It takes three steps to create reports for a Subversion module:
- Check out a copy of the module from Subversion
- Create a log file for the module
- Run StatSVN
Checking out a module from Subversion
You can skip this step if you have already checked out a working copy, whether with the command line utility as shown here or a graphical interface, such as TortoiseSVN, but make sure to run an "svn update" on your working copy or you may not see all your log entries (see this section of the SVN book for more information). Typically, the command looks like this (assuming modulename to be the name of the module):
svn co svn://server/repo/trunk/modulename
Creating an SVN log file
Change into the directory where you have checked out the module, and use the svn log command to create a log file.
cd checkout_dir
svn log -v --xml > logfile.log
Do not forget the -v option otherwise it will not work.
Running StatSVN
StatSVN is run using the command java -jar statsvn.jar. It takes a bare minimum of two command line parameters:
java -jar statsvn.jar <logfile> <checked-out-module>
For example:
java -jar /path/to/statsvn.jar /path/to/module/logfile.log /path/to/module
This command creates the reports in the current user directory. You can now point your browser to the file index.html, which is the table of contents of the report.