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  • 【243】◀▶IEW-Unit08

    Unit 8 Environment

    I. 不定式(to do)在雅思写作中的运用


    • 主语(句首)

    To protect the environment is everyone’s duty.

    =It is everyone’s duty to protect the environment.

    For middle-aged men to change their jobs is difficult

    =It is difficult for middle-aged men to change their jobs.

    To force an employee to retire at the age of 50 is ridiculous and insulting.

    =It is ridiculous and insulting to force an employee to retire at the age of 50.

    • 宾语(动词后):固定搭配

    Plan to do

    【雅思写作中常用的后跟to do 的动词】

    afford, agree, ask, attempt, beg, begin, bother, care, choose, claim, consent

    decide, demand, desire, endeavour, expect, fail, fear, hate, hesitate, hinder,

    intend, learn, manage, neglect, offer, plan, pledge, prefer, prepare, pretend,

    refuse, resolve, threaten, undertake, venture, volunteer, start, want


    Many multinational companies prefer to hire people with an overseas educational background.

    Nowadays the young generation seems to enjoy higher social status than the elderly.

    The elderly need to relax rather than earn money.

    • 表语(系动词后)

    The first solution is to set up strict laws.

    The most effective solution is to enhance the public's awareness of the rubbish problem.

    What the elders should do is take a rest and enjoy their late years.



    The only thing women could do in the Middle Age was give birth to children and attend to the whole family.

    *感官动词:feel, listen, hear, look at, notice, see, watch, observe, perceive

    Watch sb do sth

    *使役动词:have, let, make

    *情态动词:had better, would rather, would sooner, but, cannot help but

    • 同位语(名词后)

    The retirement gives old people a decent reason to enjoy their late years.

    Today's women enjoy the right to vote, go to university and compete with men.

    • 补语

    Encourage sb to do

    Allow sb to do

    Enable sb to do


    From my point of view, the employees should be encouraged to retire at the age of 50 so as to create more job vacancies for younger people.

    Parents always expect their children to be head and shoulders over others.



    To do

    =in order to do

    句子+to do

    =To do, 句子

    In order to protect the environment, we should arouse people’s awareness of environmental conservation.


    The teacher spoke loudly in order that the students could hear him clearly.

    =The teacher spoke loudly in order for the students to hear him clearly.

    The teacher spoke loudly in order that he could be heard clearly.

    =The teacher spoke loudly in order to be heard clearly.


    Too+adj/adv+to do

    The environmental issue is too great for individuals to deal with.

    Adj/adv+enough to do

    The environmental issue is great enough to need global cooperation.

    II. 不定式的练习

    1. Language Focus

    -Using adjectives such as ‘difficult, hard, easy, possible, important…’

    In English, there are some common constructions for these words:

    It is (easy / hard / difficult / important) (for someone) to...

    Example1: It is difficult (for disabled people) to access services.

    Example: It is difficult (for disabled people) to access services.

    (Gerund or noun) is (easy, possible, difficult, hard)

    Example: Accessing services is hard for disabled people.

    (Gerund or noun) makes it (difficult, hard, easy) (for someone) to...

    Example2: Limiting traffic makes it hard (for businessmen) to get around quickly.

    1. Rearrange the order of these phrases to make complete sentences.

    a. makes it easier / limiting the number of cars / to get around

    b. by using public transport / to conserve our petrol resources / it is important

    c. travelling by public transport / to carry a lot of luggage / makes it difficult

    d. to move around the city / traffic congestion / it is very difficult / if there is a lot of

    e. to another / by public transport / is easy / getting from one place

    f. makes it very difficult / traffic congestion / in the city / to get from place to place

    g. by building underground motorway networks / to reduce congestion / it is possible

    h. makes it impossible / having too many cars / to keep our city air clean

    i. in the inner city / to predict the result of / it is difficult / limiting cars


    Turn these notes into a paragraph using the constructions above. You will need to change word forms OR add extra words in the brackets.

    (Have) too many cars in the inner city (difficult) get around. (Limit) the number of cars (possible) travel faster from place to place, but this has some problems too. For example, (important) for disabled people to access some services, and if cars are limited this (harder) for them to do this. In addition, (require) businessmen to use public transport (harder) for them to do their work efficiently However, (important) control air pollution, and (restrict) car traffic (easier) to do this. (also important) reduce congestion, and (limit) cars is one way to (possible).


    -Suggesting solutions

    In IELTS Task 2 essays, you are often asked to suggest solutions. Here are two useful language structures for doing this. Both of these structures do not state WHO should do the action.

    Using 'to' + base form verb

    Example: The first (solution) is to limit tourist numbers.

    Using 'can'+ passive

    Example: Special paths can be built (so that people won't damage

    the ground when they walk).

    4Fill in the gaps in this paragraph to suggest solutions to the problem of air pollution in cities.

    One __________________the number of cars that are allowed into the city. Another _________________________________ enforce strict rules about car exhaust fumes, so that the cars do not emit poisonous gases. For example, special tests ______________ to check car emissions, and people _____________________ to leave their cars at home on alternate days.

    III. 线图技巧讲解





    rise, increase, climb, balloon, ascend

    下降 :

    fall, decrease, dip, drop, jump, descend


    fluctuate, vary


    reach the peak, peak at, reach the highest point at


    reach the bottom, bottom at, reach the lowest point at


    remain/keep stable/constant, stabilize



    sharply, fast, quickly, drastically, dramatically


    slowly, gradually, slightly



    The number of TV viewers rises sharply between 8pm and 10 pm.


    Since 1999 the figure has decreased slightly.


    About, approximately

    Nearly, less than

    Over, more than


    The line graph demonstrates the birds population in Europe, measured in millions, for the years 1977 to 2001, in three-yearly intervals.


    In+起点,the figure was 数据, 趋势ing to 数据 in 时间 +before+相反的趋势ing to 数据 in 时间, after which there was a/an +程度+趋势+to/at +数据+in+时间. Then, it experienced a fluctuation, reaching the peak at 数据+in+时间+and bottoming out at 数据+in+时间.


    In 1977, the figure was 120 million, rising to about 127 million in 1980 before jumping dramatically to nearly 100 million in 1986, after which there was an another increase to approximately 105 million. Then it experienced an almost stable trend at about 96 million until 1995, from which it started to decrease slightly to 90 million in 2001.



    Model 1

    The graph shows the birds population in Europe, measured in millions, for the years 1977 to 2001, in three-yearly intervals. Overall, the graph shows the population decreased over time. In 1977, the population was 120 million birds. This increased to a peak of about 126 million in 1980, and then dropped sharply over the next six years to approximately 98 million in 1986. It then rose significantly to about 105 million in 1989. It fell sharply over the next three years to about 95 million in 1992 and remained relatively stable after that at between 96 and 90 million birds. The graph shows a trend of a gradual decrease in the number of birds since 1995.


    The graph below contains information about global carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions over fifteen years.



    Model 2

    The graph shows carbon dioxide emissions, measured in millions of tons of carbon, for the years 1990 to 2004 in two-yearly intervals. Overall, the graph shows the quantity of emissions increased steadily over the fifteen years. In 1990, emissions were around 6,000 million tons of carbon. They increased slightly in 1992 to about 6,200 million tons, and then dropped back to the previous level in 1994. They climbed sharply for two years to approximately 6,500 million tons in 1996. They remained stable for two years, and then rose steadily over the next four years to nearly 7,000 million tons in 2002. They then rose sharply over the following two

    years to a peak of 7,700 million tons in 2004.


    In 1990, the figure was around 6,000 million tons of carbon, rising to about 6,200 million tons in 1992 before dropping back to the previous level in 1994, after which it climbed sharply for two years to approximately 6,500 million tons in 1996. Then it remained stable for two years, and then rose steadily over the next four years to nearly 7,000 million tons in 2002. They then rose sharply over the following two years to a peak of 7,700 million tons in 2004.


    Writing Practice

    19. Write your own paragraph about the graph below. Follow the two models in this lesson and focus carefully on the grammar points that you have practised.




    Complete the table below:

















    Are the follow pairs of words similar or different in meaning?

    a. sudden, quick similar/ different

    b. fall, drop similar/ different

    c. stable, inconsistent similar/ different

    d. slightly, sharply similar/ different

    e. climb, fall similar/ different

    f. slow, gradual similar/ different


    Complete the sentences below. Choose the correct word from the brackets.

    a. The population (rose, fell) from 100 million to 90 million.

    b. The quantity rose (slightly, significantly) from 5% to 95%.

    c. From 1992 to 1995, the figure remained (steady, slight).

    d. The total (dropped, climbed) (sharply, inconsistently) from 75 to 10.

    e. These numbers (remained, grew) the same for three years.

    f. The numbers increased (gradually/sharply) from 95 to 100 over the next five years.


    Useful words for describing graphs

    *in _x –yearly intervals*

    Then write three sentences for the data below. Follow the example from Model 1.

    a. school population: 1990, 1995, 2000, 2005

    b. number of cars sold: 2001, 2003, 2005, 2007, 2009

    c. greenhouse gas emissions: 1980, 1984, 1988, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004


    Essential Grammar

    -prepositions for dates

    Take note of the prepositions for some common expressions of time. You need to learn these phrases.

    between...and between 2005 and 2008; between January and July

    from...to from 2005 to 2008; from January to July

    from...until from 2005 until 2008; from January until July

    in in 2007; in February

    for for the five years; for the three-month period

    during during the five years; during the three-month period; during 1994

    over over five years; over the three-month period

    Examples: The number of birds rose from 120 million to 125 million.

    The number fell from 125 million to 97 million.

    To describe a state (not movement), use the preposition at.

    Examples: The number began at 120 million.

    It peaked at 125 million.

    It remained stable at 95 million.

    It ended at 90 million.

    Examples: There was an increase of 5 million.

    There was a drop of 2 million.

    There was a trend of a gradual decrease.


    Look at the present tense verbs below. Do you know if their past simple forms are regular or irregular? If you are unsure, check in Model 1. Then write the past simple forms.

    a. increase regular / irregular _____________

    b. fall regular / irregular _____________

    c. climb regular / irregular _____________

    d. grow regular / irregular _____________

    e. remain regular /irregular ______________

    f. rise regular / irregular ______________


    Look at the sentences below.

    a. In 1980, the population ________ around 126 million birds.

    b. In 1990, emissions _________ around 6,000 million tons of carbon.

    c. These figures _________ recorded in Europe.

    d. The number of people _________ more than last year.

    e. In 1850, the environment ________ less polluted.

    f. In the past, cars _________ more polluting.

    g. In 1970, the hole in the ozone layer ________ much smaller.



    The population increased in 1992. The population increased again in 1993.

    The population increased in 1992. It increased again in 1993.

    Emissions increased slightly over two years. Emissions rose suddenly in 2003.

    Emissions increased slightly over two years. They rose suddenly in 2003.

    Rewrite these pairs of sentences using pronoun reference.

    a. These figures show changes in the environment. These figures are for the last five years.

    b. The environment is important to everyone. We all need the environment to survive.

    c. Cars use fossil fuels. Cars also create air pollution.

    d. The hole in the ozone layer is caused by chemicals in the air. The hole in the ozone layer is getting bigger.

    e. The number of species in the world is unknown. But the number of species in the world is decreasing.

    f. The birds in Europe are dying. Scientists can help the birds in Europe.


    Turn the sentences below into a paragraph by using pronoun reference and the correct tense of the verbs in brackets. Check subject/verb agreement.

    Rapid population growth during the twentieth century (cause) a lot of environmental damage.

    Rapid population growth (put) a lot of pressure on land and other natural resources such as energy and water.

    Rapid population growth also (create) problems such as pollution, changing weather patterns and the loss of many species of plants, birds and animals.

    Many species of plants, birds and animals (die) because urban development and agriculture (destroy) their habitat.

    Many species of plants, birds and animals (can) not be brought back.

    Towards the end of the 1990s, scientists (realise) that the world was getting warmer. Scientists now (believe)

    that this (be) due to air pollution caused by industrial development, planes and vehicles.

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/alex-bn-lee/p/6392649.html
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