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  • UTL_DBWS包的创建和用法

    UTL_DBWS - Consuming Web Services in Oracle 10g

    In a previous article I presented a method for Consuming Web Services using a basic SOAP implementation. This article provides similar functionality, but this time using the UTL_DBWS package, which is essentially a PL/SQL wrapper over JPublisher.
    First, download the latest copy of the dbwsclient.jar file:

    Extract the jar file from the zip file into the $ORACLE_HOME/sqlj/lib directory.
    The jar file can be loaded into the SYS schema for everyone to access, or into an individual schema that needs access to the web client.

    # Load into the SYS schema.
    export PATH=/u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/bin:$PATH
    cd /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/sqlj/lib
    # 10gR2
    loadjava -u sys/password -r -v -f -genmissing -s -grant public dbwsclientws.jar dbwsclientdb102.jar
    # 11g
    loadjava -u sys/password -r -v -f -genmissing -s -grant public dbwsclientws.jar dbwsclientdb11.jar
    # Load into an individual schema.
    export PATH=/u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/bin:$PATH
    cd /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/sqlj/lib
    # 10gR2
    loadjava -u scott/tiger -r -v -f -genmissing dbwsclientws.jar dbwsclientdb102.jar
    # 11g
    loadjava -u scott/tiger -r -v -f -genmissing dbwsclientws.jar dbwsclientdb11.jar

    In Oracle 10g the UTL_DBWS package is loaded by default. In Oracle9i the package must be loaded using the specification and body provided in the zip file.
    The function below uses the UTL_DBWS package to access a web services from PL/SQL. The URL of the WDSL file describing the web service is shown here (http://webservices.imacination.com/distance/Distance.jws?wsdl). The web service returns the city associated with the specified zipcode.

    CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION get_city_from_zipcode (p_zipcode  IN  VARCHAR2)
      l_service  UTL_DBWS.service;
      l_call     UTL_DBWS.call;
      l_result   ANYDATA;
      l_wsdl_url         VARCHAR2(32767);
      l_namespace        VARCHAR2(32767);
      l_service_qname    UTL_DBWS.qname;
      l_port_qname       UTL_DBWS.qname;
      l_operation_qname  UTL_DBWS.qname;
      l_input_params     UTL_DBWS.anydata_list;
      l_wsdl_url        := 'http://webservices.imacination.com/distance/Distance.jws?wsdl';
      l_namespace       := 'http://webservices.imacination.com/distance/Distance.jws';
      l_service_qname   := UTL_DBWS.to_qname(l_namespace, 'DistanceService');
      l_port_qname      := UTL_DBWS.to_qname(l_namespace, 'Distance');
      l_operation_qname := UTL_DBWS.to_qname(l_namespace, 'getCity');
      l_service := UTL_DBWS.create_service (
        wsdl_document_location => URIFACTORY.getURI(l_wsdl_url),
        service_name           => l_service_qname);
      l_call := UTL_DBWS.create_call (
        service_handle => l_service,
        port_name      => l_port_qname,
        operation_name => l_operation_qname);
      l_input_params(0) := ANYDATA.ConvertVarchar2(p_zipcode);
      l_result := UTL_DBWS.invoke ( 
        call_handle  => l_call,
        input_params => l_input_params);
      UTL_DBWS.release_call (call_handle => l_call);
      UTL_DBWS.release_service (service_handle => l_service);
      RETURN ANYDATA.AccessVarchar2(l_result);

    The output below shows the function in action.

    SQL> SELECT get_city_from_zipcode('94065') FROM dual;
    Redwood City
    SQL> SELECT get_city_from_zipcode('94066') FROM dual;
    San Bruno
    需要说明的先要安装oracle jvm 用dbca向导来添加
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/advocate/p/3715973.html
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