1、You may need to create control files if:
- All control files are lost because of a failure.
- The name of a database needs to be changed.
- The current settings in the control file need to be changed.
2、The behavior of multiplexed control files is this:
- The database writes to all filenames listed for the initialization parameter CONTROL_FILES in the database initializaton parameter file.
oracle server 在往控制文件中写数据的时候,会同时往多个文件中写数据,而且内容是一样的.
- The database reads only the first file listed in the CONTROL_FILES parameter during database operation.
oracle server 在读控制文件的时候,只会读第一个控制文件,其他的不读.
- If any of the control files become unavailable during database operation,the instance becomes inoperable and should be aborted.
如果控制文件中的任何一个失效或者损坏,那么instance将会停止工作,此时DBA应当shutdown abort;
SQL> select file#,checkpoint_change# from v$datafile_header; FILE# CHECKPOINT_CHANGE# ---------- ------------------ 1 1464420 2 1464420 3 1464420 4 1464420 5 1464420 6 1464420 7 1465263 7 rows selected.
SQL> select file#,checkpoint_change# from v$datafile; FILE# CHECKPOINT_CHANGE# ---------- ------------------ 1 1464420 2 1464420 3 1464420 4 1464420 5 1464420 6 1464420 7 1465263 7 rows selected.
4、SCN Scenarios
Condition on Start-Up | Oracle Behavior | DBA Action |
CF checkpoint SCN<Datafile checkpoint SCN | "Control file too old" error | Restore a newer control file. |
CF checkpoint SCN>Datafile checkpoint SCN | Media recovery required | Most likely a datafile has been restored from a backup.Recovery is now required. |
(CF checkpoint SCN=Datafile SCN) Database in mount mode,instance thread status=OPEN |
Start up normally Crash recovery required |
None None |
(b)、所有的控制文件都损坏,根据trace file进行脚本执行,然后恢复控制文件即可;