Zhaoyang: Integrate the oxford Speech API Code to the IOS client and do some UI optimization. Add the time and location filter which are the new feature.
Yangdong: Learn to configration of the Azure server like the RDFF/FFE and the Fabric controller.
Dong: Learn something about the Azure server like communication between the Host Agent and Host OS.
Fuchen: Do some test in the stanford NLP intention API and try to make it apply to our recent Project.
Minlong: Transform the eclipse version to the Tom Cat version and do some test.
For the next sprint, we will focus our main attention to the Speech API code integration to gurantee the Users' experience. At the same time, we will start to configrate the Azuer server and do some code reconstruction.
Burning Down figure:
For our burning down figure Note:
We do some work in the weekend. So the slop seems a litter high. But these are 4 days work.