1 T-SQL简单查询语句 2 3 简单查询: 4 5 1.最简单查询(查所有数据) 6 select * from 表名; 注:* 代表所有列 7 select * from info 8 9 2.查询指定列 10 select code,name from info 11 12 3.修改结果集的列名 13 select code as '代号',name as '姓名' from info 14 15 4.条件查询 16 select * from info where code='p003' 17 18 5.多条件查询 19 查询info表中code为p003或者nation为n001的所有数据 20 select * from info where code='p003' or nation='n001' 21 查询info表中code为p004并且nation为n001的数据 22 select * from info where code='p004' and nation='n001' 23 24 6.范围查询 25 select * from car where price>=40 and price<=60 26 select * from car where price between 40 and 60 27 28 7.离散查询 29 查询汽车价格在(10,20,30,40,50,60)中出现的汽车信息 30 select * from car where price=10 or price=20 or price=30 or price=40 or price=50 or price=60 31 32 select * from car where price in(10,20,30,40,50,60) 33 select * from car where price not in(10,20,30,40,50,60) 34 35 8.模糊查询(关键字查询) 36 查询car表里面名称包含奥迪的 37 select * from car where name like '%奥迪%' %任意n个字符 38 查询car中名称第二个字符为‘马’的汽车 39 select * from car where name like '_马%' _任意一个字符
9.排序查询 select * from car order by price asc asc升序(省略) select * from car order by oil desc desc降序 先按照brand升序排,再按照price降序排 select * from car order by brand,price desc
1 10.去重查询 2 select distinct brand from car 3 4 11.分页查询 5 一页显示10条 当前是第3页 6 select * from chinastates limit 20,10 7 8 一页显示m条 当前是第n页 9 limit (n-1)*m,m 10 11 12.聚合函数(统计函数) 12 select count(areacode) from chinastates #查询数据总条数 13 select sum(price) from car #求和 14 select avg(price) from car #求平均 15 select max(price) from car #求最大值 16 select min(price) from car #求最小值
13.分组查询 查询汽车表中每个系列下有多少个汽车 select brand,count(*) from car group by brand
1 查询汽车表中卖的汽车数量大于1的系列 2 select brand from car group by brand having count(*)>1