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  • erlang OTP中的四大behaviour fsm的例子


     1 -module(code_lock2).
     3 -behaviour(gen_fsm).
     4 -export([start_link/1]).
     5 -export([button/1]).
     6 -export([init/1, locked/2, open/2]).
     7 -export([code_change/4, handle_event/3, handle_info/3, handle_sync_event/4, terminate/3]).
     9 -spec(start_link(Code::string()) -> {ok,pid()} | ignore | {error,term()}).
    10 start_link(Code) ->
    11     gen_fsm:start_link({local, code_lock2}, code_lock2, Code, []).
    13 -spec(button(Digit::string()) -> ok).
    14 button(Digit) ->
    15     gen_fsm:send_event(code_lock2, {button, Digit}).
    17 init(LockCode) ->
    18     io:format("init: ~p~n", [LockCode]),
    19     {ok, locked, {[], LockCode}}.
    21 locked({button, Digit}, {SoFar, Code}) ->
    22     io:format("buttion: ~p, So far: ~p, Code: ~p~n", [Digit, [SoFar|Digit], Code]),
    23     InputDigits = lists:append(SoFar, Digit),
    24     io:format("Right now the password is ~p~n", [InputDigits]),
    25     case InputDigits of
    26         Code ->
    27             do_unlock(),
    28             {next_state, open, {[], Code}, 10000};
    29         Incomplete when length(Incomplete)<length(Code) ->
    30             {next_state, locked, {Incomplete, Code}, 5000};
    31         Wrong ->
    32             io:format("wrong passwd: ~p~n", [Wrong]),
    33             {next_state, locked, {[], Code}}
    34     end;
    35 locked(timeout, {_SoFar, Code}) ->
    36     io:format("timout when waiting button inputting, clean the input, button again plz~n"),
    37     {next_state, locked, {[], Code}}.
    39 open(timeout, State) ->
    40     do_lock(),
    41     {next_state, locked, State}.
    43 code_change(_OldVsn, StateName, Data, _Extra) ->
    44     {ok, StateName, Data}.
    46 terminate(normal, _StateName, _Data) ->
    47     ok.
    49 handle_event(Event, StateName, Data) ->
    50     io:format("handle_event... ~n"),
    51     unexpected(Event, StateName),
    52     {next_state, StateName, Data}.
    54 handle_sync_event(Event, From, StateName, Data) ->
    55     io:format("handle_sync_event, for process: ~p... ~n", [From]),
    56     unexpected(Event, StateName),
    57     {next_state, StateName, Data}.
    59 handle_info(Info, StateName, Data) ->
    60     io:format("handle_info...~n"),
    61     unexpected(Info, StateName),
    62     {next_state, StateName, Data}.
    64 %% Unexpected allows to log unexpected messages
    65 unexpected(Msg, State) ->
    66     io:format("~p RECEIVED UNKNOWN EVENT: ~p, while FSM process in state: ~p~n",
    67               [self(), Msg, State]).
    68 %%
    69 %% actions
    70 do_unlock() ->
    71     io:format("passwd is right, open the DOOR.~n").
    73 do_lock() ->
    74     io:format("over, close the DOOR.~n").


     1 3> code_lock2:button([1]).
     2 buttion: [1], So far: [], Code: [1,3,5,3,1,7]
     3 Right now the password is [1]
     4 ok
     5 4> code_lock2:button([3]).
     6 buttion: [3], So far: [1], Code: [1,3,5,3,1,7]
     7 Right now the password is [1,3]
     8 ok
     9 5> code_lock2:button([5]).
    10 buttion: [5], So far: [1,3], Code: [1,3,5,3,1,7]
    11 Right now the password is [1,3,5]
    12 ok
    13 timout when waiting button inputting, clean the input, button again plz
    14 6> code_lock2:button([3]).
    15 buttion: [3], So far: [], Code: [1,3,5,3,1,7]
    16 Right now the password is [3]
    17 ok
    18 timout when waiting button inputting, clean the input, button again plz
    19 7> code_lock2:button([1]).
    20 buttion: [1], So far: [], Code: [1,3,5,3,1,7]
    21 Right now the password is [1]
    22 ok
    23 8> code_lock2:button([3]).
    24 buttion: [3], So far: [[1],3], Code: [1,3,5,3,1,7]
    25 Right now the password is [1,3]
    26 ok
    27 9> code_lock2:button([5]).
    28 buttion: [5], So far: [[1,3],5], Code: [1,3,5,3,1,7]
    29 Right now the password is [1,3,5]
    30 ok
    31 10> code_lock2:button([3]).
    32 buttion: [3], So far: [1,3,5], Code: [1,3,5,3,1,7]
    33 Right now the password is [1,3,5,3]
    34 ok
    35 11> code_lock2:button([1]).
    36 buttion: [1], So far: [1,3,5,3], Code: [1,3,5,3,1,7]
    37 Right now the password is [1,3,5,3,1]
    38 ok
    39 12> code_lock2:button([7]).
    40 buttion: [7], So far: [1,3,5,3,1], Code: [1,3,5,3,1,7]
    41 Right now the password is [1,3,5,3,1,7]
    42 ok
    43 passwd is right, open the DOOR.
    44 over, close the DOOR.
    45 13>

    有一个地方解释一下,使用fsm:send_event(code_lock2, {button, Digit})相当于发送了一个消息,这个消息怎么处理呢?






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