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  • oracle基本笔记整理及案例分析1

    create tablespace worktbs
    datafile 'E:E盘worktbs01.dbf'
    size 10M autoextend on;
    --drop tablespace worktbs;
    create user martin            --用户名
    identified by martin          --密码
    default tablespace worktbs    --默认表空间
    temporary tablespace temp     --临时表空间
    grant all privileges to martin;
    --alter user martin identified by mpwd;
    --drop user martin cascade;
    grant connect,resource to martin;
    revoke connect,resource from martin;
    grant select on scott.emp to martin;
    grant update on scott.emp to martin;
    create sequence seql                --序列名字
    start with 1                        --从1开始
    increment by 1                      --每次加1
    maxvalue 2000                       --最大为2000
    nocycle                             --不循环,循环的话是cycle
    cache 30                            --缓冲30个序列号
    select sys_guid() from dual;
    nextval    每次返回下一个值   序列名.nextval (seql.nextcval)
    currval    每次返回当前的值   序列名.currval  (swql.currval)
    --更改序列(注:不能修改序列中的参数 strat with)
    /*alter sequence seql 
    increment by 2                      --每次增长2
    maxvalue 30000                      --最大值是30000
    minvalue 20                         --最小值是20
    cycle                               --重复
    --drop sequence seql
    select sys_guid() from dual;
    create synonym sy_emp for scott.dept;
    select * from sy_emp;
    create public synonym public_sy_emp for test.employee;
    select * from public_sy_emp;
    --drop [public] synonym 同义词名字 
    --create [unique(是否为唯一索引)] index_name on table_name (列名) [表空间]
    --create index index_reverse_empno on employee(empno) reverse;
    --create bitmap index index_bit_job   --索引名
    --on employee(job);
    --create index index_ename on employee (upper(ename));
    create tablespace tablespaces datafile 'E:E盘第三期Y2内容1.oracle内容第一本书使用Hibernate开发租房系统第二章oracle数据库应用	ablespaces.dbf'
    size 4M;
    autoextend on;    --或者on可不可以自动扩充
    alter database datafile 'E:E盘	ablespaces.dbf' resize=8M;
    alter database add datafile 'E:E盘	ablespace2.dbf'
    autoextend on;
    --drop tablespace tablespaces include contents ;
    create user username
    identified by 123
    default tablespace tablespaces --指定表空间
    drop user username;
    grant connect,resouce to martin;
    grant create public synonym to username;   --给用户一个创建公有同义词的权限
    1.system授权grant create public synonym to username;
    create or replace public synonym public_toys for scott.emp;

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/a1111/p/6540247.html
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