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  • MSSQL 字段分组拼接


    with t  as(
      select 'A' parent, 'A1' child union all
      select 'A', 'A1' union all
      select 'A', '' union all
      select 'A', null union all
      select 'A', 'A2' union all
      select 'B', 'B1' union all
      select 'B', 'B2' union all
      select 'C', 'C1' union all
      select 'C', 'C2' 
    SELECT parent, 
          SELECT ','+ child FROM t a WHERE b.parent = a.parent FOR XML PATH('')
         ),1 ,1, '') children 
    FROM t b 
    GROUP BY parent



    declare @t table(parent varchar(100),child varchar(100))--定义结果集表变量 
    declare my_cursor cursor local for  
    with t1  as(
      select 'A' parent, 'A1' child union all
      select 'A', 'A1' union all
      select 'A', '' union all
      select 'A', null union all
      select 'A', 'A2' union all
      select 'B', 'B1' union all
      select 'B', 'B2' union all
      select 'C', 'C1' union all
      select 'C', 'C2' 
    select parent, child from t1 order by parent, child
    declare @parent_old varchar(100) , @parent varchar(100) , @child varchar(100), @s varchar(100)  
    open my_cursor  
    fetch my_cursor into @parent , @child  
    select @parent_old = @parent , @s=''  
    while @@FETCH_STATUS = 0  
        if @parent = @parent_old 
          if charindex(@child, @s)=0 and @child<>''
            select @s = @s + ',' + cast(@child as varchar)  
        end else  
            insert @t values(@parent_old , stuff(@s,1,1,''))  
            select @s = ',' + cast(@child as varchar) , @parent_old = @parent  
        fetch my_cursor into @parent , @child  
    insert @t values(@parent_old , stuff(@s,1,1,''))  
    close my_cursor  
    deallocate my_cursor  
    select * from @t


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/adsoft/p/11474951.html
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