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  • 9种心情对话

    Hey, how are you ?  // 嗨,你最近怎样?
    I feel sad today. // 我今天很难过
    Why? Did something happen? // 为什么?怎么了?
    I failed my math test. // 我的数学考试不及格
    Oh, I'm sorry. // 喔,真遗憾

    Hey, Ashley. You seem happy. Why are you smiling? // 嗨,Ashley,你看起来很开心,你在乐什么?
    I did well on a test. // 我考试发挥很不错
    Oh, that's great. Good job. // 喔,那太好了,真厉害。
    Thank you.

    You seem upset. Are you okay? // 你看起来不怎么开心,你还好么?
    I'm so angry at my parents. // 我被我父母气死了
    What happened? // 怎么了?
    They won't let me drive my car tonight. // 他们不肯让我今晚开车
    Oh, darn. I'm sorry. // 喔,真惨。我为你感到遗憾

    You look upset. Is something wrong?
    I feel so guilty. // 我很内疚
    Why? Did you do something wrong?
    Yes. I broke my girlfriend's vase. I feel so bad. // 对啊,我摔破了我女朋友的花瓶。我感觉糟透了。

    Did you finish the presentation? // 你演示完成了么?
    Yeah, but I'm nervous. // 完了,但我还是挻焦虑的
    I get anxious when I give presentations. // 我一演示的时候就很紧张
    That's normal. // 那很正常

    Hey, how are you? // 你好么?
    Hey. I'm okay. I'm so bored every day. // 还不错,就是日子过得有点无聊
    Hmm. Read a book. // 嗯,读本书吧
    No, thanks. Books are boring. // 不了,谢谢。书太让人打瞌睡了。

    How are you?
    I've been very busy. // 我最近很忙
    How come? // 忙些什么呢?
    Work and school. I'm so stressed. // 工作还有学校的事儿。我压力蛮大的。

    How's life? // 小日子过得怎么样?
    It's okay, I guess. // 还凑合吧
    Why do you say that? // 何出此言
    I'm just jealous of my friends. They found good jobs.
    Don't worry. You'll find a good job, too. // 别担心,你也会找到好工作的

    Are you okay? You look sad. // 你还好么?你看起来很糟糕
    I'm just depressed. // 我只是沮丧而已
    What's wrong?
    A lot of things. // 一言难尽
    Well, I can help. Tell me everything. // 我可以帮你排忧解难。都说来听听吧

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/aqing1987/p/4184368.html
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