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  • 如何调用训练好的caffemodel








     1 #include<cstring>
     2 #include<cstdlib>
     3 #include<vector>
     4 #include<string>
     5 #include<iostream>
     6 #include<stdio.h>
     7 #include<assert.h>
     8 #include"caffe/caffe.hpp"
     9 #include"caffe/util/io.hpp"
    10 #include"caffe/blob.hpp"
    11 usingnamespace caffe;
    12 usingnamespace std;
    13 int main(int argc,char** argv)
    14 {
    15 LOG(INFO)<< argv[0]<<" [GPU] [Device ID]";
    16    //Setting CPU or GPU
    17 if(argc >=2&& strcmp(argv[1],"GPU")==0)
    18 {
    19 Caffe::set_mode(Caffe::GPU);
    20 int device_id =0;
    21 if(argc ==3)
    22        {
    23          device_id = atoi(argv[2]);
    24        }
    25 Caffe::SetDevice(device_id);
    26   LOG(INFO)<<"Using GPU #"<< device_id;
    27 }
    28 else
    29 {
    30        LOG(INFO)<<"Using CPU";
    31        Caffe::set_mode(Caffe::CPU);
    32 }
    33 // Set to TEST Phase
    34 //Caffe::set_phase(Caffe::TEST);
    35 // Load net
    36 // Assume you are in Caffe master directory,神经网络的配置文件
    37 Net<float> net("./examples/prediction_example/prediction_example.prototxt",TEST);
    38 // Load pre-trained net (binary proto)
    39 // Assume you are already trained the cifar10 example.预训练网络加载
    40 net.CopyTrainedLayersFrom("./examples/cifar10/cifar10_quick_iter_5000.caffemodel");
    41 float loss =0.0;
    42 vector<Blob<float>*> results = net.ForwardPrefilled(&loss);
    43 LOG(INFO)<<"Result size: "<< results.size();
    44 // Log how many blobs were loaded
    45 LOG(INFO)<<"Blob size: "<< net.input_blobs().size();
    46 LOG(INFO)<<"-------------";
    47 LOG(INFO)<<" prediction :  ";
    48 // Get probabilities
    49 const boost::shared_ptr<Blob<float>>& probLayer = net.blob_by_name("prob");
    50 constfloat* probs_out = probLayer->cpu_data();
    51 // Get argmax results
    52 const boost::shared_ptr<Blob<float>>& argmaxLayer = net.blob_by_name("argmax");
    53 // Display results
    54 LOG(INFO)<<"---------------------------------------------------------------";
    55 constfloat* argmaxs = argmaxLayer->cpu_data();
    56 for(int i =0; i < argmaxLayer->num(); i++)
    57 {
    58 LOG(INFO)<<"Pattern:"<< i <<" class:"<< argmaxs[i*argmaxLayer->height()+0]<<" Prob="<< probs_out[i*probLayer->height()+0];
    59 }
    60 LOG(INFO)<<"-------------";
    61 return0;
    62 }
    View Code


      1 anmeng@cam:/opt/caffe-master$  ./build/tools/prediction_example
      2 WARNING:Logging before InitGoogleLogging() is written to STDERR
      3 I0326 00:32:58.843086  3090 prediction_example.cpp:19]./build/tools/prediction_example [GPU][Device ID]
      4 I0326 00:32:58.843185  3090 prediction_example.cpp:35]Using CPU
      5 I0326 00:32:58.990399  3090 upgrade_proto.cpp:52]Attempting to upgrade input file specified using deprecated V1LayerParameter:./examples/prediction_example/prediction_example.prototxt
      6 I0326 00:32:58.990525  3090 upgrade_proto.cpp:60]Successfully upgraded file specified using deprecated V1LayerParameter
      7 I0326 00:32:58.990702  3090 net.cpp:49]Initializing net from parameters:
      8 name:"CIFAR10_quick"
      9 state {
     10  phase: TEST
     11 }
     12 layer {
     13  name:"data"
     14  type:"ImageData"
     15  top:"data"
     16  top:"label"
     17  transform_param {
     18    mean_file:"./examples/cifar10/mean.binaryproto"
     19  }
     20  image_data_param {
     21    source:"./examples/prediction_example/file_list.txt"
     22    batch_size:7
     23    new_height:32
     24    new_32
     25  }
     26 }
     27 layer {
     28  name:"conv1"
     29  type:"Convolution"
     30  bottom:"data"
     31  top:"conv1"
     32  param {
     33    lr_mult:1
     34  }
     35  param {
     36    lr_mult:2
     37  }
     38  convolution_param {
     39    num_output:32
     40    pad:2
     41    kernel_size:5
     42    stride:1
     43    weight_filler {
     44      type:"gaussian"
     45      std:0.0001
     46    }
     47    bias_filler {
     48      type:"constant"
     49    }
     50  }
     51 }
     52 layer {
     53  name:"pool1"
     54  type:"Pooling"
     55  bottom:"conv1"
     56  top:"pool1"
     57  pooling_param {
     58    pool: MAX
     59    kernel_size:3
     60    stride:2
     61  }
     62 }
     63 layer {
     64  name:"relu1"
     65  type:"ReLU"
     66  bottom:"pool1"
     67  top:"pool1"
     68 }
     69 layer {
     70  name:"conv2"
     71  type:"Convolution"
     72  bottom:"pool1"
     73  top:"conv2"
     74  param {
     75    lr_mult:1
     76  }
     77  param {
     78    lr_mult:2
     79  }
     80  convolution_param {
     81    num_output:32
     82    pad:2
     83    kernel_size:5
     84    stride:1
     85    weight_filler {
     86      type:"gaussian"
     87      std:0.01
     88    }
     89    bias_filler {
     90      type:"constant"
     91    }
     92  }
     93 }
     94 layer {
     95  name:"relu2"
     96  type:"ReLU"
     97  bottom:"conv2"
     98  top:"conv2"
     99 }
    100 layer {
    101  name:"pool2"
    102  type:"Pooling"
    103  bottom:"conv2"
    104  top:"pool2"
    105  pooling_param {
    106    pool: AVE
    107    kernel_size:3
    108    stride:2
    109  }
    110 }
    111 layer {
    112  name:"conv3"
    113  type:"Convolution"
    114  bottom:"pool2"
    115  top:"conv3"
    116  param {
    117    lr_mult:1
    118  }
    119  param {
    120    lr_mult:2
    121  }
    122  convolution_param {
    123    num_output:64
    124    pad:2
    125    kernel_size:5
    126    stride:1
    127    weight_filler {
    128      type:"gaussian"
    129      std:0.01
    130    }
    131    bias_filler {
    132      type:"constant"
    133    }
    134  }
    135 }
    136 layer {
    137  name:"relu3"
    138  type:"ReLU"
    139  bottom:"conv3"
    140  top:"conv3"
    141 }
    142 layer {
    143  name:"pool3"
    144  type:"Pooling"
    145  bottom:"conv3"
    146  top:"pool3"
    147  pooling_param {
    148    pool: AVE
    149    kernel_size:3
    150    stride:2
    151  }
    152 }
    153 layer {
    154  name:"ip1"
    155  type:"InnerProduct"
    156  bottom:"pool3"
    157  top:"ip1"
    158  param {
    159    lr_mult:1
    160  }
    161  param {
    162    lr_mult:2
    163  }
    164  inner_product_param {
    165    num_output:64
    166    weight_filler {
    167      type:"gaussian"
    168      std:0.1
    169    }
    170    bias_filler {
    171      type:"constant"
    172    }
    173  }
    174 }
    175 layer {
    176  name:"ip2"
    177  type:"InnerProduct"
    178  bottom:"ip1"
    179  top:"ip2"
    180  param {
    181    lr_mult:1
    182  }
    183  param {
    184    lr_mult:2
    185  }
    186  inner_product_param {
    187    num_output:10
    188    weight_filler {
    189      type:"gaussian"
    190      std:0.1
    191    }
    192    bias_filler {
    193      type:"constant"
    194    }
    195  }
    196 }
    197 layer {
    198  name:"accuracy"
    199  type:"Accuracy"
    200  bottom:"ip2"
    201  bottom:"label"
    202  top:"accuracy"
    203  include {
    204    phase: TEST
    205  }
    206 }
    207 layer {
    208  name:"loss"
    209  type:"SoftmaxWithLoss"
    210  bottom:"ip2"
    211  bottom:"label"
    212  top:"loss"
    213 }
    214 layer {
    215  name:"prob"
    216  type:"Softmax"
    217  bottom:"ip2"
    218  top:"prob"
    219  include {
    220    phase: TEST
    221  }
    222 }
    223 layer {
    224  name:"argmax"
    225  type:"ArgMax"
    226  bottom:"prob"
    227  top:"argmax"
    228  include {
    229    phase: TEST
    230  }
    231  argmax_param {
    232    top_k:5
    233  }
    234 }
    235 I0326 00:32:58.991350  3090 layer_factory.hpp:77]Creating layer data
    236 I0326 00:32:58.991396  3090 net.cpp:91]CreatingLayer data
    237 I0326 00:32:58.991411  3090 net.cpp:399] data -> data
    238 I0326 00:32:58.991430  3090 net.cpp:399] data -> label
    239 I0326 00:32:58.991448  3090 data_transformer.cpp:25]Loading mean file from:./examples/cifar10/mean.binaryproto
    240 I0326 00:32:58.991549  3090 image_data_layer.cpp:38]Opening file ./examples/prediction_example/file_list.txt
    241 I0326 00:32:58.991603  3090 image_data_layer.cpp:53] A total of 7 images.
    242 I0326 00:32:58.995582  3090 image_data_layer.cpp:80] output data size:7,3,32,32
    243 I0326 00:32:58.996433  3090 net.cpp:141]Setting up data
    244 I0326 00:32:58.996472  3090 net.cpp:148]Top shape:733232(21504)
    245 I0326 00:32:58.996482  3090 net.cpp:148]Top shape:7(7)
    246 I0326 00:32:58.996489  3090 net.cpp:156]Memory required for data:86044
    247 I0326 00:32:58.996500  3090 layer_factory.hpp:77]Creating layer label_data_1_split
    248 I0326 00:32:58.996515  3090 net.cpp:91]CreatingLayer label_data_1_split
    249 I0326 00:32:58.996523  3090 net.cpp:425] label_data_1_split <- label
    250 I0326 00:32:58.996536  3090 net.cpp:399] label_data_1_split -> label_data_1_split_0
    251 I0326 00:32:58.996549  3090 net.cpp:399] label_data_1_split -> label_data_1_split_1
    252 I0326 00:32:58.996562  3090 net.cpp:141]Setting up label_data_1_split
    253 I0326 00:32:58.996569  3090 net.cpp:148]Top shape:7(7)
    254 I0326 00:32:58.996577  3090 net.cpp:148]Top shape:7(7)
    255 I0326 00:32:58.996582  3090 net.cpp:156]Memory required for data:86100
    256 I0326 00:32:58.996587  3090 layer_factory.hpp:77]Creating layer conv1
    257 I0326 00:32:58.996606  3090 net.cpp:91]CreatingLayer conv1
    258 I0326 00:32:58.996613  3090 net.cpp:425] conv1 <- data
    259 I0326 00:32:58.996620  3090 net.cpp:399] conv1 -> conv1
    260 I0326 00:32:59.145514  3090 net.cpp:141]Setting up conv1
    261 I0326 00:32:59.145567  3090 net.cpp:148]Top shape:7323232(229376)
    262 I0326 00:32:59.145577  3090 net.cpp:156]Memory required for data:1003604
    263 I0326 00:32:59.145602  3090 layer_factory.hpp:77]Creating layer pool1
    264 I0326 00:32:59.145617  3090 net.cpp:91]CreatingLayer pool1
    265 I0326 00:32:59.145628  3090 net.cpp:425] pool1 <- conv1
    266 I0326 00:32:59.145637  3090 net.cpp:399] pool1 -> pool1
    267 I0326 00:32:59.145658  3090 net.cpp:141]Setting up pool1
    268 I0326 00:32:59.145668  3090 net.cpp:148]Top shape:7321616(57344)
    269 I0326 00:32:59.145673  3090 net.cpp:156]Memory required for data:1232980
    270 I0326 00:32:59.145679  3090 layer_factory.hpp:77]Creating layer relu1
    271 I0326 00:32:59.145689  3090 net.cpp:91]CreatingLayer relu1
    272 I0326 00:32:59.145694  3090 net.cpp:425] relu1 <- pool1
    273 I0326 00:32:59.145701  3090 net.cpp:386] relu1 -> pool1 (in-place)
    274 I0326 00:32:59.145912  3090 net.cpp:141]Setting up relu1
    275 I0326 00:32:59.145936  3090 net.cpp:148]Top shape:7321616(57344)
    276 I0326 00:32:59.145943  3090 net.cpp:156]Memory required for data:1462356
    277 I0326 00:32:59.145951  3090 layer_factory.hpp:77]Creating layer conv2
    278 I0326 00:32:59.145963  3090 net.cpp:91]CreatingLayer conv2
    279 I0326 00:32:59.145973  3090 net.cpp:425] conv2 <- pool1
    280 I0326 00:32:59.145982  3090 net.cpp:399] conv2 -> conv2
    281 I0326 00:32:59.146879  3090 net.cpp:141]Setting up conv2
    282 I0326 00:32:59.146905  3090 net.cpp:148]Top shape:7321616(57344)
    283 I0326 00:32:59.146913  3090 net.cpp:156]Memory required for data:1691732
    284 I0326 00:32:59.146924  3090 layer_factory.hpp:77]Creating layer relu2
    285 I0326 00:32:59.146934  3090 net.cpp:91]CreatingLayer relu2
    286 I0326 00:32:59.146939  3090 net.cpp:425] relu2 <- conv2
    287 I0326 00:32:59.146949  3090 net.cpp:386] relu2 -> conv2 (in-place)
    288 I0326 00:32:59.147078  3090 net.cpp:141]Setting up relu2
    289 I0326 00:32:59.147100  3090 net.cpp:148]Top shape:7321616(57344)
    290 I0326 00:32:59.147106  3090 net.cpp:156]Memory required for data:1921108
    291 I0326 00:32:59.147114  3090 layer_factory.hpp:77]Creating layer pool2
    292 I0326 00:32:59.147121  3090 net.cpp:91]CreatingLayer pool2
    293 I0326 00:32:59.147127  3090 net.cpp:425] pool2 <- conv2
    294 I0326 00:32:59.147135  3090 net.cpp:399] pool2 -> pool2
    295 I0326 00:32:59.147347  3090 net.cpp:141]Setting up pool2
    296 I0326 00:32:59.147372  3090 net.cpp:148]Top shape:73288(14336)
    297 I0326 00:32:59.147379  3090 net.cpp:156]Memory required for data:1978452
    298 I0326 00:32:59.147387  3090 layer_factory.hpp:77]Creating layer conv3
    299 I0326 00:32:59.147398  3090 net.cpp:91]CreatingLayer conv3
    300 I0326 00:32:59.147408  3090 net.cpp:425] conv3 <- pool2
    301 I0326 00:32:59.147416  3090 net.cpp:399] conv3 -> conv3
    302 I0326 00:32:59.148576  3090 net.cpp:141]Setting up conv3
    303 I0326 00:32:59.148602  3090 net.cpp:148]Top shape:76488(28672)
    304 I0326 00:32:59.148608  3090 net.cpp:156]Memory required for data:2093140
    305 I0326 00:32:59.148620  3090 layer_factory.hpp:77]Creating layer relu3
    306 I0326 00:32:59.148628  3090 net.cpp:91]CreatingLayer relu3
    307 I0326 00:32:59.148635  3090 net.cpp:425] relu3 <- conv3
    308 I0326 00:32:59.148643  3090 net.cpp:386] relu3 -> conv3 (in-place)
    309 I0326 00:32:59.148766  3090 net.cpp:141]Setting up relu3
    310 I0326 00:32:59.148788  3090 net.cpp:148]Top shape:76488(28672)
    311 I0326 00:32:59.148795  3090 net.cpp:156]Memory required for data:2207828
    312 I0326 00:32:59.148802  3090 layer_factory.hpp:77]Creating layer pool3
    313 I0326 00:32:59.148810  3090 net.cpp:91]CreatingLayer pool3
    314 I0326 00:32:59.148816  3090 net.cpp:425] pool3 <- conv3
    315 I0326 00:32:59.148824  3090 net.cpp:399] pool3 -> pool3
    316 I0326 00:32:59.149027  3090 net.cpp:141]Setting up pool3
    317 I0326 00:32:59.149052  3090 net.cpp:148]Top shape:76444(7168)
    318 I0326 00:32:59.149058  3090 net.cpp:156]Memory required for data:2236500
    319 I0326 00:32:59.149065  3090 layer_factory.hpp:77]Creating layer ip1
    320 I0326 00:32:59.149077  3090 net.cpp:91]CreatingLayer ip1
    321 I0326 00:32:59.149086  3090 net.cpp:425] ip1 <- pool3
    322 I0326 00:32:59.149094  3090 net.cpp:399] ip1 -> ip1
    323 I0326 00:32:59.149904  3090 net.cpp:141]Setting up ip1
    324 I0326 00:32:59.149914  3090 net.cpp:148]Top shape:764(448)
    325 I0326 00:32:59.149919  3090 net.cpp:156]Memory required for data:2238292
    326 I0326 00:32:59.149927  3090 layer_factory.hpp:77]Creating layer ip2
    327 I0326 00:32:59.149935  3090 net.cpp:91]CreatingLayer ip2
    328 I0326 00:32:59.149941  3090 net.cpp:425] ip2 <- ip1
    329 I0326 00:32:59.149948  3090 net.cpp:399] ip2 -> ip2
    330 I0326 00:32:59.149968  3090 net.cpp:141]Setting up ip2
    331 I0326 00:32:59.149976  3090 net.cpp:148]Top shape:710(70)
    332 I0326 00:32:59.149981  3090 net.cpp:156]Memory required for data:2238572
    333 I0326 00:32:59.149991  3090 layer_factory.hpp:77]Creating layer ip2_ip2_0_split
    334 I0326 00:32:59.149998  3090 net.cpp:91]CreatingLayer ip2_ip2_0_split
    335 I0326 00:32:59.150004  3090 net.cpp:425] ip2_ip2_0_split <- ip2
    336 I0326 00:32:59.150012  3090 net.cpp:399] ip2_ip2_0_split -> ip2_ip2_0_split_0
    337 I0326 00:32:59.150019  3090 net.cpp:399] ip2_ip2_0_split -> ip2_ip2_0_split_1
    338 I0326 00:32:59.150027  3090 net.cpp:399] ip2_ip2_0_split -> ip2_ip2_0_split_2
    339 I0326 00:32:59.150035  3090 net.cpp:141]Setting up ip2_ip2_0_split
    340 I0326 00:32:59.150043  3090 net.cpp:148]Top shape:710(70)
    341 I0326 00:32:59.150048  3090 net.cpp:148]Top shape:710(70)
    342 I0326 00:32:59.150055  3090 net.cpp:148]Top shape:710(70)
    343 I0326 00:32:59.150060  3090 net.cpp:156]Memory required for data:2239412
    344 I0326 00:32:59.150066  3090 layer_factory.hpp:77]Creating layer accuracy
    345 I0326 00:32:59.150076  3090 net.cpp:91]CreatingLayer accuracy
    346 I0326 00:32:59.150082  3090 net.cpp:425] accuracy <- ip2_ip2_0_split_0
    347 I0326 00:32:59.150089  3090 net.cpp:425] accuracy <- label_data_1_split_0
    348 I0326 00:32:59.150095  3090 net.cpp:399] accuracy -> accuracy
    349 I0326 00:32:59.150106  3090 net.cpp:141]Setting up accuracy
    350 I0326 00:32:59.150113  3090 net.cpp:148]Top shape:(1)
    351 I0326 00:32:59.150118  3090 net.cpp:156]Memory required for data:2239416
    352 I0326 00:32:59.150125  3090 layer_factory.hpp:77]Creating layer loss
    353 I0326 00:32:59.150133  3090 net.cpp:91]CreatingLayer loss
    354 I0326 00:32:59.150140  3090 net.cpp:425] loss <- ip2_ip2_0_split_1
    355 I0326 00:32:59.150146  3090 net.cpp:425] loss <- label_data_1_split_1
    356 I0326 00:32:59.150152  3090 net.cpp:399] loss -> loss
    357 I0326 00:32:59.150166  3090 layer_factory.hpp:77]Creating layer loss
    358 I0326 00:32:59.150297  3090 net.cpp:141]Setting up loss
    359 I0326 00:32:59.150308  3090 net.cpp:148]Top shape:(1)
    360 I0326 00:32:59.150315  3090 net.cpp:151]     with loss weight 1
    361 I0326 00:32:59.150331  3090 net.cpp:156]Memory required for data:2239420
    362 I0326 00:32:59.150337  3090 layer_factory.hpp:77]Creating layer prob
    363 I0326 00:32:59.150346  3090 net.cpp:91]CreatingLayer prob
    364 I0326 00:32:59.150352  3090 net.cpp:425] prob <- ip2_ip2_0_split_2
    365 I0326 00:32:59.150360  3090 net.cpp:399] prob -> prob
    366 I0326 00:32:59.150557  3090 net.cpp:141]Setting up prob
    367 I0326 00:32:59.150569  3090 net.cpp:148]Top shape:710(70)
    368 I0326 00:32:59.150575  3090 net.cpp:156]Memory required for data:2239700
    369 I0326 00:32:59.150581  3090 layer_factory.hpp:77]Creating layer argmax
    370 I0326 00:32:59.150593  3090 net.cpp:91]CreatingLayer argmax
    371 I0326 00:32:59.150599  3090 net.cpp:425] argmax <- prob
    372 I0326 00:32:59.150605  3090 net.cpp:399] argmax -> argmax
    373 I0326 00:32:59.150619  3090 net.cpp:141]Setting up argmax
    374 I0326 00:32:59.150626  3090 net.cpp:148]Top shape:715(35)
    375 I0326 00:32:59.150631  3090 net.cpp:156]Memory required for data:2239840
    376 I0326 00:32:59.150637  3090 net.cpp:219] argmax does not need backward computation.
    377 I0326 00:32:59.150643  3090 net.cpp:219] prob does not need backward computation.
    378 I0326 00:32:59.150650  3090 net.cpp:217] loss needs backward computation.
    379 I0326 00:32:59.150655  3090 net.cpp:219] accuracy does not need backward computation.
    380 I0326 00:32:59.150661  3090 net.cpp:217] ip2_ip2_0_split needs backward computation.
    381 I0326 00:32:59.150666  3090 net.cpp:217] ip2 needs backward computation.
    382 I0326 00:32:59.150672  3090 net.cpp:217] ip1 needs backward computation.
    383 I0326 00:32:59.150678  3090 net.cpp:217] pool3 needs backward computation.
    384 I0326 00:32:59.150683  3090 net.cpp:217] relu3 needs backward computation.
    385 I0326 00:32:59.150689  3090 net.cpp:217] conv3 needs backward computation.
    386 I0326 00:32:59.150696  3090 net.cpp:217] pool2 needs backward computation.
    387 I0326 00:32:59.150701  3090 net.cpp:217] relu2 needs backward computation.
    388 I0326 00:32:59.150707  3090 net.cpp:217] conv2 needs backward computation.
    389 I0326 00:32:59.150712  3090 net.cpp:217] relu1 needs backward computation.
    390 I0326 00:32:59.150717  3090 net.cpp:217] pool1 needs backward computation.
    391 I0326 00:32:59.150723  3090 net.cpp:217] conv1 needs backward computation.
    392 I0326 00:32:59.150729  3090 net.cpp:219] label_data_1_split does not need backward computation.
    393 I0326 00:32:59.150735  3090 net.cpp:219] data does not need backward computation.
    394 I0326 00:32:59.150741  3090 net.cpp:261]This network produces output accuracy
    395 I0326 00:32:59.150746  3090 net.cpp:261]This network produces output argmax
    396 I0326 00:32:59.150753  3090 net.cpp:261]This network produces output loss
    397 I0326 00:32:59.150768  3090 net.cpp:274]Network initialization done.
    398 I0326 00:32:59.151636  3090 upgrade_proto.cpp:52]Attempting to upgrade input file specified using deprecated V1LayerParameter:./examples/cifar10/cifar10_quick_iter_5000.caffemodel
    399 I0326 00:32:59.152022  3090 upgrade_proto.cpp:60]Successfully upgraded file specified using deprecated V1LayerParameter
    400 I0326 00:32:59.152045  3090 net.cpp:753]Ignoring source layer cifar
    401 W0326 00:32:59.152138  3090 net.hpp:41] DEPRECATED:ForwardPrefilled() will be removed in a future version.UseForward().
    402 I0326 00:32:59.190719  3090 prediction_example.cpp:52]Result size:3
    403 I0326 00:32:59.190753  3090 prediction_example.cpp:55]Blob size:0
    404 I0326 00:32:59.190762  3090 prediction_example.cpp:58]-------------
    405 I0326 00:32:59.190768  3090 prediction_example.cpp:59]  prediction :  
    406 I0326 00:32:59.190779  3090 prediction_example.cpp:69]---------------------------------------------------------------
    407 I0326 00:32:59.190786  3090 prediction_example.cpp:73]Pattern:0 class:5Prob=2.69745e-06
    408 I0326 00:32:59.190804  3090 prediction_example.cpp:73]Pattern:1 class:3Prob=4.0121e-05
    409 I0326 00:32:59.190811  3090 prediction_example.cpp:73]Pattern:2 class:9Prob=0.00531695
    410 I0326 00:32:59.190819  3090 prediction_example.cpp:73]Pattern:3 class:6Prob=0.00282228
    411 I0326 00:32:59.190825  3090 prediction_example.cpp:73]Pattern:4 class:0Prob=1.68176e-05
    412 I0326 00:32:59.190832  3090 prediction_example.cpp:73]Pattern:5 class:4Prob=0.991599
    413 I0326 00:32:59.190840  3090 prediction_example.cpp:73]Pattern:6 class:2Prob=9.24821e-05
    414 I0326 00:32:59.190847  3090 prediction_example.cpp:75]-------------
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