Window inherits the autoLoad config option from Panel. Note that I included all config options below, where most are optional:
var w = new Ext.Window({ autoLoad: { url: "someApplicationURL", params: { firstName: "Shuman", lastName: "Human" }, callback: someCallbackFuncion, scope: someObjectObject, discardUrl: true, nocache: true, text: "Loading...", timeout: 60, scripts: false }, height: 300, 600 });
Keep in mind that this only supports URLs which are in the context of your application's domain, i.e. you can't plug in a URL of '' and expect it to work.
<script type="text/javascript"> var center=new Ext.TabPanel({ style:"padding:0 5px 0 5px", region:"center", activeItem:0, enableTabScroll:true, layoutOnTabChange:true, autoScroll:true, items:[{ xtype:"panel", id:"index", iconCls:"homemanage", title:"测试", html:"<iframe src=''scrolling='yes' frameborder=0 width=100% height=100%></iframe>" }] }); Ext.onReady(function(){ var vp=new Ext.Viewport({ layout:"border", items:[center] }); }) </script>
seePdfDocument : function(){ if(!this.seePdfWin){ this.seePdfWin = new Ext.Window({ title : docNo + '报表预览页', modal : true, width : 1270, height : 600, layout : 'fit', draggable : true, resizable : true, closeAction : 'hide', //autoLoad : { url: '',scripts: true, nocache: true} items:[{ xtype:"panel", id:"index", iconCls:"homemanage", title:"baidu一下 你就know", html:"<iframe src=''scrolling='yes' frameborder=0 width=100% height=100%></iframe>" }] //items : [pdfHeadManagerPanel] }); }; }