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  • [编译原理]词法分析器JLEX使用指南 (Jdk1.5.0 + JLex 1.2.6)

    作者:ANNEROSE  环境:Jdk1.5.0 + JLex 1.2.6 日期:2007-01-07


    1. 开发环境jdk1.5.0配置
    http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.5.0/download.jsp)下载j2sdk,注意下载版本为Windows Offline Installation的SDK,同时最好下载J2SE 1.5.0 Documentation;
      第三步:安装j2sdk以后,需要配置一下环境变量,在我的电脑->属性->高级->环境变量->系统变量中添加以下环境变量(假定你的j2sdk安装在C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.5.0)

      JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.5.0
         public class HelloJava {
            public static void main(String _args[]) {
                System.out.println("Hello, Java!");
      javac HelloJava.java
      java HelloJava
      此时如果看到打印出来Hello, Java! 的话说明安装成功了,如果没有打印出这句话,你需要仔细检查一下你的配置情况。

    2. 下载JLEX 1.2.6 就是那个200K的Main.java文件


    3. 以下步骤参照JLex的README

    (1) Choose some directory that is on your CLASSPATH, where  you install Java utilities such as JLex.  I will refer to this directory as "J", for example.
    于是建立文件夹 "E:\J\JLex", 把"E:\J" 写入环境变量CLASSPATH

    (2) Make a directory "J/JLex" and put the sourcefile Main.java in J/JLex.
    把下载的文件Main.java 拷入 J/JLex.

    (3) Compile Main.java as you would any Java source file: javac Main.java
    This should produce a number of Java class files, including Main.class, in the "J/JLex" directory, where "J" is in your CLASSPATH.

    进入E:\J\JLex为当前目录(不作也可以,因为之前设了环境变量)。运行 javac Main.java 可以得到很多class文件,包括Main.class
    Note: Main.java uses unchecked or unsafe operations.
    Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.


    (4) To run JLex with a JLex specification file, the usage is:
     java JLex.Main <filename>

    运行java JLex.Main sample.lex,得到词法分析器代码sample.lex.java。lex文件怎么写,本文不作论述。可以从JLex下一个sample.lex试一下。

    (5) The resulting lexical analyzer source file should be compiled with the Java compiler:
     javac <filename>
    where <filename> is the name of the lexical analyzer

    运行 javac sample.lex.java 不能通过,有7 errors。

    sample.lex.java:11: as of release 1.4, 'assert' is a keyword, and may not be used as an identifier
    (try -source 1.3 or lower to use 'assert' as an identifier)
      public static void assert

    再运行 javac  -source 1.3 sample.lex.java,有7 warnings。生成Sample.class, Utility.class, Yylex.class, Yytoken.class

    sample.lex.java:11: warning: as of release 1.4, 'assert' is a keyword, and may not be used as an identifier
    (try -source 1.4 or higher to use 'assert' as a keyword)
      public static void assert


     注: javac -source <release>          Provide source compatibility with specified release

    (6) Run the generated lexer with:
      java Sample
    which expects input on stdin.  The lexer parses tokens that resemble those for a typical programming language; whitespace is generally ignored.  Java
    buffers input from stdin a line at a time, so you won't see any output until you type enter.

    运行该词法分析器 java Sample(注意大小写!!!)。输入一行就显示分析结果。

    输入{ /* comment */ a := b & c; }

    Token #7: { (line 0)
    Token #43: a (line 0)
    Token #22: := (line 0)
    Token #43: b (line 0)
    Token #20: & (line 0)
    Token #43: c (line 0)
    Token #2: ; (line 0)
    Token #8: } (line 0)
    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.Error: Lexical Error: Unmatched Input.
            at Yylex.yylex(sample.lex.java:374)
            at Sample.main(sample.lex.java:6)



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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/astate/p/614341.html
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