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  • 具有随机性的平衡树——treap






    // 不带size域的treap
    class Treap {
        const static int MaxN = 100000;
        int root, tsize, l[MaxN], r[MaxN], p[MaxN];
        int key[MaxN];
        void rot_l(int &x) {    //before using this function, please ensure that the right son of x exist
            int tmp = r[x];
            r[x] = l[tmp]; l[tmp] = x;
            x = tmp;
        void rot_r(int &x) {    //before using this function, please ensure that the left son of x exist
            int tmp = l[x];
            l[x] = r[tmp]; r[tmp] = x;
            x = tmp;
        Treap():root(-1),tsize(-1) {}
        void insert(int &root, const int &x) {
            if(root == -1) {
                key[++tsize] = x;
                root = tsize;
                p[root] = rand();
                l[root] = r[root] = -1;
            else if(x <= key[root]) {
                insert(l[root], x);
                if(p[l[root]] > p[root])  rot_r(root);
            else {
                insert(r[root], x);
                if(p[r[root]] > p[root])  rot_l(root);
        void del(int &root, const int &x) {
            if(key[root] == x) {
                if(l[root]==-1 && r[root]==-1)  root = -1;
                else if(l[root] == -1)  root = r[root];
                else if(r[root] == -1)  root = l[root];
                else {
                    if(p[l[root]] > p[r[root]]) {
                        del(r[root], x);
                    else {
                        del(l[root], x);
            else if(x < key[root])  del(l[root], x);
            else del(r[root], x);
        bool find(int &root, const int &x) {
            if(root == -1)  return  false;
            if(x == key[root])  return  true;
            else if(x < key[root])  return  find(l[root], x);
            else return  find(r[root], x);
    class Treap {
        const static int MaxN = 100000;
        int root, tsize, l[MaxN], r[MaxN], p[MaxN], nsize[MaxN];
        int key[MaxN];
        void maintain(const int &root) {
            int ta, tb;
            ta = l[root]==-1? 0 : nsize[l[root]];
            tb = r[root]==-1? 0 : nsize[r[root]];
            nsize[root] = ta+tb+1;
        void rot_l(int &x) {    //before using this function, please ensure that the right son of x exist
            int tmp = r[x];
            r[x] = l[tmp]; maintain(x);
            l[tmp] = x; x = tmp; maintain(x);
        void rot_r(int &x) {    //before using this function, please ensure that the left son of x exist
            int tmp = l[x];
            l[x] = r[tmp]; maintain(x);
            r[tmp] = x; x = tmp; maintain(x);
        Treap():root(-1),tsize(-1) {}
        void insert(int &root, const int &x) {
            if(root == -1) {
                key[++tsize] = x;
                root = tsize;
                p[root] = rand();
                l[root] = r[root] = -1;
                nsize[root] = 1;
            else if(x <= key[root]) {
                insert(l[root], x);
                if(p[l[root]] > p[root])  rot_r(root);
            else {
                insert(r[root], x);
                if(p[r[root]] > p[root])  rot_l(root);
        void del(int &root, const int &x) {
            if(key[root] == x) {
                if(l[root]==-1 && r[root]==-1)  root = -1;
                else if(l[root] == -1)  root = r[root];
                else if(r[root] == -1)  root = l[root];
                else {
                    if(p[l[root]] > p[r[root]]) {
                        del(r[root], x);
                    else {
                        del(l[root], x);
            else if(x < key[root])  del(l[root], x);
            else del(r[root], x);
            if(root != -1)  maintain(root);
        int kthElement(const int &root, int k) {
            int ta;
            ta = l[root]==-1? 0 : nsize[l[root]];
            if(ta >= k)  return  kthElement(l[root], k);
            else if(ta+1 == k)  return  key[root];
            else  return  kthElement(r[root], k-ta-1);
        bool find(int &root, const int &x) {
            if(root == -1)  return  false;
            if(x == key[root])  return  true;
            else if(x < key[root])  return  find(l[root], x);
            else return  find(r[root], x);
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/aaronzlq/p/3001521.html
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