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  • 用DataSetSurrogate加速WebService

          众所周知,DataSet里面存放的实际上就是一堆的xml,当然,光说xml的文件宽泛了,实际上是用Xml描述的DataTable, DataColumn,, DataSet。在没有动作以前,DataSet里面的东西都是XmlSchema,当我们在WebService里面调用的时候,那么一堆的XmlSchema带着数据,就一起在网络上传输了,这样拖家带口的,肯定就慢,而且还有不少的冗余信息,所以在老外经过对DataSet里面进行解剖以后,就发现了一个比较有效的方法,分离。
     至于分离,主要分离的是Schema和data,这样拆开来做,不仅减少了数据的冗余,而且提高了传输的效率,打成流的东西,想不快都难。谁叫网络上传输的都是0和1。当然,里面也要注意还原性,有些网站上给例子,竟然把序列化以后的流给toArray()转化,试想,序列化以后的东西如果进行了转化,那么数据进行了填充,本来用八位表示一个一的,转化后用十六位表示了,那传输过去,反序列化肯定失败,因为本质变了,数据被拆分填充了,再怎么变肯定也变不回来了,当然,你bt一点还是可以变回来,但是你要付出一个怎样的代价,也就不好估计了。所以说,对于序列化后的在流里面的东西,你最好别动。
     还有一个要注意的地方是在分离和重组的时候,Table的强制性约束和只读属性一定要撤了,读完或者写完在加上,要不然你就只有抱着异常去哭了。
    public byte[] GetBinaryFormatData(DataSet m_ds)
     {
     byte[] binaryDataResult = null;
     MemoryStream memStream = new MemoryStream();
     IFormatter m_formatter = new BinaryFormatter();
     DataSetSurrogate dss = new DataSetSurrogate(m_ds);
     m_formatter.Serialize(memStream, dss);
     memStream.Write(binaryDataResult, 0, memStream.Length);
     memStream.Close();
     memStream.Dispose();
     return binaryDataResult;
     }
     public DataSet RetrieveDataSet(byte[] binaryData)
     {
     DataSet dataSetResult=null;
     DataSetSurrogate dataSurrogateSet = null;
     MemoryStream memStream = new MemoryStream(binaryData);
     IFormatter brFormatter = new BinaryFormatter();
     object obj = brFormatter.Deserialize(memStream);
     dataSurrogateSet = obj as DataSetSurrogate;
     dataSurrogateSet.ReadDataIntoDataSet(dataSetResult);
     return dataSetResult;
     }
    using System;
    using System.IO;
    using System.ComponentModel;
    using System.Collections;
    using System.Globalization;
    using System.Xml;
    using System.Data;
    using System.Runtime.Serialization;
    using System.Diagnostics;
     Author : Ravinder Vuppula.
     Purpose : To implement binary serialization of the DataSet through a Surrogate object.
     Notes:
     1. All the surrogate objects DataSetSurrogate, DataTableSurrogate, DataColumnSurrogate are marked [Serializable] and hence will get automatically serialized by the remoting framework.
     2. The data is serialized in binary "column" wise.
     3. This class can be used as a wrapper around DataSet. A DataSetSurrogate object can be constructed from DataSet and vice-versa. This helps if the user wants to wrap the DataSet in DataSetSurrogate and serialize and deserialize DataSetSurrogate instead.
     History:
     05/10/04 - Fix for the issue of serializing default values.
    public class DataSetSurrogate {
     //DataSet properties
     private string _datasetName;
     private string _namespace;
     private string _prefix;
     private bool _caseSensitive;
     private CultureInfo _locale;
     private bool _enforceConstraints;
     //ForeignKeyConstraints
     private ArrayList _fkConstraints;//An ArrayList of foreign key constraints : [constraintName]->[parentTableIndex, parentcolumnIndexes]->[childTableIndex, childColumnIndexes]->[AcceptRejectRule, UpdateRule, Delete]->[extendedProperties]
     //Relations
     private ArrayList _relations;//An ArrayList of foreign key constraints : [relationName]->[parentTableIndex, parentcolumnIndexes]->[childTableIndex, childColumnIndexes]->[Nested]->[extendedProperties]
     //ExtendedProperties
     private Hashtable _extendedProperties;
     //Columns and Rows
     private DataTableSurrogate[] _dataTableSurrogates;
     Constructs a DataSetSurrogate object from a DataSet.
     public DataSetSurrogate(DataSet ds) {
     if (ds == null) {
     throw new ArgumentNullException("The parameter dataset is null");
     }
     //DataSet properties
     _datasetName = ds.DataSetName;
     _namespace = ds.Namespace;
     _prefix = ds.Prefix;
     _caseSensitive = ds.CaseSensitive;
     _locale = ds.Locale;
     _enforceConstraints = ds.EnforceConstraints;
     //Tables, Columns, Rows
     _dataTableSurrogates = new DataTableSurrogate[ds.Tables.Count];
     for (int i = 0; i < ds.Tables.Count; i++) {
     _dataTableSurrogates[i] = new DataTableSurrogate(ds.Tables[i]);
     }
     //ForeignKeyConstraints
     _fkConstraints = GetForeignKeyConstraints(ds);
     //Relations
     _relations = GetRelations(ds);
     //ExtendedProperties
     _extendedProperties = new Hashtable();
     if (ds.ExtendedProperties.Keys.Count > 0) {
     foreach (object propertyKey in ds.ExtendedProperties.Keys) {
     _extendedProperties.Add(propertyKey, ds.ExtendedProperties[propertyKey]);
     }
     }
     }
     Constructs a DataSet from the DataSetSurrogate object. This can be used after the user recieves a Surrogate object over the wire and wished to construct a DataSet from it.
     public DataSet ConvertToDataSet() {
     DataSet ds = new DataSet();
     ReadSchemaIntoDataSet(ds);
     ReadDataIntoDataSet(ds);
     return ds;
     }
     Reads the schema into the dataset from the DataSetSurrogate object.
     public void ReadSchemaIntoDataSet(DataSet ds) {
     if (ds == null) {
     throw new ArgumentNullException("The dataset parameter cannot be null");
     }
     //DataSet properties
     ds.DataSetName = _datasetName;
     ds.Namespace = _namespace;
     ds.Prefix = _prefix;
     ds.CaseSensitive = _caseSensitive;
     ds.Locale = _locale;
     ds.EnforceConstraints = _enforceConstraints;
     //Tables, Columns
     Debug.Assert(_dataTableSurrogates != null);
     foreach (DataTableSurrogate dataTableSurrogate in _dataTableSurrogates) {
     DataTable dt = new DataTable();
     dataTableSurrogate.ReadSchemaIntoDataTable(dt);
     ds.Tables.Add(dt);
     }
     //ForeignKeyConstraints
     SetForeignKeyConstraints(ds, _fkConstraints);
     //Relations
     SetRelations(ds, _relations);
     //Set ExpressionColumns
     Debug.Assert(_dataTableSurrogates != null);
     Debug.Assert(ds.Tables.Count == _dataTableSurrogates.Length);
     for (int i = 0; i < ds.Tables.Count; i++) {
     DataTable dt = ds.Tables[i];
     DataTableSurrogate dataTableSurrogate = _dataTableSurrogates[i];
     dataTableSurrogate.SetColumnExpressions(dt);
     }
     //ExtendedProperties
     Debug.Assert(_extendedProperties != null);
     if (_extendedProperties.Keys.Count > 0) {
     foreach (object propertyKey in _extendedProperties.Keys) {
     ds.ExtendedProperties.Add(propertyKey, _extendedProperties[propertyKey]);
     }
     }
     }
     Reads the data into the dataset from the DataSetSurrogate object.
     public void ReadDataIntoDataSet(DataSet ds) {
     if (ds == null) {
     throw new ArgumentNullException("The dataset parameter cannot be null");
     }
     //Suppress read-only columns and constraint rules when loading the data
     ArrayList readOnlyList = SuppressReadOnly(ds);
     ArrayList constraintRulesList = SuppressConstraintRules(ds);
     //Rows
     Debug.Assert(IsSchemaIdentical(ds));
     Debug.Assert(_dataTableSurrogates != null);
     Debug.Assert(ds.Tables.Count == _dataTableSurrogates.Length);
     bool enforceConstraints = ds.EnforceConstraints;
     ds.EnforceConstraints = false;
     for (int i = 0; i < ds.Tables.Count; i++) {
     DataTable dt = ds.Tables[i];
     DataTableSurrogate dataTableSurrogate = _dataTableSurrogates[i];
     dataTableSurrogate.ReadDataIntoDataTable(ds.Tables[i], false);
     }
     ds.EnforceConstraints = enforceConstraints;
     //Reset read-only columns and constraint rules back after loading the data
     ResetReadOnly(ds, readOnlyList);
     ResetConstraintRules(ds, constraintRulesList);
     }
     Gets foreignkey constraints availabe on the tables in the dataset.
     ***Serialized foreign key constraints format : [constraintName]->[parentTableIndex, parentcolumnIndexes]->[childTableIndex, childColumnIndexes]->[AcceptRejectRule, UpdateRule, Delete]->[extendedProperties]***
     private ArrayList GetForeignKeyConstraints(DataSet ds) {
     Debug.Assert(ds != null);
     ArrayList constraintList = new ArrayList();
     for (int i = 0; i < ds.Tables.Count; i++) {
     DataTable dt = ds.Tables[i];
     for (int j = 0; j < dt.Constraints.Count; j++) {
     Constraint c = dt.Constraints[j];
     ForeignKeyConstraint fk = c as ForeignKeyConstraint;
     if (fk != null) {
     string constraintName = c.ConstraintName;
     int[] parentInfo = new int[fk.RelatedColumns.Length + 1];
     parentInfo[0] = ds.Tables.IndexOf(fk.RelatedTable);
     for (int k = 1; k < parentInfo.Length; k++) {
     parentInfo[k] = fk.RelatedColumns[k - 1].Ordinal;
     }
     int[] childInfo = new int[fk.Columns.Length + 1];
     childInfo[0] = i;//Since the constraint is on the current table, this is the child table.
     for (int k = 1; k < childInfo.Length; k++) {
     childInfo[k] = fk.Columns[k - 1].Ordinal;
     }
     ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
     list.Add(constraintName);
     list.Add(parentInfo);
     list.Add(childInfo);
     list.Add(new int[] { (int) fk.AcceptRejectRule, (int) fk.UpdateRule, (int) fk.DeleteRule });
     Hashtable extendedProperties = new Hashtable();
     if (fk.ExtendedProperties.Keys.Count > 0) {
     foreach (object propertyKey in fk.ExtendedProperties.Keys) {
     extendedProperties.Add(propertyKey, fk.ExtendedProperties[propertyKey]);
     }
     }
     list.Add(extendedProperties);
     constraintList.Add(list);
     }
     }
     }
     return constraintList;
     }
     Adds foreignkey constraints to the tables in the dataset. The arraylist contains the serialized format of the foreignkey constraints.
     ***Deserialize the foreign key constraints format : [constraintName]->[parentTableIndex, parentcolumnIndexes]->[childTableIndex, childColumnIndexes]->[AcceptRejectRule, UpdateRule, Delete]->[extendedProperties]***
     private void SetForeignKeyConstraints(DataSet ds, ArrayList constraintList) {
     Debug.Assert(ds != null);
     Debug.Assert(constraintList != null);
     foreach (ArrayList list in constraintList) {
     Debug.Assert(list.Count == 5);
     string constraintName = (string) list[0];
     int[] parentInfo = (int[]) list[1];
     int[] childInfo = (int[]) list[2];
     int[] rules = (int[]) list[3];
     Hashtable extendedProperties = (Hashtable) list[4];
     //ParentKey Columns.
     Debug.Assert(parentInfo.Length >= 1);
     DataColumn[] parentkeyColumns = new DataColumn[parentInfo.Length - 1];
     for (int i = 0; i < parentkeyColumns.Length; i++) {
     Debug.Assert(ds.Tables.Count > parentInfo[0]);
     Debug.Assert(ds.Tables[parentInfo[0]].Columns.Count > parentInfo[i + 1]);
     parentkeyColumns[i] = ds.Tables[parentInfo[0]].Columns[parentInfo[i + 1]];
     }
     //ChildKey Columns.
     Debug.Assert(childInfo.Length >= 1);
     DataColumn[] childkeyColumns = new DataColumn[childInfo.Length - 1];
     for (int i = 0; i < childkeyColumns.Length; i++) {
     Debug.Assert(ds.Tables.Count > childInfo[0]);
     Debug.Assert(ds.Tables[childInfo[0]].Columns.Count > childInfo[i + 1]);
     childkeyColumns[i] = ds.Tables[childInfo[0]].Columns[childInfo[i + 1]];
     }
     //Create the Constraint.
     ForeignKeyConstraint fk = new ForeignKeyConstraint(constraintName, parentkeyColumns, childkeyColumns);
     Debug.Assert(rules.Length == 3);
     fk.AcceptRejectRule = (AcceptRejectRule) rules[0];
     fk.UpdateRule = (Rule) rules[1];
     fk.DeleteRule = (Rule) rules[2];
     //Extended Properties.
     Debug.Assert(extendedProperties != null);
     if (extendedProperties.Keys.Count > 0) {
     foreach (object propertyKey in extendedProperties.Keys) {
     fk.ExtendedProperties.Add(propertyKey, extendedProperties[propertyKey]);
     }
     }
     //Add the constraint to the child datatable.
     Debug.Assert(ds.Tables.Count > childInfo[0]);
     ds.Tables[childInfo[0]].Constraints.Add(fk);
     }
     }
     Gets relations from the dataset.
     ***Serialized relations format : [relationName]->[parentTableIndex, parentcolumnIndexes]->[childTableIndex, childColumnIndexes]->[Nested]->[extendedProperties]***
     private ArrayList GetRelations(DataSet ds) {
     Debug.Assert(ds != null);
     ArrayList relationList = new ArrayList();
     foreach (DataRelation rel in ds.Relations) {
     string relationName = rel.RelationName;
     int[] parentInfo = new int[rel.ParentColumns.Length + 1];
     parentInfo[0] = ds.Tables.IndexOf(rel.ParentTable);
     for (int j = 1; j < parentInfo.Length; j++) {
     parentInfo[j] = rel.ParentColumns[j - 1].Ordinal;
     }
     int[] childInfo = new int[rel.ChildColumns.Length + 1];
     childInfo[0] = ds.Tables.IndexOf(rel.ChildTable);
     for (int j = 1; j < childInfo.Length; j++) {
     childInfo[j] = rel.ChildColumns[j - 1].Ordinal;
     }
     ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
     list.Add(relationName);
     list.Add(parentInfo);
     list.Add(childInfo);
     list.Add(rel.Nested);
     Hashtable extendedProperties = new Hashtable();
     if (rel.ExtendedProperties.Keys.Count > 0) {
     foreach (object propertyKey in rel.ExtendedProperties.Keys) {
     extendedProperties.Add(propertyKey, rel.ExtendedProperties[propertyKey]);
     }
     }
     list.Add(extendedProperties);
     relationList.Add(list);
     }
     return relationList;
     }
     Adds relations to the dataset. The arraylist contains the serialized format of the relations.
     ***Deserialize the relations format : [relationName]->[parentTableIndex, parentcolumnIndexes]->[childTableIndex, childColumnIndexes]->[Nested]->[extendedProperties]***
     private void SetRelations(DataSet ds, ArrayList relationList) {
     Debug.Assert(ds != null);
     Debug.Assert(relationList != null);
     foreach (ArrayList list in relationList) {
     Debug.Assert(list.Count == 5);
     string relationName = (string) list[0];
     int[] parentInfo = (int[]) list[1];
     int[] childInfo = (int[]) list[2];
     bool isNested = (bool) list[3];
     Hashtable extendedProperties = (Hashtable) list[4];
     //ParentKey Columns.
     Debug.Assert(parentInfo.Length >= 1);
     DataColumn[] parentkeyColumns = new DataColumn[parentInfo.Length - 1];
     for (int i = 0; i < parentkeyColumns.Length; i++) {
     Debug.Assert(ds.Tables.Count > parentInfo[0]);
     Debug.Assert(ds.Tables[parentInfo[0]].Columns.Count > parentInfo[i + 1]);
     parentkeyColumns[i] = ds.Tables[parentInfo[0]].Columns[parentInfo[i + 1]];
     }
     //ChildKey Columns.
     Debug.Assert(childInfo.Length >= 1);
     DataColumn[] childkeyColumns = new DataColumn[childInfo.Length - 1];
     for (int i = 0; i < childkeyColumns.Length; i++) {
     Debug.Assert(ds.Tables.Count > childInfo[0]);
     Debug.Assert(ds.Tables[childInfo[0]].Columns.Count > childInfo[i + 1]);
     childkeyColumns[i] = ds.Tables[childInfo[0]].Columns[childInfo[i + 1]];
     }
     //Create the Relation, without any constraints[Assumption: The constraints are added earlier than the relations]
     DataRelation rel = new DataRelation(relationName, parentkeyColumns, childkeyColumns, false);
     rel.Nested = isNested;
     //Extended Properties.
     Debug.Assert(extendedProperties != null);
     if (extendedProperties.Keys.Count > 0) {
     foreach (object propertyKey in extendedProperties.Keys) {
     rel.ExtendedProperties.Add(propertyKey, extendedProperties[propertyKey]);
     }
     }
     //Add the relations to the dataset.
     ds.Relations.Add(rel);
     }
     }
     Suppress the read-only property and returns an arraylist of read-only columns.
     private ArrayList SuppressReadOnly(DataSet ds) {
     Debug.Assert(ds != null);
     ArrayList readOnlyList = new ArrayList();
     for (int i = 0; i < ds.Tables.Count; i++) {
     DataTable dt = ds.Tables[i];
     for (int j = 0; j < dt.Columns.Count; j++) {
     if (dt.Columns[j].Expression == String.Empty && dt.Columns[j].ReadOnly == true) {
     dt.Columns[j].ReadOnly = false;
     readOnlyList.Add(new int[] { i, j });
     }
     }
     }
     return readOnlyList;
     }
     Suppress the foreign key constraint rules and returns an arraylist of the existing foreignkey constraint rules.
     private ArrayList SuppressConstraintRules(DataSet ds) {
     Debug.Assert(ds != null);
     ArrayList constraintRulesList = new ArrayList();
     for (int i = 0; i < ds.Tables.Count; i++) {
     DataTable dtChild = ds.Tables[i];
     for (int j = 0; j < dtChild.Constraints.Count; j++) {
     Constraint c = dtChild.Constraints[j];
     if (c is ForeignKeyConstraint) {
     ForeignKeyConstraint fk = (ForeignKeyConstraint) c;
     ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
     list.Add(new int[] { i, j });
     list.Add(new int[] { (int) fk.AcceptRejectRule, (int) fk.UpdateRule, (int) fk.DeleteRule });
     constraintRulesList.Add(list);
     fk.AcceptRejectRule = AcceptRejectRule.None;
     fk.UpdateRule = Rule.None;
     fk.DeleteRule = Rule.None;
     }
     }
     }
     return constraintRulesList;
     }
     Resets the read-only columns on the datatable based on the input readOnly list.
     private void ResetReadOnly(DataSet ds, ArrayList readOnlyList) {
     Debug.Assert(ds != null);
     Debug.Assert(readOnlyList != null);
     foreach (object o in readOnlyList) {
     int[] indicesArr = (int[]) o;
     Debug.Assert(indicesArr.Length == 2);
     int tableIndex = indicesArr[0];
     int columnIndex = indicesArr[1];
     Debug.Assert(ds.Tables.Count > tableIndex);
     Debug.Assert(ds.Tables[tableIndex].Columns.Count > columnIndex);
     DataColumn dc = ds.Tables[tableIndex].Columns[columnIndex];
     Debug.Assert(dc != null);
     dc.ReadOnly = true;
     }
     }
     Resets the foreignkey constraint rules on the dataset based on the input constraint rules list.
     private void ResetConstraintRules(DataSet ds, ArrayList constraintRulesList) {
     Debug.Assert(ds != null);
     Debug.Assert(constraintRulesList != null);
     foreach (ArrayList list in constraintRulesList) {
     Debug.Assert(list.Count == 2);
     int[] indicesArr = (int[]) list[0];
     int[] rules = (int[]) list[1];
     Debug.Assert(indicesArr.Length == 2);
     int tableIndex = indicesArr[0];
     int constraintIndex = indicesArr[1];
     Debug.Assert(ds.Tables.Count > tableIndex);
     DataTable dtChild = ds.Tables[tableIndex];
     Debug.Assert(dtChild.Constraints.Count > constraintIndex);
     ForeignKeyConstraint fk = (ForeignKeyConstraint) dtChild.Constraints[constraintIndex];
     Debug.Assert(rules.Length == 3);
     fk.AcceptRejectRule = (AcceptRejectRule) rules[0];
     fk.UpdateRule = (Rule) rules[1];
     fk.DeleteRule = (Rule) rules[2];
     }
     }
     Checks whether the dataset name and namespaces are as expected and the tables count is right.
     private bool IsSchemaIdentical(DataSet ds) {
     Debug.Assert(ds != null);
     if (ds.DataSetName != _datasetName || ds.Namespace != _namespace) {
     return false;
     }
     Debug.Assert(_dataTableSurrogates != null);
     if (ds.Tables.Count != _dataTableSurrogates.Length) {
     return false;
     }
     return true;
     }
    class DataTableSurrogate {
     //DataTable properties
     private string _tableName;
     private string _namespace;
     private string _prefix;
     private bool _caseSensitive;
     private CultureInfo _locale;
     private string _displayExpression;
     private int _minimumCapacity;
     //Columns
     private DataColumnSurrogate[] _dataColumnSurrogates;
     //Constraints
     private ArrayList _uniqueConstraints; //An ArrayList of unique constraints : [constraintName]->[columnIndexes]->[IsPrimaryKey]->[extendedProperties]
     //ExtendedProperties
     private Hashtable _extendedProperties;
     //Rows
     private BitArray _rowStates; //The 4 rowstates[Unchanged, Added, Modified, Deleted] are represented with 2 bits. The length of the BitArray will be twice the size of the number of rows.
     private object[][] _records; //As many object[] as there are number of columns. Always send 2 records for 1 row. TradeOff between memory vs. performance. Time intensive to find which records are modified.
     private Hashtable _rowErrors = new Hashtable(); //Keep a map between the row index and the row error
     private Hashtable _colErrors = new Hashtable(); //Keep a map between the row index and the Arraylist of columns that are in error and the error strings.
     Constructs a DataTableSurrogate from a DataTable.
     public DataTableSurrogate(DataTable dt) {
     if (dt == null) {
     throw new ArgumentNullException("The parameter dt is null");
     }
     _tableName = dt.TableName;
     _namespace = dt.Namespace;
     _prefix = dt.Prefix;
     _caseSensitive = dt.CaseSensitive;
     _locale = dt.Locale;
     _displayExpression = dt.DisplayExpression;
     _minimumCapacity = dt.MinimumCapacity;
     //Columns
     _dataColumnSurrogates = new DataColumnSurrogate[dt.Columns.Count];
     for (int i = 0; i < dt.Columns.Count; i++) {
     _dataColumnSurrogates[i] = new DataColumnSurrogate(dt.Columns[i]);
     }
     //Constraints
     _uniqueConstraints = GetUniqueConstraints(dt);
     //ExtendedProperties
     _extendedProperties = new Hashtable();
     if (dt.ExtendedProperties.Keys.Count > 0) {
     foreach (object propertyKey in dt.ExtendedProperties.Keys) {
     _extendedProperties.Add(propertyKey, dt.ExtendedProperties[propertyKey]);
     }
     }
     //Rows
     if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) {
     _rowStates = new BitArray(dt.Rows.Count << 1);
     _records = new object[dt.Columns.Count] [];
     for (int i = 0; i < dt.Columns.Count; i++) {
     _records[i] = new object[dt.Rows.Count << 1];
     }
     for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) {
     GetRecords(dt.Rows[i], i << 1);
     }
     }
     }
     Constructs a DataTable from DataTableSurrogate.
     public DataTable ConvertToDataTable() {
     DataTable dt = new DataTable();
     ReadSchemaIntoDataTable(dt);
     ReadDataIntoDataTable(dt);
     return dt;
     }
     Reads the schema into the datatable from DataTableSurrogate.
     public void ReadSchemaIntoDataTable(DataTable dt) {
     if (dt == null) {
     throw new ArgumentNullException("The datatable parameter cannot be null");
     }
     dt.TableName = _tableName;
     dt.Namespace = _namespace;
     dt.Prefix = _prefix;
     dt.CaseSensitive = _caseSensitive;
     dt.Locale = _locale;
     dt.DisplayExpression = _displayExpression;
     dt.MinimumCapacity = _minimumCapacity;
     Debug.Assert(_dataColumnSurrogates != null);
     for (int i = 0; i < _dataColumnSurrogates.Length; i++) {
     DataColumnSurrogate dataColumnSurrogate = _dataColumnSurrogates[i];
     DataColumn dc = dataColumnSurrogate.ConvertToDataColumn();
     dt.Columns.Add(dc);
     }
     //UniqueConstraints
     SetUniqueConstraints(dt, _uniqueConstraints);
     //Extended properties
     Debug.Assert(_extendedProperties != null);
     if (_extendedProperties.Keys.Count > 0) {
     foreach (object propertyKey in _extendedProperties.Keys) {
     dt.ExtendedProperties.Add(propertyKey, _extendedProperties[propertyKey]);
     }
     }
     }
     Reads the data into a DataTable from DataTableSurrogate.
     public void ReadDataIntoDataTable(DataTable dt) {
     ReadDataIntoDataTable(dt, true);
     }
     Copies the rows into a DataTable from DataTableSurrogate.
     internal void ReadDataIntoDataTable(DataTable dt, bool suppressSchema) {
     if (dt == null) {
     throw new ArgumentNullException("The datatable parameter cannot be null");
     }
     Debug.Assert(IsSchemaIdentical(dt));
     //Suppress read-only and constraint rules while loading the data.
     ArrayList readOnlyList = null;
     ArrayList constraintRulesList = null;
     if (suppressSchema) {
     readOnlyList = SuppressReadOnly(dt);
     constraintRulesList = SuppressConstraintRules(dt);
     }
     //Read the rows
     if (_records != null && dt.Columns.Count > 0) {
     Debug.Assert(_records.Length > 0);
     int rowCount = _records[0].Length >> 1;
     for (int i = 0; i < rowCount; i++) {
     ConvertToDataRow(dt, i << 1);
     }
     }
     //Reset read-only column and constraint rules back after loading the data.
     if (suppressSchema) {
     ResetReadOnly(dt, readOnlyList);
     ResetConstraintRules(dt, constraintRulesList);
     }
     }
     Gets unique constraints availabe on the datatable.
     ***Serialized unique constraints format : [constraintName]->[columnIndexes]->[IsPrimaryKey]->[extendedProperties]***
     private ArrayList GetUniqueConstraints(DataTable dt) {
     Debug.Assert(dt != null);
     ArrayList constraintList = new ArrayList();
     for (int i = 0; i < dt.Constraints.Count; i++) {
     Constraint c = dt.Constraints[i];
     UniqueConstraint uc = c as UniqueConstraint;
     if (uc != null) {
     string constraintName = c.ConstraintName;
     int[] colInfo = new int[uc.Columns.Length];
     for (int j = 0; j < colInfo.Length; j++) {
     colInfo[j] = uc.Columns[j].Ordinal;
     }
     ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
     list.Add(constraintName);
     list.Add(colInfo);
     list.Add(uc.IsPrimaryKey);
     Hashtable extendedProperties = new Hashtable();
     if (uc.ExtendedProperties.Keys.Count > 0) {
     foreach (object propertyKey in uc.ExtendedProperties.Keys) {
     extendedProperties.Add(propertyKey, uc.ExtendedProperties[propertyKey]);
     }
     }
     list.Add(extendedProperties);
     constraintList.Add(list);
     }
     }
     return constraintList;
     }
     Adds unique constraints to the table. The arraylist contains the serialized format of the unique constraints.
     ***Deserialize the unique constraints format : [constraintName]->[columnIndexes]->[IsPrimaryKey]->[extendedProperties]***
     private void SetUniqueConstraints(DataTable dt, ArrayList constraintList) {
     Debug.Assert(dt != null);
     Debug.Assert(constraintList != null);
     foreach (ArrayList list in constraintList) {
     Debug.Assert(list.Count == 4);
     string constraintName = (string) list[0];
     int[] keyColumnIndexes = (int[]) list[1];
     bool isPrimaryKey = (bool) list[2];
     Hashtable extendedProperties = (Hashtable) list[3];
     DataColumn[] keyColumns = new DataColumn[keyColumnIndexes.Length];
     for (int i = 0; i < keyColumnIndexes.Length; i++) {
     Debug.Assert(dt.Columns.Count > keyColumnIndexes[i]);
     keyColumns[i] = dt.Columns[keyColumnIndexes[i]];
     }
     //Create the constraint.
     UniqueConstraint uc = new UniqueConstraint(constraintName, keyColumns, isPrimaryKey);
     //Extended Properties.
     Debug.Assert(extendedProperties != null);
     if (extendedProperties.Keys.Count > 0) {
     foreach (object propertyKey in extendedProperties.Keys) {
     uc.ExtendedProperties.Add(propertyKey, extendedProperties[propertyKey]);
     }
     }
     dt.Constraints.Add(uc);
     }
     }
     Sets expression on the columns.
     internal void SetColumnExpressions(DataTable dt) {
     Debug.Assert(dt != null);
     Debug.Assert(_dataColumnSurrogates != null);
     Debug.Assert(dt.Columns.Count == _dataColumnSurrogates.Length);
     for (int i = 0; i < dt.Columns.Count; i++) {
     DataColumn dc = dt.Columns[i];
     DataColumnSurrogate dataColumnSurrogate = _dataColumnSurrogates[i];
     dataColumnSurrogate.SetColumnExpression(dc);
     }
     }
     Gets the records from the rows.
     private void GetRecords(DataRow row, int bitIndex) {
     Debug.Assert(row != null);
     ConvertToSurrogateRowState(row.RowState, bitIndex);
     ConvertToSurrogateRecords(row, bitIndex);
     ConvertToSurrogateRowError(row, bitIndex >> 1);
     }
     Constructs the row, rowError and columnErrors.
     public DataRow ConvertToDataRow(DataTable dt, int bitIndex) {
     DataRowState rowState = ConvertToRowState(bitIndex);
     DataRow row = ConstructRow(dt, rowState, bitIndex);
     ConvertToRowError(row, bitIndex >> 1);
     return row;
     }
     Sets the two bits in the bitArray to represent the DataRowState.
     The 4 rowstates[Unchanged, Added, Modified, Deleted] are represented with 2 bits. The length of the BitArray will be twice the size of the number of rows.
     Serialozed rowstate format : [00]->UnChanged, [01]->Added, [10]->Modified, [11]->Deleted.
     private void ConvertToSurrogateRowState(DataRowState rowState, int bitIndex) {
     Debug.Assert(_rowStates != null);
     Debug.Assert(_rowStates.Length > bitIndex);
     switch (rowState) {
     case DataRowState.Unchanged:
     _rowStates[bitIndex] = false;
     _rowStates[bitIndex + 1] = false;
     break;
     case DataRowState.Added:
     _rowStates[bitIndex] = false;
     _rowStates[bitIndex + 1] = true;
     break;
     case DataRowState.Modified:
     _rowStates[bitIndex] = true;
     _rowStates[bitIndex + 1] = false;
     break;
     case DataRowState.Deleted:
     _rowStates[bitIndex] = true;
     _rowStates[bitIndex + 1] = true;
     break;
     default:
     throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException(String.Format("Unrecognized row state {0}", rowState));
     }
     }
     Constructs the RowState from the two bits in the bitarray.
     Deserialize rowstate format : [00]->UnChanged, [01]->Added, [10]->Modified, [11]->Deleted.
     private DataRowState ConvertToRowState(int bitIndex) {
     Debug.Assert(_rowStates != null);
     Debug.Assert(_rowStates.Length > bitIndex);
     bool b1 = _rowStates[bitIndex];
     bool b2 = _rowStates[bitIndex + 1];
     if (!b1 && !b2) {
     return DataRowState.Unchanged;
     } else if (!b1 && b2) {
     return DataRowState.Added;
     } else if (b1 && !b2) {
     return DataRowState.Modified;
     } else if (b1 && b2) {
     return DataRowState.Deleted;
     } else {
     throw new ArgumentException("Unrecognized bitpattern");
     }
     }
     Constructs surrogate records from the DataRow.
     private void ConvertToSurrogateRecords(DataRow row, int bitIndex) {
     Debug.Assert(row != null);
     Debug.Assert(_records != null);
     int colCount = row.Table.Columns.Count;
     DataRowState rowState = row.RowState;
     Debug.Assert(_records.Length == colCount);
     if (rowState != DataRowState.Added) {//Unchanged, modified, deleted
     for (int i = 0; i < colCount; i++) {
     Debug.Assert(_records[i].Length > bitIndex);
     _records[i][bitIndex] = row[i, DataRowVersion.Original];
     }
     }
     if (rowState != DataRowState.Unchanged && rowState != DataRowState.Deleted) {//Added, modified state
     for (int i = 0; i < colCount; i++) {
     Debug.Assert(_records[i].Length > bitIndex + 1);
     _records[i][bitIndex + 1] = row[i, DataRowVersion.Current];
     }
     }
     }
     Constructs a DataRow from records[original and current] and adds the row to the DataTable rows collection.
     private DataRow ConstructRow(DataTable dt, DataRowState rowState, int bitIndex) {
     Debug.Assert(dt != null);
     Debug.Assert(_records != null);
     DataRow row = dt.NewRow();
     int colCount = dt.Columns.Count;
     Debug.Assert(_records.Length == colCount);
     switch (rowState) {
     case DataRowState.Unchanged:
     for (int i = 0; i < colCount; i++) {
     Debug.Assert(_records[i].Length > bitIndex);
     row[i] = _records[i][bitIndex]; //Original Record
     }
     dt.Rows.Add(row);
     row.AcceptChanges();
     break;
     case DataRowState.Added:
     for (int i = 0; i < colCount; i++) {
     Debug.Assert(_records[i].Length > bitIndex + 1);
     row[i] = _records[i][bitIndex + 1]; //Current Record
     }
     dt.Rows.Add(row);
     break;
     case DataRowState.Modified:
     for (int i = 0; i < colCount; i++) {
     Debug.Assert(_records[i].Length > bitIndex);
     row[i] = _records[i][bitIndex]; //Original Record
     }
     dt.Rows.Add(row);
     row.AcceptChanges();
     row.BeginEdit();
     for (int i = 0; i < colCount; i++) {
     Debug.Assert(_records[i].Length > bitIndex + 1);
     row[i] = _records[i][bitIndex + 1]; //Current Record
     }
     row.EndEdit();
     break;
     case DataRowState.Deleted:
     for (int i = 0; i < colCount; i++) {
     Debug.Assert(_records[i].Length > bitIndex);
     row[i] = _records[i][bitIndex]; //Original Record
     }
     dt.Rows.Add(row);
     row.AcceptChanges();
     row.Delete();
     break;
     default:
     throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException(String.Format("Unrecognized row state {0}", rowState));
     }
     return row;
     }
     Constructs the surrogate rowerror, columnsInError and columnErrors.
     private void ConvertToSurrogateRowError(DataRow row, int rowIndex) {
     Debug.Assert(row != null);
     Debug.Assert(_rowErrors != null);
     Debug.Assert(_colErrors != null);
     if (row.HasErrors) {
     _rowErrors.Add(rowIndex, row.RowError);
     DataColumn[] dcArr = row.GetColumnsInError();
     if (dcArr.Length > 0) {
     int[] columnsInError = new int[dcArr.Length];
     string[] columnErrors = new string[dcArr.Length];
     for (int i = 0; i < dcArr.Length; i++) {
     columnsInError[i] = dcArr[i].Ordinal;
     columnErrors[i] = row.GetColumnError(dcArr[i]);
     }
     ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
     list.Add(columnsInError);
     list.Add(columnErrors);
     _colErrors.Add(rowIndex, list);
     }
     }
     }
     Set the row and columns in error.
     private void ConvertToRowError(DataRow row, int rowIndex) {
     Debug.Assert(row != null);
     Debug.Assert(_rowErrors != null);
     Debug.Assert(_colErrors != null);
     if (_rowErrors.ContainsKey(rowIndex)) {
     row.RowError = (string) _rowErrors[rowIndex];
     }
     if (_colErrors.ContainsKey(rowIndex)) {
     ArrayList list = (ArrayList) _colErrors[rowIndex];
     int[] columnsInError = (int[]) list[0];
     string[] columnErrors = (string[]) list[1];
     Debug.Assert(columnsInError.Length == columnErrors.Length);
     for (int i = 0; i < columnsInError.Length; i++) {
     row.SetColumnError(columnsInError[i], columnErrors[i]);
     }
     }
     }
     Suppress the read-only property and returns an arraylist of read-only columns.
     private ArrayList SuppressReadOnly(DataTable dt) {
     Debug.Assert(dt != null);
     ArrayList readOnlyList = new ArrayList();
     for (int j = 0; j < dt.Columns.Count; j++) {
     if (dt.Columns[j].Expression == String.Empty && dt.Columns[j].ReadOnly == true) {
     readOnlyList.Add(j);
     }
     }
     return readOnlyList;
     }
     Suppress the foreign key constraint rules and returns an arraylist of the existing foreignkey constraint rules.
     private ArrayList SuppressConstraintRules(DataTable dt) {
     Debug.Assert(dt != null);
     ArrayList constraintRulesList = new ArrayList();
     DataSet ds = dt.DataSet;
     if (ds != null) {
     for (int i = 0; i < ds.Tables.Count; i++) {
     DataTable dtChild = ds.Tables[i];
     for (int j = 0; j < dtChild.Constraints.Count; j++) {
     Constraint c = dtChild.Constraints[j];
     if (c is ForeignKeyConstraint) {
     ForeignKeyConstraint fk = (ForeignKeyConstraint) c;
     if (fk.RelatedTable == dt) {
     ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
     list.Add(new int[] { i, j });
     list.Add(new int[] { (int) fk.AcceptRejectRule, (int) fk.UpdateRule, (int) fk.DeleteRule });
     constraintRulesList.Add(list);
     fk.AcceptRejectRule = AcceptRejectRule.None;
     fk.UpdateRule = Rule.None;
     fk.DeleteRule = Rule.None;
     }
     }
     }
     }
     }
     return constraintRulesList;
     }
     Resets the read-only columns on the datatable based on the input readOnly list.
     private void ResetReadOnly(DataTable dt, ArrayList readOnlyList) {
     Debug.Assert(dt != null);
     Debug.Assert(readOnlyList != null);
     DataSet ds = dt.DataSet;
     foreach (object o in readOnlyList) {
     int columnIndex = (int) o;
     Debug.Assert(dt.Columns.Count > columnIndex);
     dt.Columns[columnIndex].ReadOnly = true;
     }
     }
     Reset the foreignkey constraint rules on the datatable based on the input constraintRules list.
     private void ResetConstraintRules(DataTable dt, ArrayList constraintRulesList) {
     Debug.Assert(dt != null);
     Debug.Assert(constraintRulesList != null);
     DataSet ds = dt.DataSet;
     foreach (ArrayList list in constraintRulesList) {
     Debug.Assert(list.Count == 2);
     int[] indicesArr = (int[]) list[0];
     int[] rules = (int[]) list[1];
     Debug.Assert(indicesArr.Length == 2);
     int tableIndex = indicesArr[0];
     int constraintIndex = indicesArr[1];
     Debug.Assert(ds.Tables.Count > tableIndex);
     DataTable dtChild = ds.Tables[tableIndex];
     Debug.Assert(dtChild.Constraints.Count > constraintIndex);
     ForeignKeyConstraint fk = (ForeignKeyConstraint) dtChild.Constraints[constraintIndex];
     Debug.Assert(rules.Length == 3);
     fk.AcceptRejectRule = (AcceptRejectRule) rules[0];
     fk.UpdateRule = (Rule) rules[1];
     fk.DeleteRule = (Rule) rules[2];
     }
     }
     Checks whether the datatable schema matches with the surrogate schema.
     private bool IsSchemaIdentical(DataTable dt) {
     Debug.Assert(dt != null);
     if (dt.TableName != _tableName || dt.Namespace != _namespace) {
     return false;
     }
     Debug.Assert(_dataColumnSurrogates != null);
     if (dt.Columns.Count != _dataColumnSurrogates.Length) {
     return false;
     }
     for (int i = 0; i < dt.Columns.Count; i++) {
     DataColumn dc = dt.Columns[i];
     DataColumnSurrogate dataColumnSurrogate = _dataColumnSurrogates[i];
     if (!dataColumnSurrogate.IsSchemaIdentical(dc)) {
     return false;
     }
     }
     return true;
     }
    class DataColumnSurrogate {
     private string _columnName;
     private string _namespace;
     private string _prefix;
     private MappingType _columnMapping;
     private bool _allowNull;
     private bool _autoIncrement;
     private long _autoIncrementStep;
     private long _autoIncrementSeed;
     private string _caption;
     private object _defaultValue;
     private bool _readOnly;
     private int _maxLength;
     private Type _dataType;
     private string _expression;
     //ExtendedProperties
     private Hashtable _extendedProperties;
     Constructs a DataColumnSurrogate from a DataColumn.
     public DataColumnSurrogate(DataColumn dc) {
     if (dc == null) {
     throw new ArgumentNullException("The datacolumn parameter is null");
     }
     _columnName = dc.ColumnName;
     _namespace = dc.Namespace;
     _dataType = dc.DataType;
     _prefix = dc.Prefix;
     _columnMapping = dc.ColumnMapping;
     _allowNull = dc.AllowDBNull;
     _autoIncrement = dc.AutoIncrement;
     _autoIncrementStep = dc.AutoIncrementStep;
     _autoIncrementSeed = dc.AutoIncrementSeed;
     _caption = dc.Caption;
     _defaultValue = dc.DefaultValue;
     _readOnly = dc.ReadOnly;
     _maxLength = dc.MaxLength;
     _expression = dc.Expression;
     //ExtendedProperties
     _extendedProperties = new Hashtable();
     if (dc.ExtendedProperties.Keys.Count > 0) {
     foreach (object propertyKey in dc.ExtendedProperties.Keys) {
     _extendedProperties.Add(propertyKey, dc.ExtendedProperties[propertyKey]);
     }
     }
     }
     Constructs a DataColumn from DataColumnSurrogate.
     public DataColumn ConvertToDataColumn() {
     DataColumn dc = new DataColumn();
     dc.ColumnName = _columnName;
     dc.Namespace = _namespace;
     dc.DataType = _dataType;
     dc.Prefix = _prefix;
     dc.ColumnMapping = _columnMapping;
     dc.AllowDBNull = _allowNull;
     dc.AutoIncrement = _autoIncrement;
     dc.AutoIncrementStep = _autoIncrementStep;
     dc.AutoIncrementSeed = _autoIncrementSeed;
     dc.Caption = _caption;
     dc.DefaultValue = _defaultValue;
     dc.ReadOnly = _readOnly;
     dc.MaxLength = _maxLength;
     //dc.Expression = _expression;
     //Extended properties
     Debug.Assert(_extendedProperties != null);
     if (_extendedProperties.Keys.Count > 0) {
     foreach (object propertyKey in _extendedProperties.Keys) {
     dc.ExtendedProperties.Add(propertyKey, _extendedProperties[propertyKey]);
     }
     }
     return dc;
     }
     Set expression on the DataColumn.
     internal void SetColumnExpression(DataColumn dc) {
     Debug.Assert(dc != null);
     if (_expression != null && !_expression.Equals(String.Empty)) {
     dc.Expression = _expression;
     }
     }
     Checks whether the column schema is identical. Marked internal as the DataTableSurrogate objects needs to have access to this object.
     Note: ReadOnly is not checked here as we suppress readonly when reading data.
     internal bool IsSchemaIdentical(DataColumn dc) {
     Debug.Assert(dc != null);
     if ((dc.ColumnName != _columnName) || (dc.Namespace != _namespace) || (dc.DataType != _dataType) ||
     (dc.Prefix != _prefix) || (dc.ColumnMapping != _columnMapping) ||
     (dc.ColumnMapping != _columnMapping) || (dc.AllowDBNull != _allowNull) ||
     (dc.AutoIncrement != _autoIncrement) || (dc.AutoIncrementStep != _autoIncrementStep) ||
     (dc.AutoIncrementSeed != _autoIncrementSeed) || (dc.Caption != _caption) ||
     (!(AreDefaultValuesEqual(dc.DefaultValue, _defaultValue))) || (dc.MaxLength != _maxLength) ||
     (dc.Expression != _expression)) {
     return false;
     }
     return true;
     }
     Checks whether the default boxed objects are equal.
     internal static bool AreDefaultValuesEqual(object o1, object o2) {
     if (o1 == null && o2 == null) {
     return true;
     } else if (o1 == null || o2 == null) {
     return false;
     } else {
     return o1.Equals(o2);
     }
     }
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