news form BBC
Juno probe enters into orbit around Jupiter
The US space agency has successfully put a new probe in orbit around Jupiter.
probe 【prəʊb】 探头,探测器
Jupiter 【ˈdʒupɪtɚ】 木星
1. Receipt of the radio messages prompted wild cheering at Nasa's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California.
receipt 【rɪˈsi:t】 收据,发票
2. Engineers had warned in advance that the engine firing was fraught with danger.
fraught 【frɔ:t】 充满的,担心的
3. Tuesday's orbit insertion has put Juno in a large ellipse around the planet that takes just over 53 days to complete.
ellipse 【ɪˈlɪps】 椭圆
4. At each close approach, Juno will use its eight remote sensing instruments - plus its camera - to peer down through the gas planet's many layers, to measure their composition, temperature, motion and other properties.
peer 【pɪr】 凝视
layer 【ˈleɪə(r)】 层