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  • Flask 进阶

    OOP 面向对象反射

    # __call__方法
    # class Foo(object):
    # 	def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
    # 		return "i am call"
    # f = Foo()  # f 是Foo的对象
    # print(f())  # f() 对象加括号执行当前对象下__call__ 函数
    # __setattr__ , def __getattr__ 属性的创建  赋值  提取
    # class Foo(object):
    #   # 属性赋值
    # 	def __setattr__(self, key, value):
    # 		print(f'{key},{value}')
    # 	# def __getattr__(self, key, value):
    # 	# 	print(key)
    #   # 获取属性名
    # 	def __getattribute__(self, item):
    # 		print(item)
    # f = Foo()
    # 调用__setattr__ 方法;属性的创建及赋值
    # f.name = "anwen"  # 对象.name  对象打点调属性
    # 调用__getattribute__ 方法
    # f.name
    # __setitem__  __getitem__
    class Foo(object):
    	# 字典的键值
    	def __setitem__(self, key, value):
    		# name anwen
    		print(key, value)
    	# 字典的键
    	def __getitem__(self, item):
    f = Foo()
    # 调用 __setitem__ 方法;
    f["name"] = "anwen"
    # 调用__getitem__ 方法;获取的是字典的键


    from functools import partial
    # def abfunc(a, b):
    # 	print("a:", a)
    # 	print("b:", b)
    # 	return a + b
    # # 将原函数和原函数接收的参数一并存放,返回新函数 在执行新函数时 将参数传入原函数中一并执行
    # new_ab = partial(abfunc, a=2, b=3)
    # print(new_ab)
    # print(new_ab())
    # 传入 x ,等待计算
    def abfunc(a, b, x):
    	print("a:", a)
    	print("b:", b)
    	return a + b + x
    # 将原函数和原函数接收的参数一并存放,返回新函数, 在执行新函数时 将参数传入原函数中一并执行
    new_ab = partial(abfunc, x=4)
    print(new_ab(2, 3))


    import time
    import copy
    from copy import deepcopy
    from threading import Thread, get_ident
    class Foo(object):
    f = Foo()
    f.num = 0
    local_dic = {}
    # {
    # 	get_ident():{f.num:1},
    # 	get_ident():{f.num:2},
    # 	get_ident():{f.num:3},
    # }
    def add(i):
    	# print(get_ident())
    	# 极快解决阻塞问题,保证公共对象的安全性;但是浪费了很多内存,空间换时间
    	local_dic[get_ident()] = deepcopy(f)
    	local_dic[get_ident()].num = i
    	f.num = i
    for i in range(20):
    	# 多线程操作同一个对象, 出现线程不安全
    	task = Thread(target=add, args=(i,))
    	# add(i)

    线程安全 local

    import time
    from threading import Thread, local
    # 继承local 解决线程安全问题,还不浪费资源
    class Foo(local):
    f = Foo()
    f.num = 0
    def add(i):
    	f.num = i
    for i in range(20):
    	# 多线程操作同一个对象, 出现线程不安全
    	task = Thread(target=add, args=(i,))
    	# add(i)

    请求上下文 阅读源码

    # 请求是如何到达Flask应用的
    from werkzeug.wrappers import Request, Response
    from werkzeug import run_simple
    def app(env):
    	print(env, type(env))
    	return Response("200 ok")   # 函数+()运行
    run_simple("", 5000, app)
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/an-wen/p/11601372.html
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