#ifndef __AVL_H__
#define __AVL_H__
typedef int KEY_TYPE;
/* struct */
typedef struct AVL{
int height;
struct AVL* lchild;
struct AVL* rchild;
AVL* New_Node(KEY_TYPE key, AVL* lchild, AVL* rchild, int height = 0);
inline int GetHeight(AVL* node);
AVL* RR_Rotate(AVL* k2);
AVL* LL_Rotate(AVL* k2);
AVL* LR_Rotate(AVL* k3);
AVL* RL_Rotate(AVL* k3);
AVL* Insert(AVL* root, KEY_TYPE key);
AVL* Delete(AVL* root, KEY_TYPE key);
void InOrder(AVL* root);
//avl.cpp #include "AVL.h" #include<iostream> AVL* New_Node(KEY_TYPE key, AVL* lchild, AVL* rchild, int height) { AVL* p_avl = new AVL; p_avl->key = key; p_avl->lchild = lchild; p_avl->rchild = rchild; p_avl->height = height; return p_avl; } inline int GetHeight(AVL* node) { return (node==NULL)? -1:node->height; } inline int max(int a, int b) { return a>b?a:b; } /* RR(Y rotates to the right): k2 k1 / / k1 Z ==> X k2 / / X Y Y Z */ AVL* RR_Rotate(AVL* k2) { AVL* k1 = k2->lchild; k2->lchild = k1->rchild; k1->rchild = k2; k2->height = max(GetHeight(k2->lchild), GetHeight(k2->rchild)) + 1; k1->height = max(GetHeight(k1->lchild), k2->height) + 1; return k1; } /* LL(Y rotates to the left): k2 k1 / / X k1 ==> k2 Z / / Y Z X Y */ AVL* LL_Rotate(AVL* k2) { AVL* k1 = k2->rchild; k2->rchild = k1->lchild; k1->lchild = k2; k2->height = max(GetHeight(k2->lchild), GetHeight(k2->rchild)) + 1; k1->height = max(GetHeight(k1->rchild), k2->height) + 1; return k1; } /* LR(B rotates to the left, then C rotates to the right): k3 k3 k2 / / / k1 D k2 D k1 k3 / ==> / ==> / / A k2 k1 C A B C D / / B C A B */ AVL* LR_Rotate(AVL* k3) { k3->lchild = LL_Rotate(k3->lchild); return RR_Rotate(k3); } /* k3 k3 k2 / / / A k1 A k2 k3 k1 / ==> / ==> / / k2 B C k1 A C D B / / C D D B */ AVL* RL_Rotate(AVL* k3) { k3->rchild = RR_Rotate(k3->rchild); return LL_Rotate(k3); } AVL* Insert(AVL* root, KEY_TYPE key) { if(root == NULL) return (root = New_Node(key, NULL, NULL)); else if(key < root->key) root->lchild = Insert(root->lchild, key); else root->rchild = Insert(root->rchild, key); root->height = max(GetHeight(root->lchild), GetHeight(root->rchild)) + 1; if(GetHeight(root->lchild) - GetHeight(root->rchild) == 2) { if(key < root->lchild->key) root = RR_Rotate(root); else root = LR_Rotate(root); } else if(GetHeight(root->rchild) - GetHeight(root->lchild) == 2) { if(key < root->rchild->key) root = RL_Rotate(root); else root = LL_Rotate(root); } return root; } AVL* Delete(AVL* root, KEY_TYPE key) { if(!root) return NULL; if(key == root->key) { if(root->rchild == NULL) { AVL* temp = root; root = root->lchild; delete(temp); return root; } else { AVL* temp = root->rchild; while(temp->lchild) temp = temp->lchild; root->key = temp->key; root->rchild = Delete(root->rchild, temp->key); } } else if(key < root->key) root->lchild = Delete(root->lchild, key); else root->rchild = Delete(root->rchild, key); root->height = max(GetHeight(root->lchild), GetHeight(root->rchild)) + 1; if(GetHeight(root->rchild) - GetHeight(root->lchild) == 2) { if(GetHeight(root->rchild->rchild) >= GetHeight(root->rchild->lchild)) root = LL_Rotate(root); else root = RL_Rotate(root); } else if(GetHeight(root->lchild) - GetHeight(root->rchild) == 2) { if(GetHeight(root->lchild->lchild) >= GetHeight(root->lchild->rchild)) root = RR_Rotate(root); else root = LR_Rotate(root); } return root; } void InOrder(AVL* root) { if(root) { InOrder(root->lchild); printf("key: %d height: %d ", root->key, root->height); if(root->lchild) printf("left child: %d ", root->lchild->key); if(root->rchild) printf("right child: %d ", root->rchild->key); printf(" "); InOrder(root->rchild); } }
// main.cpp #include<iostream> #include "AVL.h" int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { AVL* root = NULL; int vector[] = {15,6,7,17,20,2,4,13,9}; const int length = sizeof(vector)/sizeof(int); for(int i = 0; i< length;i++) root = Insert(root, vector[i]); printf(" InOrder: "); InOrder(root); int input; printf(" please input the value you want to delete: "); scanf("%d",&input); while(1) { root = Delete(root, input); printf(" After delete %u: ",input); InOrder(root); printf(" please input another value you want to delete: "); scanf("%u",&input); } printf(" "); return 0; }