
floating point value.
This variable provides the preview window height (in pixels), returned as a
floating point value.
This variable provides the preview window width and height (in pixels), returned
as a float2 value.
This variable will return 1.0 / ViewportWidth. 【重剑注:NND!就是倒数啊!--囧,估计这位仁兄在此栽过跟头】
This variable will return 1.0 / ViewportHeight.
This variable provides the inverse of the “ViewportDimensions”, returned as a
float2 value.
Random Values
Each of these variables provide a random floating point value in the range of
[0..1]. These values are updated each pass.
Each of these variables provide a random floating point value in the range of
[0..1]. These values are updated each effect.
This variable will provide the pass index, returned as a floating point value.
Mouse Parameters
This variable will return a floating point value of 1.0 if the left mouse button is
currently pressed, or 0.0 if it is not currently pressed.
This variable will return a floating point value of 1.0 if the middle mouse button is
currently pressed, or 0.0 if it is not currently pressed.
This variable will return a floating point value of 1.0 if the right mouse button is
currently pressed, or 0.0 if it is not currently pressed.
This variable will pack the above xxxMouseButton variables into a 4 component
floating point vector.
Example: float4(LeftMouseButton,MiddleMouseButton,RightMouseButton ,0.0).
This variable will return the horizontal mouse position (in pixels), relative to the
client area of the preview window, returned as a floating point value.
This variable will return the vertical mouse position (in pixels), relative to the
client area of the preview window, returned as a floating point value.
This variable will return "MouseCoordinateX" / "ViewportWidth".
This variable will return "MouseCoordinateY" / "ViewportHeight".
This variable will pack the above MouseCoordinatexxx variables into a 4
component floating point vector.
Example: float4(MouseCoordinateX,MouseCoordinateY,XNDC,YNDC).
This variable will return the "MouseCoordinateX" and "MouseCoordinateY"
coordinates into a 2 component floating point vector.
Example: float2(MouseCoordinateX,MouseCoordinateY).
This variable will return the "MouseCoordinateXNDC" and
"MouseCoordinateYNDC" coordinates into a 2 component floating point vector.
Example: float2(MouseCoordinateXNDC,MouseCoordinateYNDC).
Model Parameters
This variable provides the top left coordinate of the model as a 3 component
floating point vector (world space).
This variable provides the bottom right coordinate of the model as a 3 component
floating point vector (world space).
This variable provides the bounding box center of the model as a 3 component
floating point vector (world space).
This variable provides the centroid of the model as a 3 component floating point
vector (world space).
This variable provides the bounding sphere center of the model as a 3 component
floating point vector (world space).
This variable provides the bounding sphere radius of the model as a single
component floating point value (world space).
View Parameters
This variable provides the view direction vector (world space).
This variable provides the view position (world space).
This variable provides the view size vector (world space).
This variable provides the view up vector (world space).
This variable provides the field of view as a floating point value.
This variable provides the near clip distance as a floating point value.
This variable provides the far clip distance as a floating point value.
View Matrices
These 4x4 matrix variables provide the view matrix, its transpose, its inverse, and
the inverse transpose.
These 4x4 matrix variables provide the projection matrix, its transpose, its
inverse, and the inverse transpose.
These 4x4 matrix variables provide the view * projection matrix, its transpose, its
inverse, and the inverse transpose.
These 4x4 matrix variables provide the world matrix, its transpose, its inverse,
and the inverse transpose. Note that since this version of RenderMonkey does not
support implementation of a scene graph, we have decided to keep the world
matrix as identity, but provide this predefined variable for your development
convenience. The user may apply this variable in their shader and when imported
into their engine, they may provide appropriate value of the world view projection
matrix through the engine’s calculations.
These 4x4 matrix variables provide the world * view matrix, its transpose, its
inverse, and the inverse transpose.
These 4x4 matrix variables provide the World * View * Projection matrix, its
transpose, its inverse, and the inverse transpose.
Customizing Predefined Variable Names
All predefined variable names are customizable through editing the
“.\UserData\RmPredefinedVariabled.txt” file. The data file is organized into four
columns. The first column contains the name that the variable will be created with by
default. This column is editable by the user. No other column data should be modified.
The second column specifies the variable type; the third column specifies the rendering
update frequency, and the fourth column species the predefined variable semantic. When
items in the first column have been modified, RenderMonkey should be restarted for the
changes to take effect.