已知两组固定坐标系,B->A,D->C,其关系定义如代码 static_publisher.py所示
#!/usr/bin/env python
# static_publisher.py
import rospy import sys import tf2_ros as tf2 import tf_conversions as tfc import geometry_msgs.msg from tf2_msgs.msg import TFMessage import math import numpy def __genTf(frameT, frameS, posTs, q): ts = geometry_msgs.msg.TransformStamped() ts.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now() ts.header.frame_id = frameT ts.child_frame_id = frameS ts.transform.translation.x = posTs[0] ts.transform.translation.y = posTs[1] ts.transform.translation.z = posTs[2] ts.transform.rotation.x = q[0] ts.transform.rotation.y = q[1] ts.transform.rotation.z = q[2] ts.transform.rotation.w = q[3] return ts def __main(): rospy.init_node("AB&CD") rate = rospy.Rate(100) tbf = tf2.Buffer() tl = tf2.TransformListener(tbf) t = TFMessage() sbc = tf2.StaticTransformBroadcaster() qA2B = tfc.transformations.quaternion_from_euler(math.pi, 0, math.pi / 2) ts1 = __genTf("A", "B", (-1, 0, 0.2), qA2B) t.transforms.append(ts1) qC2D = tfc.transformations.quaternion_from_euler(math.pi, 0, 0) ts2 = __genTf("C", "D", (0, 0, 1), qC2D) t.transforms.append(ts2) sbc.pub_tf.publish(t) rospy.spin() if __name__ == "__main__": __main()
先假定D传感器的观测数据会发布在B坐标系下,而A是实际地图坐标系,求C物体坐标系(source frame, child frame)到A坐标系(destination frame, parent frame)的转换,代码如下:
#!/usr/bin/env python # dynamic_publisher.py import rospy import sys import tf2_ros as tf2 import tf_conversions as tfc import geometry_msgs.msg from tf2_msgs.msg import TFMessage import math import numpy def qRot(p, q): qInvert = tfc.transformations.quaternion_inverse qMultiply = tfc.transformations.quaternion_multiply qInv = qInvert(q) pNew = qMultiply(qMultiply(q, p), qInv) return pNew def qRotInv(p, q): qInvert = tfc.transformations.quaternion_inverse qMultiply = tfc.transformations.quaternion_multiply qInv = qInvert(q) pNew = qMultiply(qMultiply(qInv, p), q) return pNew def __genTf(frameT, frameS, posTs, q): ts = geometry_msgs.msg.TransformStamped() ts.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now() ts.header.frame_id = frameT ts.child_frame_id = frameS ts.transform.translation.x = posTs[0] ts.transform.translation.y = posTs[1] ts.transform.translation.z = posTs[2] ts.transform.rotation.x = q[0] ts.transform.rotation.y = q[1] ts.transform.rotation.z = q[2] ts.transform.rotation.w = q[3] return ts def __main(): rospy.init_node("A2C") rate = rospy.Rate(1) tbf = tf2.Buffer() tl = tf2.TransformListener(tbf) a = 0 pp = 0 while not tbf.can_transform("C", "D", rospy.Time()) and not rospy.is_shutdown(): print "waiting for static tf ready.{C-D}" rate.sleep() while not tbf.can_transform("D", "C", rospy.Time()) and not rospy.is_shutdown(): print "waiting for static tf ready.{D-C}" rate.sleep() while not tbf.can_transform("A", "B", rospy.Time()) and not rospy.is_shutdown(): print "waiting for static tf ready.{A-B}" rate.sleep() while not tbf.can_transform("B", "A", rospy.Time()) and not rospy.is_shutdown(): print "waiting for static tf ready.{B-A}" rate.sleep() print ("all static tf ready") roundCount = 0 rateFast = rospy.Rate(10) qInvert = tfc.transformations.quaternion_inverse qMultiply = tfc.transformations.quaternion_multiply while not rospy.is_shutdown(): print("begin: " + str(roundCount)) roundCount += 1 # lookup_transform(desFrame, srcFrame, time) tfD2C = tbf.lookup_transform("C", "D", rospy.Time()) tfC2D = tbf.lookup_transform("D", "C", rospy.Time()) tfB2A = tbf.lookup_transform("A", "B", rospy.Time()) tfA2B = tbf.lookup_transform("B", "A", rospy.Time()) bc = tf2.TransformBroadcaster() tD2B = (2 * math.cos(a), 1 + 2 * math.sin(a), -1, 0) qD2B = tfc.transformations.quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, math.pi / 2 + a) ts = __genTf("B", "DB", tD2B, qD2B) bc.sendTransform(ts) # db -> da tfm = tfB2A r = tfm.transform.rotation ts = tfm.transform.translation qB2A = numpy.array([r.x, r.y, r.z, r.w]) tB2A = numpy.array([ts.x, ts.y, ts.z, 0]) qD2A = qMultiply(qB2A, qD2B) tD2A = qRot(tD2B, qB2A) + tB2A ts = __genTf("A", "DA", tD2A, qD2A) bc.sendTransform(ts) # da -> ca tfm = tfC2D r = tfm.transform.rotation ts = tfm.transform.translation qC2D = numpy.array([r.x, r.y, r.z, r.w]) tC2D = numpy.array([ts.x, ts.y, ts.z, 0]) qC2A = qMultiply(qD2A, qC2D) tC2A = qRot(tC2D, qD2A) + tD2A ts = __genTf("A", "C", tC2A, qC2A) bc.sendTransform(ts) if a < math.pi * 2: a += 0.01 else: a = 0 rateFast.sleep() if __name__ == "__main__": __main()
tD2B = (2 * math.cos(a), 1 + 2 * math.sin(a), -1, 0)
qD2B = tfc.transformations.quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, math.pi / 2 + a)
运行roscore, rviz,再运行python static_publisher.py, python dynamic_publisher.py, 在rviz选择frame A为主坐标系,之后可以看到D,DA,DB重合在一起围绕A做圆周运动