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  • 74.资金管理-员工工资配置 extjs 页面


     1 <%@ page language="java" import="java.util.*" pageEncoding="UTF-8"%>
     2 <%
     3 String path = request.getContextPath();
     4 String basePath = request.getScheme()+"://"+request.getServerName()+":"+request.getServerPort()+path+"/";
     5 %>
     7 <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
     8 <html>
     9   <head>
    10     <base href="<%=basePath%>">
    12     <title>基本工资信息</title>
    14     <script type="text/javascript">
    15         var salaryBasic = new SalaryBasic();
    16         var tabId = Ext.getCmp('mainTab').getActiveTab().id.split('_')[1];
    17         juage(tabId,"salb",salaryBasic,"salaryBasic");
    18     </script>
    20   </head>
    21   <body>
    22       <div id="salaryBasic" ></div>
    23   </body>
    24 </html>


      1 /**
      2  * 员工工资基本信息管理
      3  * @author sux 2011-02-23
      4  * @memberOf {TypeName} 
      5  * @return {TypeName} 
      6  */
      7 var SalaryBasic = Ext.extend(Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel,{
      8     id: 'salaryBasicId',
      9     constructor: function(){
     10         Ext.form.Field.prototype.msgTarget = 'title';
     11         var number = new Ext.grid.RowNumberer();
     12         var sm = new Ext.grid.CheckboxSelectionModel();
     13         var salBasicStore = new Ext.data.JsonStore({
     14             url: 'salBasic_list.action',
     15             root: 'root',
     16              totalProperty: 'totalProperty',
     17             fields: ['sbId','employee','sbBasic','sbEndowment','sbHospitalization','sbUnemployment','sbInjury',
     18                 'sbMaternity','sbHousing','sbTraffic','sbEatery','sbTelephone']
     19         })
     20         var cm = new Ext.grid.ColumnModel([
     21             number, sm,
     22         {
     23             header: '编号',
     24             dataIndex: 'sbId',
     25             align: 'center'
     26         },{
     27             header: '员工工号',
     28             dataIndex: 'employee',
     29             align: 'center',
     30             renderer: function(value){
     31                 //判断其类型是否为object类型
     32                 if(typeof(value) == "object"){
     33                     return value.empId;
     34                 }else{
     35                     return value;
     36                 }
     37             },
     38             editor: new Ext.form.TextField({
     39                 allowBlank: false,
     40                 blankText: '不能为空',     
     41                 id: 'salaryBasicEmp',
     42                 listeners: {'blur':this.uniqueEmp}
     43             })
     44         },{
     45             header: '员工姓名',
     46             dataIndex: 'employee',
     47             align: 'center',
     48             renderer: function(value){
     49                 if(value)
     50                 return value.empName;
     51             }
     52         },{
     53             header: '基本工资',
     54             dataIndex: 'sbBasic',
     55             align: 'center',
     56             editor: new Ext.form.TextField()
     57         },{
     58             header: '养老保险',
     59             dataIndex: 'sbEndowment',
     60             align: 'center',
     61             editor: new Ext.form.ComboBox({
     62                 mode: 'local',
     63                 triggerAction: 'all',
     64                 editable: false,
     65                 store: new Ext.data.SimpleStore({
     66                     fields: ['name','value'],
     67                     data: [['是','1'],['否','0']]
     68                 }),
     69                 displayField: 'name',
     70                 valueField: 'value'
     71             }),
     72             renderer: function(value){
     73                 if(value == '1') return '是';
     74                 return '否';
     75             }
     76         },{
     77             header: '医疗保险',
     78             dataIndex: 'sbHospitalization',
     79             align: 'center',
     80             editor: new Ext.form.ComboBox({
     81                 mode: 'local',
     82                 triggerAction: 'all',
     83                 editable: false,
     84                 store: new Ext.data.SimpleStore({
     85                     fields: ['name','value'],
     86                     data: [['是','1'],['否','0']]
     87                 }),
     88                 displayField: 'name',
     89                 valueField: 'value'
     90             }),
     91             renderer: function(value){
     92                 if(value == '1') return '是';
     93                 return '否';
     94             }
     95         },{
     96             header: '失业保险',
     97             dataIndex: 'sbUnemployment',
     98             align: 'center',
     99             editor: new Ext.form.ComboBox({
    100                 mode: 'local',
    101                 editable: false,
    102                 triggerAction: 'all',
    103                 store: new Ext.data.SimpleStore({
    104                     fields: ['name','value'],
    105                     data: [['是','1'],['否','0']]
    106                 }),
    107                 displayField: 'name',
    108                 valueField: 'value'
    109             }),
    110             renderer: function(value){
    111                 if(value == '1') return '是';
    112                 return '否';
    113             }
    114         },{
    115             header: '工伤保险',
    116             dataIndex: 'sbInjury',
    117             align: 'center',
    118             editor: new Ext.form.ComboBox({
    119                 mode: 'local',
    120                 triggerAction: 'all',
    121                 editable: false,
    122                 store: new Ext.data.SimpleStore({
    123                     fields: ['name','value'],
    124                     data: [['是','1'],['否','0']]
    125                 }),
    126                 displayField: 'name',
    127                 valueField: 'value'
    128             }),
    129             renderer: function(value){
    130                 if(value == '1') return '是';
    131                 return '否';
    132             }
    133         },{
    134             header: '生育保险',
    135             dataIndex: 'sbMaternity',
    136             align: 'center',
    137             editor: new Ext.form.ComboBox({
    138                 mode: 'local',
    139                 triggerAction: 'all',
    140                 editable: false,
    141                 store: new Ext.data.SimpleStore({
    142                     fields: ['name','value'],
    143                     data: [['是','1'],['否','0']]
    144                 }),
    145                 displayField: 'name',
    146                 valueField: 'value'
    147             }),
    148             renderer: function(value){
    149                 if(value == '1') return '是';
    150                 return '否';
    151             }
    152         },{
    153             header: '住房公积金',
    154             dataIndex: 'sbHousing',
    155             align: 'center',
    156             editor: new Ext.form.ComboBox({
    157                 mode: 'local',
    158                 editable: false,
    159                 triggerAction: 'all',
    160                 store: new Ext.data.SimpleStore({
    161                     fields: ['name','value'],
    162                     data: [['是','1'],['否','0']]
    163                 }),
    164                 displayField: 'name',
    165                 valueField: 'value'
    166             }),
    167             renderer: function(value){
    168                 if(value) return '是';
    169                 return '否';
    170             }
    171         },{
    172             header: '交通补贴',
    173             dataIndex: 'sbTraffic',
    174             align: 'center',
    175             editor: new Ext.form.NumberField()
    176         },{
    177             header: '餐费补贴',
    178             dataIndex: 'sbEatery',
    179             align: 'center',
    180             editor: new Ext.form.NumberField()
    181         },{
    182             header: '通迅补贴',
    183             dataIndex: 'sbTelephone',
    184             align: 'center',
    185             editor: new Ext.form.NumberField()
    186         }])
    187         SalaryBasic.superclass.constructor.call(this, {
    188              Ext.getCmp('mainTab').getActiveTab().getInnerWidth(),
    189             height: Ext.getCmp('mainTab').getActiveTab().getInnerHeight(),
    190             /**表格高度自适应 document.body.clientHeight浏览器页面高度 start**/
    191             monitorResize: true, 
    192             doLayout: function() { 
    193                 this.setWidth(document.body.clientWidth-205);
    194                 this.setHeight(document.body.clientHeight-140);
    195                 Ext.grid.GridPanel.prototype.doLayout.call(this); 
    196             } ,
    197             viewConfig: {
    198                 forceFit: true
    199             },
    200             sm: sm, 
    201             cm: cm,
    202             store: salBasicStore,
    203             tbar: new Ext.Toolbar({
    204                 items: ['条目:',{
    205                     xtype: 'combo',
    206                      80,
    207                     triggerAction: 'all',
    208                     editable: false,
    209                     mode: 'local',
    210                     store: new Ext.data.SimpleStore({
    211                         fields: ['name','value'],
    212                         data: [[" "," "],["empId","员工工号"],["empName","员工姓名"]]
    213                     }),
    214                     id: 'sb_condition',
    215                     displayField: 'value',
    216                     valueField: 'name'
    217                 },'内容',{
    218                     xtype: 'textfield',
    219                     id: 'sb_conditionValue',
    220                      80
    221                 },{
    222                     text: '查看',
    223                     handler: salViewFn,
    224                     iconCls: 'search'
    225                 },{
    226                     text: '删除',
    227                     handler: salDelFn,
    228                     id: 'salb_delete',
    229                     iconCls: 'delete'
    230                 },{
    231                     text: '新增',
    232                     id: 'salb_add',
    233                     handler: salNewFn,
    234                     iconCls: 'add'
    235                 },{
    236                     text: '修改或保存',
    237                     iconCls: 'save',
    238                     id: 'salb_saveorupdate',
    239                     handler: salUpdateOrSaveFn
    240                 }]                
    241             }),
    242             bbar: new PagingToolbar(salBasicStore, 20)
    243         })
    244         salBasicStore.load({
    245             params: {
    246                 start: 0,
    247                 limit: 20
    248             }
    249         });
    250     },
    251 //员工工号
    252     uniqueEmp: function(obj){
    253         var empId = obj.getValue();
    254         Ext.Ajax.request({
    255             url: 'salBasic_uniqueEmp.action',
    256             success: function(response, options){
    257                 var obj = Ext.util.JSON.decode(response.responseText);
    258                 if(obj.msg == false){
    259                     Ext.Msg.alert("提示","此员工的工资已配置");
    260                 }
    261             },
    262             failure: hrmsys.util.common.failure,
    263             params: {
    264                 empId: empId
    265             }
    266         })
    267     }
    268 });
    269 //查看
    270 salViewFn = function(){
    271     var condition = Ext.getCmp("sb_condition").getValue();
    272     var conditionValue = Ext.getCmp("sb_conditionValue").getValue();
    273     Ext.getCmp('salaryBasicId').getStore().load({
    274         params: {
    275             type: 'query',
    276             condition: condition,
    277             conditionValue: conditionValue,
    278             start: 0,
    279             limit: 20
    280         }
    281     });
    282 };
    283 //删除
    284 salDelFn = function(){
    285     gridDel('salaryBasicId','sbId', 'salBasic_delete.action');
    286 };
    287 //新增
    288 salNewFn = function(){
    289     var DefaultRecord = new Ext.data.Record.create([{name: 'sbId', mapping: 0},{name: 'employee', mapping: 1},
    290         {name: 'empName', mapping:2},{name: 'sbBasic', mapping: 3},{name: 'sbEndowment', mapping: 4},
    291         {name: 'sbHospitalization', mapping: 5},{name: 'sbUnemployment', mapping: 6},{name: 'sbInjury', mapping: 7},
    292         {name: 'sbMaternity', mapping: 8},{name: 'sbHousing', mapping:9},{name: 'sbTraffic', mapping: 10},
    293         {name: 'sbEatery', mapping: 11},{name: 'sbTelephone', mapping: 12}]);
    294     var num = Ext.getCmp('salaryBasicId').getStore().getCount();
    295     var newRecord = new DefaultRecord({
    296         sbId: num+1
    297     });
    298     Ext.getCmp('salaryBasicId').getStore().insert(0,newRecord);    
    299 };
    301 //保存或者修改
    302 salUpdateOrSaveFn = function(){
    303     var modifiedRecords = Ext.getCmp('salaryBasicId').getStore().getModifiedRecords();
    304     var salBasics = reSalBasicJson(modifiedRecords);
    305     //alert(salBasics);
    306     Ext.Ajax.request({
    307         url: 'salBasic_save.action',
    308         method: 'post',
    309         waitTitle: '提示',
    310         waitMsg: '正在保存数据...',
    311         params: {
    312             json: salBasics
    313         },
    314         success: salBasicSuccessFn,
    315         failure: boonModifyfailureFn
    316     })
    317 };
    318 //保存成功保存
    319 salBasicSuccessFn = function(response, options){
    320     var datas = Ext.util.JSON.decode(response.responseText);
    321     Ext.Msg.alert('提示',datas.msg,function(){
    322         Ext.getCmp('salaryBasicId').getStore().load({
    323             params: {
    324                 start: 0,
    325                 limit: 20
    326             }
    327         });
    328     });
    329 };
    330 //json
    331 reSalBasicJson = function(modifiedRecords){
    332     var count = modifiedRecords.length;
    333     var salBasics='';
    334     //有修改或保存
    335     if(count > 0){
    336         salBasics = "[";
    337         for(i=0; i<count; i++){
    338             salBasics += "{";
    339             var sbId = modifiedRecords[i].get('sbId');
    340             var employee = modifiedRecords[i].get('employee');
    341             if(typeof(employee) == "object"){
    342                 var empId = employee.empId;
    343             }else{
    344                 var empId = employee;
    345             }
    346             //var empName = modifiedRecords[i].get('empName');
    347             var sbBasic = modifiedRecords[i].get('sbBasic');
    348             var sbEndowment = modifiedRecords[i].get('sbEndowment');
    349             var sbHospitalization = modifiedRecords[i].get('sbHospitalization');
    350             var sbUnemployment = modifiedRecords[i].get('sbUnemployment');
    351             var sbInjury = modifiedRecords[i].get('sbInjury');
    352             var sbEatery = modifiedRecords[i].get('sbEatery');
    353             var sbMaternity = modifiedRecords[i].get('sbMaternity');
    354             var sbHousing = modifiedRecords[i].get('sbHousing');
    355             var sbTraffic = modifiedRecords[i].get('sbTraffic');
    356             var sbTelephone = modifiedRecords[i].get('sbTelephone');
    357             salBasics += '"sbId":'+sbId+', "empId":"'+empId+'","sbBasic":'+sbBasic+
    358             ',"sbEndowment":'+sbEndowment+', "sbHospitalization":'+sbHospitalization+', "sbUnemployment":'+sbUnemployment+
    359             ', "sbInjury":'+sbInjury+', "sbEatery":'+sbEatery+', "sbMaternity":'+sbMaternity+', "sbHousing":'+sbHousing+
    360             ', "sbTraffic":'+sbTraffic+', "sbTelephone":'+sbTelephone+'}';
    361             if( i != count-1)
    362                 salBasics += ","
    363         }
    364         salBasics += "]"
    365     }
    366     return salBasics;
    367 }
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/sharpest/p/7658513.html
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