create or replace function remove_constants(p_query in varchar2)
return varchar2 as
l_query long;
l_char varchar2(1);
l_in_quotes boolean default false;
for i in 1 .. length(p_query) loop
l_char := substr(p_query, i, 1);
if (l_char = '''' and l_in_quotes) then
l_in_quotes := false;
elsif (l_char = '''' and not l_in_quotes) then
l_in_quotes := true;
l_query := l_query || '''#';
end if;
if (not l_in_quotes) then
l_query := l_query || l_char;
end if;
end loop;
l_query := translate(l_query, '0123456789', '@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@');
for i in 0 .. 8 loop
l_query := replace(l_query, lpad('@', 10 - i, '@'), '@');
l_query := replace(l_query, lpad(' ', 10 - i, ' '), ' ');
end loop;
return upper(l_query);