package com.ccq.webSocket; import com.ccq.pojo.User; import com.ccq.utils.CommonDate; import net.sf.json.JSONObject; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession; import javax.websocket.*; import javax.websocket.server.PathParam; import javax.websocket.server.ServerEndpoint; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; /** * @author ccq * @Description webSocket服务 * @date 2017/12/16 17:31 */ @ServerEndpoint(value="/chatServer/{userid}", configurator = HttpSessionConfigurator.class) public class ChatServer { private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(ChatServer.class); private static int onlineCount = 0; // 记录连接数目 // Map<用户id,用户信息> private static Map<String, OnlineUser> onlineUserMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, OnlineUser>(); //在线用户 /** * 连接成功调用的方法 */ @OnOpen public void onOpen(@PathParam("userid") String userid , Session session, EndpointConfig config){ logger.info("[ChatServer] connection : userid = " + userid + " , sessionId = " + session.getId()); // 增加用户数量 addOnlineCount(); // 获取当前用户的session HttpSession httpSession = (HttpSession) config.getUserProperties().get(HttpSession.class.getName()); User user = (User) httpSession.getAttribute("user"); // 获得当前用户信息 // 将当前用户存到在线用户列表中 OnlineUser onlineUser = new OnlineUser(user.getUserid(),user.getNickname(),session); onlineUserMap.put(user.getUserid(),onlineUser); // 通知所有在线用户,当前用户上线 String content = "[" + CommonDate.getTime24() + " : " + user.getNickname() + "加入聊天室,当前在线人数为 " + getOnlineCount() + "位" + "]"; JSONObject msg = new JSONObject(); msg.put("content",content); String message = Message.getMessage(msg.toString(),Message.NOTICE,onlineUserMap.values()); Message.broadcast(message,onlineUserMap.values()); } /** * 连接关闭方法 */ @OnClose public void onClose(@PathParam("userid") String userid,Session session,CloseReason closeReason){ logger.info("[ChatServer] close : userid = " + userid + " , sessionId = " + session.getId() + " , closeCode = " + closeReason.getCloseCode().getCode() + " , closeReason = " +closeReason.getReasonPhrase()); // 减少当前用户 subOnlienCount(); // 移除的用户信息 OnlineUser removeUser = onlineUserMap.remove(userid); onlineUserMap.remove(userid); // 通知所有在线用户,当前用户下线 String content = "["+ CommonDate.getTime24() + " : " + removeUser.getNickname() + " 离开聊天室,当前在线人数为 " + getOnlineCount() + "位" + "]"; JSONObject msg = new JSONObject(); msg.put("content",content); if(onlineUserMap.size() > 0){ String message = Message.getMessage(msg.toString(), Message.NOTICE, onlineUserMap.values()); Message.broadcast(message,onlineUserMap.values()); }else{ logger.info("content : ["+ CommonDate.getTime24() + " : " + removeUser.getNickname() + " 离开聊天室,当前在线人数为 " + getOnlineCount() + "位" + "]"); } } /** * 接收客户端的message,判断是否有接收人而选择进行广播还是指定发送 * @param data 客户端发来的消息 */ @OnMessage public void onMessage(@PathParam("userid") String userid,String data){ logger.info("[ChatServer] onMessage : userid = " + userid + " , data = " + data); JSONObject messageJson = JSONObject.fromObject(data); JSONObject message = messageJson.optJSONObject("message"); String to = message.optString("to"); String from = message.optString("from"); // 将用户id转换为名称 to = this.userIdCastNickName(to); OnlineUser fromUser = onlineUserMap.get(from); String sendMessage = Message.getContent(fromUser,to,message.optString("content"),message.optString("time")); String returnData = Message.getMessage(sendMessage, messageJson.optString("type"),null); if(to == null || to.equals("")){ // 进行广播 Message.broadcast(returnData.toString(),onlineUserMap.values()); }else{ Message.singleSend(returnData.toString(), onlineUserMap.get(from)); // 发送给自己 String[] useridList = message.optString("to").split(","); for(String id : useridList){ if(!id.equals(from)){ Message.singleSend(returnData.toString(), onlineUserMap.get(id)); // 分别发送给指定的用户 } } } } /** * 发生错误 * @param throwable */ @OnError public void onError(@PathParam("userid") String userid,Session session,Throwable throwable){ logger.info("[ChatServer] close : userid = " + userid + " , sessionId = " + session.getId() +" , throwable = " + throwable.getMessage() ); } public static int getOnlineCount() { return onlineCount; } public synchronized void addOnlineCount(){ onlineCount++; } public synchronized void subOnlienCount(){ onlineCount--; } /** * 将用户id转换为名称 * @param userIds * @return */ private String userIdCastNickName(String userIds){ String niceNames = ""; if(userIds != null && !userIds.equals("")){ String[] useridList = userIds.split(","); String toName = ""; for (String id : useridList){ toName = toName + onlineUserMap.get(id).getNickname() + ","; } niceNames = toName.substring(0,toName.length() - 1); } return niceNames; } }
public class OnlineUser { private String userid; private String nickname; private Session session; }
package com.ccq.webSocket; import net.sf.json.JSONArray; import net.sf.json.JSONObject; import org.apache.commons.collections.CollectionUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import javax.websocket.Session; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; /** * @author ccq * @Description 消息类 * @date 2017/12/16 19:08 */ public class Message { private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(Message.class); /** * 消息类型 */ public static String NOTICE = "notice"; //通知 public static String MESSAGE = "message"; //消息 /** * 组装信息返回给前台 * @param message 交互信息 * @param type 信息类型 * @param userList 在线列表 * @return * * "massage" : { * "from" : "xxx", * "to" : "xxx", * "content" : "xxx", * "time" : "xxxx.xx.xx" * }, * "type" : {notice|message}, * "list" : {[xx],[xx],[xx]} */ public static String getMessage(String message,String type,Collection<OnlineUser> userList){ JSONObject msg = new JSONObject(); msg.put("message",message); msg.put("type", type); if(CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(userList)){ List<String> propertys = new ArrayList<String>(); propertys.add("session"); JSONArray userListArray = JSONArray.fromObject(userList,JsonConfigUtils.getJsonConfig(propertys)); msg.put("list", userListArray); } return msg.toString(); } /** * 消息内容 * @param fromUser * @param to * @param content * @param time * @return * { * "from" : "xxx", * "to" : "xxx", * "content" : "xxx", * "time" : "xxxx.xx.xx" * } */ public static String getContent(OnlineUser fromUser,String to,String content,String time){ JSONObject contentJson = new JSONObject(); // 转化为json串时去掉session,用户session不能被序列化 List<String> propertys = new ArrayList<String>(); propertys.add("session"); contentJson.put("from",JSONObject.fromObject(fromUser,JsonConfigUtils.getJsonConfig(propertys))); contentJson.put("to",to); contentJson.put("content",content); contentJson.put("time",time); return contentJson.toString(); } /** * 广播消息 * @param message 消息 * @param onlineUsers 在线用户 */ public static void broadcast(String message,Collection<OnlineUser> onlineUsers){ /***************************在线用户***************************/ StringBuffer userStr = new StringBuffer(); for(OnlineUser user : onlineUsers){ userStr.append(user.getNickname() + ","); } userStr.deleteCharAt(userStr.length()-1); logger.info("[broadcast] message = " + message + ", onlineUsers = " + userStr.toString()); /***************************在线用户***************************/ for(OnlineUser user : onlineUsers){ try { user.getSession().getBasicRemote().sendText(message); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); logger.info("消息发送失败!" + e.getMessage()); continue; } } } /** * 对特定用户发送消息 * @param message * @param onlineUser */ public static void singleSend(String message, OnlineUser onlineUser){ logger.info("[singleSend] message = " + message + ", toUser = " + onlineUser.getNickname()); try { onlineUser.getSession().getBasicRemote().sendText(message); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); logger.info("消息发送失败!" + e.getMessage()); } } }
@RequestMapping(value = "{userid}/upload", method = RequestMethod.POST,produces = "application/json; charset=utf-8") @ResponseBody public String updateUserPassword(@PathVariable("userid") String userid,String image,HttpServletRequest request){ JSONObject responseJson = new JSONObject(); String filePath = "I:\IDEA2017-02\img\"; String PicName= UUID.randomUUID().toString()+".png"; String header ="data:image"; String[] imageArr=image.split(","); if(imageArr[0].contains(header)) {//是img的 // 去掉头部 image=imageArr[1]; // 修改图片 BASE64Decoder decoder = new BASE64Decoder(); try { byte[] decodedBytes = decoder.decodeBuffer(image); // 将字符串格式的image转为二进制流(biye[])的decodedBytes String imgFilePath = filePath + PicName; //指定图片要存放的位 File targetFile = new File(filePath); if(!targetFile.exists()){ targetFile.mkdirs(); } FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(imgFilePath);//新建一个文件输出器,并为它指定输出位置imgFilePath out.write(decodedBytes); //利用文件输出器将二进制格式decodedBytes输出 out.close(); // 修改图片 User user = userService.getUserById(userid); user.setProfilehead(PicName); int flag = userService.updateUser(user); if(flag > 0){ Log log = LogUtil.setLog(userid, CommonDate.getTime24(), WordDefined.LOG_TYPE_UPDATE,WordDefined.LOG_DETAIL_UPDATE_PROFILEHEAD, NetUtil.getIpAddress(request)); logService.insertLog(log); }else{ responseJson.put("result","error"); responseJson.put("msg","上传失败!"); } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } responseJson.put("result","ok"); responseJson.put("msg","上传成功!"); responseJson.put("fileUrl","/pic/" + PicName); return responseJson.toString(); }