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  • Netty-----初探

      今天看gateway 实现的时候看到个哥们基于的netty实现的gateway。so,解析一下Netty。

    废话少说,maven pom 引入,down 下jar包。看了下netty的包结构,还是挺明确的,不像spring包那么多。


    buffer,channel,是包装的JDK 的nio Buffer,Channel等类。

    在io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf找到了如下的注释,解释了 limit ,flip等原生JDK api 的含义。

      1 /**
      2  * A random and sequential accessible sequence of zero or more bytes (octets).
      3  * This interface provides an abstract view for one or more primitive byte
      4  * arrays ({@code byte[]}) and {@linkplain ByteBuffer NIO buffers}.
      5  *
      6  * <h3>Creation of a buffer</h3>
      7  *
      8  * It is recommended to create a new buffer using the helper methods in
      9  * {@link Unpooled} rather than calling an individual implementation's
     10  * constructor.
     11  *
     12  * <h3>Random Access Indexing</h3>
     13  *
     14  * Just like an ordinary primitive byte array, {@link ByteBuf} uses
     15  * <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zero-based_numbering">zero-based indexing</a>.
     16  * It means the index of the first byte is always {@code 0} and the index of the last byte is
     17  * always {@link #capacity() capacity - 1}.  For example, to iterate all bytes of a buffer, you
     18  * can do the following, regardless of its internal implementation:
     19  *
     20  * <pre>
     21  * {@link ByteBuf} buffer = ...;
     22  * for (int i = 0; i &lt; buffer.capacity(); i ++) {
     23  *     byte b = buffer.getByte(i);
     24  *     System.out.println((char) b);
     25  * }
     26  * </pre>
     27  *
     28  * <h3>Sequential Access Indexing</h3>
     29  *
     30  * {@link ByteBuf} provides two pointer variables to support sequential
     31  * read and write operations - {@link #readerIndex() readerIndex} for a read
     32  * operation and {@link #writerIndex() writerIndex} for a write operation
     33  * respectively.  The following diagram shows how a buffer is segmented into
     34  * three areas by the two pointers:
     35  *
     36  * <pre>
     37  *      +-------------------+------------------+------------------+
     38  *      | discardable bytes |  readable bytes  |  writable bytes  |
     39  *      |                   |     (CONTENT)    |                  |
     40  *      +-------------------+------------------+------------------+
     41  *      |                   |                  |                  |
     42  *      0      <=      readerIndex   <=   writerIndex    <=    capacity
     43  * </pre>
     44  *
     45  * <h4>Readable bytes (the actual content)</h4>
     46  *
     47  * This segment is where the actual data is stored.  Any operation whose name
     48  * starts with {@code read} or {@code skip} will get or skip the data at the
     49  * current {@link #readerIndex() readerIndex} and increase it by the number of
     50  * read bytes.  If the argument of the read operation is also a
     51  * {@link ByteBuf} and no destination index is specified, the specified
     52  * buffer's {@link #writerIndex() writerIndex} is increased together.
     53  * <p>
     54  * If there's not enough content left, {@link IndexOutOfBoundsException} is
     55  * raised.  The default value of newly allocated, wrapped or copied buffer's
     56  * {@link #readerIndex() readerIndex} is {@code 0}.
     57  *
     58  * <pre>
     59  * // Iterates the readable bytes of a buffer.
     60  * {@link ByteBuf} buffer = ...;
     61  * while (buffer.readable()) {
     62  *     System.out.println(buffer.readByte());
     63  * }
     64  * </pre>
     65  *
     66  * <h4>Writable bytes</h4>
     67  *
     68  * This segment is a undefined space which needs to be filled.  Any operation
     69  * whose name ends with {@code write} will write the data at the current
     70  * {@link #writerIndex() writerIndex} and increase it by the number of written
     71  * bytes.  If the argument of the write operation is also a {@link ByteBuf},
     72  * and no source index is specified, the specified buffer's
     73  * {@link #readerIndex() readerIndex} is increased together.
     74  * <p>
     75  * If there's not enough writable bytes left, {@link IndexOutOfBoundsException}
     76  * is raised.  The default value of newly allocated buffer's
     77  * {@link #writerIndex() writerIndex} is {@code 0}.  The default value of
     78  * wrapped or copied buffer's {@link #writerIndex() writerIndex} is the
     79  * {@link #capacity() capacity} of the buffer.
     80  *
     81  * <pre>
     82  * // Fills the writable bytes of a buffer with random integers.
     83  * {@link ByteBuf} buffer = ...;
     84  * while (buffer.maxWritableBytes() >= 4) {
     85  *     buffer.writeInt(random.nextInt());
     86  * }
     87  * </pre>
     88  *
     89  * <h4>Discardable bytes</h4>
     90  *
     91  * This segment contains the bytes which were read already by a read operation.
     92  * Initially, the size of this segment is {@code 0}, but its size increases up
     93  * to the {@link #writerIndex() writerIndex} as read operations are executed.
     94  * The read bytes can be discarded by calling {@link #discardReadBytes()} to
     95  * reclaim unused area as depicted by the following diagram:
     96  *
     97  * <pre>
     98  *  BEFORE discardReadBytes()
     99  *
    100  *      +-------------------+------------------+------------------+
    101  *      | discardable bytes |  readable bytes  |  writable bytes  |
    102  *      +-------------------+------------------+------------------+
    103  *      |                   |                  |                  |
    104  *      0      <=      readerIndex   <=   writerIndex    <=    capacity
    105  *
    106  *
    107  *  AFTER discardReadBytes()
    108  *
    109  *      +------------------+--------------------------------------+
    110  *      |  readable bytes  |    writable bytes (got more space)   |
    111  *      +------------------+--------------------------------------+
    112  *      |                  |                                      |
    113  * readerIndex (0) <= writerIndex (decreased)        <=        capacity
    114  * </pre>
    115  *
    116  * Please note that there is no guarantee about the content of writable bytes
    117  * after calling {@link #discardReadBytes()}.  The writable bytes will not be
    118  * moved in most cases and could even be filled with completely different data
    119  * depending on the underlying buffer implementation.
    120  *
    121  * <h4>Clearing the buffer indexes</h4>
    122  *
    123  * You can set both {@link #readerIndex() readerIndex} and
    124  * {@link #writerIndex() writerIndex} to {@code 0} by calling {@link #clear()}.
    125  * It does not clear the buffer content (e.g. filling with {@code 0}) but just
    126  * clears the two pointers.  Please also note that the semantic of this
    127  * operation is different from {@link ByteBuffer#clear()}.
    128  *
    129  * <pre>
    130  *  BEFORE clear()
    131  *
    132  *      +-------------------+------------------+------------------+
    133  *      | discardable bytes |  readable bytes  |  writable bytes  |
    134  *      +-------------------+------------------+------------------+
    135  *      |                   |                  |                  |
    136  *      0      <=      readerIndex   <=   writerIndex    <=    capacity
    137  *
    138  *
    139  *  AFTER clear()
    140  *
    141  *      +---------------------------------------------------------+
    142  *      |             writable bytes (got more space)             |
    143  *      +---------------------------------------------------------+
    144  *      |                                                         |
    145  *      0 = readerIndex = writerIndex            <=            capacity
    146  * </pre>
    147  *
    148  * <h3>Search operations</h3>
    149  *
    150  * For simple single-byte searches, use {@link #indexOf(int, int, byte)} and {@link #bytesBefore(int, int, byte)}.
    151  * {@link #bytesBefore(byte)} is especially useful when you deal with a {@code NUL}-terminated string.
    152  * For complicated searches, use {@link #forEachByte(int, int, ByteBufProcessor)} with a {@link ByteBufProcessor}
    153  * implementation.
    154  *
    155  * <h3>Mark and reset</h3>
    156  *
    157  * There are two marker indexes in every buffer. One is for storing
    158  * {@link #readerIndex() readerIndex} and the other is for storing
    159  * {@link #writerIndex() writerIndex}.  You can always reposition one of the
    160  * two indexes by calling a reset method.  It works in a similar fashion to
    161  * the mark and reset methods in {@link InputStream} except that there's no
    162  * {@code readlimit}.
    163  *
    164  * <h3>Derived buffers</h3>
    165  *
    166  * You can create a view of an existing buffer by calling either
    167  * {@link #duplicate()}, {@link #slice()} or {@link #slice(int, int)}.
    168  * A derived buffer will have an independent {@link #readerIndex() readerIndex},
    169  * {@link #writerIndex() writerIndex} and marker indexes, while it shares
    170  * other internal data representation, just like a NIO buffer does.
    171  * <p>
    172  * In case a completely fresh copy of an existing buffer is required, please
    173  * call {@link #copy()} method instead.
    174  *
    175  * <h3>Conversion to existing JDK types</h3>
    176  *
    177  * <h4>Byte array</h4>
    178  *
    179  * If a {@link ByteBuf} is backed by a byte array (i.e. {@code byte[]}),
    180  * you can access it directly via the {@link #array()} method.  To determine
    181  * if a buffer is backed by a byte array, {@link #hasArray()} should be used.
    182  *
    183  * <h4>NIO Buffers</h4>
    184  *
    185  * If a {@link ByteBuf} can be converted into an NIO {@link ByteBuffer} which shares its
    186  * content (i.e. view buffer), you can get it via the {@link #nioBuffer()} method.  To determine
    187  * if a buffer can be converted into an NIO buffer, use {@link #nioBufferCount()}.
    188  *
    189  * <h4>Strings</h4>
    190  *
    191  * Various {@link #toString(Charset)} methods convert a {@link ByteBuf}
    192  * into a {@link String}.  Please note that {@link #toString()} is not a
    193  * conversion method.
    194  *
    195  * <h4>I/O Streams</h4>
    196  *
    197  * Please refer to {@link ByteBufInputStream} and
    198  * {@link ByteBufOutputStream}.
    199  */
    View Code
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    C# 之String以及浅拷贝与深拷贝
    C# 小软件部分(二)
    MVC 之HTML辅助方法
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/anyehome/p/8478398.html
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