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  • Mybatis-resultMap的一些用法(映射,关联查询)


    <select id="selll" resultMap="userMap">       
     select id u_id,name u_name,age u_age from users
        <resultMap type="com.zhiyou100.xf.bean.Users" id="userMap">
            <id column="u_id" property="id"/><!--作为唯一标识-->
            <result column="u_name" property="name"/>
            <result column="u_age" property="age"/>




    <!-方式一:嵌套结果:使用嵌套结果映射来处理重复的联合结果的子集 封装联表查询的数据(去除重复的数据) select * from class c, teacher t where c.teacher_id=t.t_id and c.c_id=1 -->

    <select id="getClass" parameterType="int" resultMap="ClassResultMap">
    select * from class c, teacher t where c.teacher_id=t.t_id and c.c_id=#{id}
    <resultMap type="_Classes" id="ClassResultMap">
    <id property="id" column="c_id"/>
    <result property="name" column="c_name"/>
    <association property="teacher" column="teacher_id" javaType="_Teacher">
    <id property="id" column="t_id"/> <result property="name" column="t_name"/> </association>
    </resultMap> <!- 方式二:嵌套查询:通过执行另外一个 SQL 映射语句来返回预期的复杂类型 SELECT * FROM class WHERE c_id=1; SELECT*FROMteacherWHEREt_id=1 //1 是上一个查询得到的 teacher_id 的值 --> <select id="getClass2" parameterType="int" resultMap="ClassResultMap2">
    select * from class where c_id=#{id}
    <resultMap type="_Classes" id="ClassResultMap2">
    <id property="id" column="c_id"/>
    <result property="name" column="c_name"/>
    <association property="teacher" column="teacher_id" javaType="_Teacher" select="getTeacher">
    <select id="getTeacher" parameterType="int" resultType="_Teacher">
    SELECT t_id id, t_name name FROM teacher WHERE t_id=#{id}



    <select id="selAll" resultMap="AllMap">
            select * from teacher,student,class where c_id=class_id and teacher_id=t_id and c_id=#{id}
        <resultMap type="com.zhiyou100.xf.bean.Classes" id="AllMap">
            <id column="c_id" property="cid"/>
            <result column="c_name" property="cname"/>
            <association property="teacher" javaType="com.zhiyou100.xf.bean.Teacher">
                <id column="t_id" property="tid"/>
                <result column="t_name" property="tname"/>
            <collection property="students" ofType="com.zhiyou100.xf.bean.Student">
                <id column="s_id" property="sid"/>
                <result column="s_name" property="sname"/>
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/accc111/p/11449083.html
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