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  • 2016.6.8


    news from BBC

    US election 2016: Clinton hails 'milestone for women'

    Hillary Clinton has thanked her supporters for helping her reach a historic moment for women - the US Democratic nomination for president.

    1.  "Thanks to you, we've reached a milestone," she told cheering crowds at a rally in New York.

       milestone 【ˈmaɪlstəʊn】 里程碑

    2.  Hours later, she won the California Democratic primary, further cementing her hold on the nomination.

       Democratic primary 民主党初选会 

       cement 【sɪˈment】 水泥,巩固,粘牢

    3.  As the votes were being counted, he told supporters he would remain in the race and contest the remaining primary in the District of Columbia on 14 June, despite acknowledging it was a "very, very steep fight".

       steep 【sti:p】 陡峭的,险峻的

    4.  Mr Sanders aims to sway super delegates to support him instead of Mrs Clinton at the party's convention in July, but commentators say the Vermont Senator is unlikely to succeed in his bid for the nomination.

       sway 【sweɪ】 摇摆,倾斜,改变

       delegate 【ˈdelɪgət】 代表,代表团成员

       senator 【ˈsenətə】 参议员

    5.  Mr Trump had earlier called on Sanders' supporters to join him after winning his party's vote in New Jersey(新泽西), South Dakota(南达科他), New Mexico, California and Montana(蒙大拿).

       call on 呼吁 

    6.  In what amounted to a Democratic nomination contest victory speech, Hillary Clinton took some time to acknowledge the historic nature of her achievement. She made reference to the metaphorical glass ceiling that she has now shattered. She referenced the long struggles of the women's rights movement. And she tipped her hat to her Democratic rival, Bernie Sanders.

       metaphorical 【ˌmetəˈfɒrɪkl】 隐喻性的

       glass ceiling 【ˈsi:lɪŋ】 玻璃天花板

       shatter 【ˈʃætə】 破碎

       tip one's hat to sb. 想某人致敬

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/an9wer/p/5571298.html
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