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  • cmake语法学习

    cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.5)
    # Create a library
    #Generate the shared library from the library sources
    add_library(cmake_examples_inst SHARED
    # Create an executable
    # Add an executable with the above sources
    # link the new hello_library target with the hello_binary target
    target_link_libraries( cmake_examples_inst_bin
    # Install
    # Binaries
    install (TARGETS cmake_examples_inst_bin
        DESTINATION bin)
    # Library
    # Note: may not work on windows
    install (TARGETS cmake_examples_inst
    # Header files
    install(DIRECTORY ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/include/ 
        DESTINATION include)
    # Config
    install (FILES cmake-examples.conf
        DESTINATION etc)

    Before diving into the code, please make sure you really uderstand what is intalling and why to do that.

    Install a libiary (like OpenCV) to system  ( some specific paths ), and after that, you can import them to you project by "find_packge()" in CMake.


    install (TARGETS cmake_examples_inst_bin
        DESTINATION bin)

    -TARGETS is followed by the file to stall

    -DESTINATION is followed by the folder.

    That means, the final output path will be "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/bin"

    For beginners, the most confused thing will be where is the path to install, when did you set that, and where in the CMakeList.txt.

    The answer is, there are some default paths in CMake marked by some kept variables.

    So the path settings are quite ambigous. (At least it is my opinion.)

    For a better understanding, I recommend you to message() some path-variables in CMake and remember them. We have limited options in this points. Please check the website of CMake.




    - After setting the include paths, you can open the head files #include in you file. But of course, you need to have an IDE to support importing project from CMkeList.txt, like CLion. But it is no free which only offers me 30 days to use.

    Waitting for recommendations :)

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/alexYuin/p/12773615.html
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