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  • 什么是亚稳态?What is metastability?

    1. 什么是亚稳态?
            1.1 亚稳态发生的原因  
            1.2 亚稳态的危害
             1.3 亚稳态的解决办法
            1.4 亚稳态与系统可行性
    2. 你的PLD处于亚稳态吗?
    3. What is metastability? [from www.asic-world.com]


    1.1 亚稳态发生的原因  
    在同步系统中,如果触发器的setup time / hold time不满足,就可能产生亚稳态,此时触发器输出端Q在有效时钟沿之后比较长的一段时间处于不确定的状态,在这段时间里Q端毛刺、振荡、固定的某一电压值,而不是等于数据输入端D的值。这段之间成为决断时间(resolution time)。经过resolution time之后Q端将稳定到0或1上,但是究竟是0还是1,这是随机的,与输入没有必然的关系。

    1.2 亚稳态的危害  
    由于输出在稳定下来之前可能是毛刺、振荡、固定的某一电压值,因此亚稳态除了导致逻辑误判之外,输出0~1之间的中间电压值还会使下一级产生亚稳态(即导致亚稳态的传播)。   逻辑误判有可能通过电路的特殊设计减轻危害(如异步FIFO中Gray码计数器的作用),而亚稳态的传播则扩大了故障面,难以处理。  

    1.3 亚稳态的解决办法

    1.4 亚稳态与系统可行性
    使用同步电路以后,亚稳态仍然有发生的可能,与此相连的是MTBF(Mean Time Between Failure),亚稳态的发生概率与时钟频率无关,但是MTBF与时钟有密切关系。有文章提供了一个例子,某一系统在20MHz时钟下工作时,MTBF约为50年,但是时钟频率提高到40MHz时,MTBF只有1分钟!可见降低时钟频率可以大大减小亚稳态导致系统错误的出现,其原因在于,提供较长的resolution time可减小亚稳态传递到下一级的机会,提高系统的MTBF,如图所示。

    2. 你的PLD处于亚稳态吗?[1999-10-08]
    本实例从电路及统计学角度出发,详细地说明了PLD的亚稳态行为。同时还列出了Cypress PLD的亚稳特征信息,以帮助您得到所希望的可靠性。点击此处查看PDF全文

    3. What is metastability?




    Whenever there are setup and hold time violations in any flip-flop, it enters a state where its output is unpredictable: this state is known as metastable state (quasi stable state); at the end of metastable state, the flip-flop settles down to either '1' or '0'. This whole process is known as metastability. In the figure below Tsu is the setup time and Th is the hold time. Whenever the input signal D does not meet the Tsu and Th of the given D flip-flop, metastability occurs.

    When a flip-flop is in metastable state, its output oscillate between '0' and '1' as shown in the figure below (here the flip-flop output settles down to '0') . How long it takes to settle down, depends on the technology of the flip-flop.



    If we look deep inside of the flip-flop we see that the quasi-stable state is reached when the flip-flop setup and hold times are violated. Assuming the use of a positive edge triggered "D" type flip-flop, when the rising edge of the flip-flop clock occurs at a point in time when the D input to the flip-flop is causing its master latch to transition, the flip-flop is highly likely to end up in a quasi-stable state. This rising clock causes the master latch to try to capture its current value while the slave latch is opened allowing the Q output to follow the "latched" value of the master. The most perfectly "caught" quasi-stable state (on the very top of the hill) results in the longest time required for the flip-flop to resolve itself to one of the stable states.



    How long does it stay in this state?

    The relative stability of states shown in the figure above shows that the logic 0 and logic 1 states (being at the base of the hill) are much more stable than the somewhat stable state at the top of the hill. In theory, a flip-flop in this quasi-stable hilltop state could remain there indefinitely but in reality it won't. Just as the slightest air current would eventually cause a ball on the illustrated hill to roll down one side or the other, thermal and induced noise will jostle the state of the flip-flop causing it to move from the quasi-stable state into either the logic 0 or logic 1 state.


    What are the cases in which metastability occurs?

    As we have seen that whenever setup and hold violation time occurs, metastability occurs, so we have to see when signals violate this timing requirement:


    • When the input signal is an asynchronous signal.
    • When the clock skew/slew is too much (rise and fall time are more than the tolerable values).
    • When interfacing two domains operating at two different frequencies or at the same frequency but with different phase.
    • When the combinational delay is such that flip-flop data input changes in the critical window (setup+hold window)


    What is MTBF?

    MTBF is Mean time between failure, what does that mean? Well MTBF gives us information on how often a particular element will fail or in other words, it gives the average time interval between two successive failures. The figure below shows a typical MTBF of a flip-flop and also it gives the MTBF equation. I am not looking here to derive MTBF equation :-)



    So how do I avoid metastability?

    In reality, one cannot avoid metastability and increased clock-to-Q delays in synchronizing asynchronous inputs, without the use of tricky self-timed circuits. So a more appropriate question might be "How do I tolerate metastability?"


    In the simplest case, designers can tolerate metastability by making sure the clock period is long enough to allow for the resolution of quasi-stable states and for the delay of whatever logic may be in the path to the next flip-flop. This approach, while simple, is rarely practical given the performance requirements of most modern designs.


    The most common way to tolerate metastability is to add one or more successive synchronizing flip-flops to the synchronizer. This approach allows for an entire clock period (except for the setup time of the second flip-flop) for metastable events in the first synchronizing flip-flop to resolve themselves. This does, however, increase the latency in the synchronous logic's observation of input changes.


    Neither of these approaches can guarantee that metastability cannot pass through the synchronizer; they simply reduce the probability to practical levels.


    In quantitative terms, if the Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF) of a particular flip-flop in the context of a given clock rate and input transition rate is 33.33 seconds then the MTBF of two such flip-flops used to synchronize the input would be (33.33* 33.33) = 18.514 Minutes. Well I have taken the worst flip-flop ever designed in history of man kind :-). The figure below shows how to connect two flip-flops in series to achieve this and also the resultant MTBF.





    • We can use a metastable hardened flip-flop
    • Cascade two or three D-Flip-Flops (two or three stages synchronizer).






    • http://www-s.ti.com/sc/psheets/sdya006/sdya006.pdf
    • Thomas J. Chaney, "Measured Flip-Flop Responses to Marginal Triggering", IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol. C-32. No. 12, December 1983, pp.1207-1209.
    • Lindsay Kleeman and Antonio Cantoni, "On the Unavoidability of Metastable Behavior in Digital Systems", IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol. C-36. No. 1, January 1987, pp.109-112.
    • Lindsay Kleeman and Antonio Cantoni, "Can Redundancy and Masking Improve the Performance of Synchronizers?", IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol. C-35, No. 7, July 1986, pp.643-646.
    • Cypress Semiconductor, "Are Your PLDs Metastable?, Fax ID: 6403, May 1992, Revised March 6,1997. http://www.cypress.com/pld/pldappnotes.html#pldmeta
    • http://www.xilinx.com/apps/xapp.htm
    • M. Valencia, M. J. Bellido, J. L. Huertas, A. J. Acosta, and S. Sanchez-Solano, "Modular Asynchronous Arbiter Insensitive to Metastability. IEEE Transactions on Computers, 44(12):1456-1461, December 1995.
      [--- from www.asic-world.com]




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