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  • Lambda入门示例实例

    class Program
            delegate int 乘法(int i);
            static void Main(string[] args)
            private static void 显示年龄大于20岁的人且计数()
                var names = new[]{
                new {Name="jack",Age=20},
                new {Name="rose",Age=10},
                new {Name="tom",Age=30},
                new {Name="jerry",Age=40},
                new {Name="Black",Age=50},
                var output = names.Where(p => p.Age > 20);
                foreach (var item in output)
                    Console.WriteLine("名字是{0},年龄是{1}", item.Name, item.Age);
                Console.WriteLine("年龄大于20岁的一共有:{0}", output.Count());
            private static void 取出姓的唯一值并打印出详细清单()
                var names = new[]{
                new {Name="jack 盖茨",Age=20},
                new {Name="rose 吴",Age=10},
                new {Name="tom 邓",Age=30},
                new {Name="jerry 盖茨",Age=40},
                new {Name="Black 吴",Age=50},
                var output = names.GroupBy(p => p.Name.Split(' ')[1]);
                foreach (var item in output)
                    foreach (var 详细 in item)
                        Console.WriteLine("  " + 详细);
            private static void 按年龄大小排序()
                var names = new[]{
                new {Name="jack",Age=20},
                new {Name="rose",Age=10},
                new {Name="tom",Age=30},
                new {Name="jerry",Age=40},
                new {Name="Black",Age=50},
                var output = names.OrderBy(p => p.Age).Select(p => p);
                foreach (var item in output)
                    Console.WriteLine("名字是{0},年龄是{1}", item.Name, item.Age);
            private static void 整数数组排序()
                int[] arr = { 5, 8, 9, 1, 4, 2, 3 };
                var output = arr.OrderBy(p => p);
                foreach (var item in output)
            private static void 显示字符串以J开头的()
                string[] str = { "tom", "jerry", "jack", "rose" };
                var output = str.Select(p => p).Where(p => p.StartsWith("j"));
                foreach (var item in output)
            private static void 委托乘法()
                乘法 x2;
                x2 = p => p * 2;
                for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                x2 = p => p * p;
                for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
            private static void 用枚举器显示年龄大于20岁的()
                var names = new[]{
                new {Name="jack",Age=20},
                new {Name="rose",Age=10},
                new {Name="tom",Age=30},
                new {Name="jerry",Age=40},
                new {Name="Black",Age=50},
                var ie = names.Where(p => p.Age > 20).Select(p => p);
                var output = ie.GetEnumerator();
                while (output.MoveNext())
                    Console.WriteLine("名字是{0},年龄是{1}", output.Current.Name, output.Current.Age);
            private static void 找出字符串中包含o的字符串()
                string[] str = { "tom", "jerry", "jack", "rose" };
                var output = str.Select(p => p).Where(p => p.ToCharArray().Contains('o'));
                foreach (var item in output)
            private static void 显示数组中大于5的()
                int[] arr = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 };
                var output = arr.Select(p => p).Where(p => p > 5);
                foreach (var item in output)
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/angestudy/p/2011264.html
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