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  • FPGA内部信号避免高阻态

    RT,否则警告Warning: Tri-state node(s) do not directly drive top-level pin(s),会利用或门代替中间的扇出fan-out.



    CAUSE: The design contains tri-state nodes that drive non-tri-state logic, but the chip does not support internal tri-states. As a result, the Quartus II software converts all the tri-state nodes feeding internal logic to an equivalent logic.

    ACTION: Avoid this warning by either removing the non-tri-state fan-outs of the affected tri-state nodes or replacing the tri-state nodes with non-tri-state logic.


    module tri_state (input oe1, data1, in, output out, output bidir);

    wire tribuf;

    assign tribuf = oe1 ? data1 : 1'bz;

    and(out, in, tribuf);

    assign bidir = tribuf;


    Warning: Tri-state node(s) do not directly drive top-level pin(s)

           Warning: Converted the fan-out from the tri-state buffer "tribuf" to the node "comb" into an OR gate



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    CAUSE:The specified tri-statebuffer feeds internal logic in addition to  feeding tri-statelogic, but the chip does not support internal tri-states. As a result, the  Quartus II software converts the non-tri-statefan-out(s) of the tri-statebuffer to an  ORgate.

    Consider the following design:
    module test1 (input oe1, data1, in,  output out, inout bidir); 
    wire tribuf, tmp; 
    assign tribuf = oe1 ? data1  : 1'bz; 
    and(tmp, in, tribuf); 
    assign bidir = tribuf; 
    assign out =  tmp; 
    Here, the tri-statebuffer  tribufhas fan-outs to both the tri-stateand non-tri-statenodes. As a  result, the fan-out to the non-tri-statenode is converted to !oe1 +  data1.
    Note that an inversion also counts as non-tri-statelogic. So, the  node tribufin the design test2is also converted to  an ORgate.
    module test2 (input oe1, data1, output out,  inout bidir); 
    wire tribuf; 
    assign tribuf = oe1 ? data1 : 1'bz; 
    assign bidir = tribuf; 
    assign out = !tribuf; 
    Additionally, a tri-statebuffer feeding the output enable signal of  another tri-statebuffer is also converted to logic.
    Consider the following Verilog  design:
    module test3 (input oe1, data1, data2, inout bidir); 
    wire  tribuf1, tribuf2; 
    assign tribuf1 = oe1 ? data1 : 1'bz; 
    assign tribuf2 =  tribuf1 ? data2 : 1'bz; 
    assign bidir = tribuf2; 
    Here, the tri-statebuffer tribuf1is converted to an  ORgate.

    ACTION:Avoid this warning by either removing the non-tri-statefan-out of the  tri-statebuffer or  replacing the tri-statebuffer with non-tri-statelogic.

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/aikimi7/p/3352433.html
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