今年EasyDarwin团队在给国内某最大的金融安防公司做技术咨询的时候,开发了一款适用于嵌入式IPCamera、NVR的RTSP流媒体服务器:EasyIPCamera,EasyIPCamera的核心是基于live555进行封装的,外围增加对live555 RTSPServer的调用接口,更加方便海思等安防芯片进行RTSPServer服务的建立,EasyIPCamera在海思3156A芯片上的性能经过我们半年多的调试,目前已经可以稳定在4路1080P并发:
- TCP/UDP 方式分别连接3路下,1080P 4M 定码率,音频格式G711(64K)G726(16K 24K 32K 40K)AAC(64K 96K 128K)都没问题;
TCP/UDP 方式分别连接4路下,1080P 4M 定码率,音频格式G711(64K)G726(16K 24K 32K 40K)AAC(64K 96K 128K)都没问题;
void MultiFramedRTPSink::sendPacketIfNecessary() {
if (fNumFramesUsedSoFar > 0) {
// Send the packet:
#ifdef TEST_LOSS
if ((our_random()%10) != 0) // simulate 10% packet loss #####
if (!fRTPInterface.sendPacket(fOutBuf->packet(), fOutBuf->curPacketSize())) {
// if failure handler has been specified, call it
if (fOnSendErrorFunc != NULL) (*fOnSendErrorFunc)(fOnSendErrorData);
fTotalOctetCount += fOutBuf->curPacketSize();
fOctetCount += fOutBuf->curPacketSize()
- rtpHeaderSize - fSpecialHeaderSize - fTotalFrameSpecificHeaderSizes;
++fSeqNo; // for next time
if (fOutBuf->haveOverflowData()
&& fOutBuf->totalBytesAvailable() > fOutBuf->totalBufferSize()/2) {
// Efficiency hack: Reset the packet start pointer to just in front of
// the overflow data (allowing for the RTP header and special headers),
// so that we probably don't have to "memmove()" the overflow data
// into place when building the next packet:
unsigned newPacketStart = fOutBuf->curPacketSize()
- (rtpHeaderSize + fSpecialHeaderSize + frameSpecificHeaderSize());
} else {
// Normal case: Reset the packet start pointer back to the start:
fNumFramesUsedSoFar = 0;
if (fNoFramesLeft) {
// We're done:
} else {
#if 0 //原有方法是重新计算一个Task时间,让live555下一次循环再将未发送完的包继续发送完成
// We have more frames left to send. Figure out when the next frame
// is due to start playing, then make sure that we wait this long before
// sending the next packet.
struct timeval timeNow;
gettimeofday(&timeNow, NULL);
int secsDiff = fNextSendTime.tv_sec - timeNow.tv_sec;
int64_t uSecondsToGo = secsDiff*1000000 + (fNextSendTime.tv_usec - timeNow.tv_usec);
if (uSecondsToGo < 0 || secsDiff < 0) { // sanity check: Make sure that the time-to-delay is non-negative:
uSecondsToGo = 0;
// Delay this amount of time:
//nextTask() = envir().taskScheduler().scheduleDelayedTask(uSecondsToGo, (TaskFunc*)sendNext, this);
#else //现有方法是不经过循环,直接将未发送的包全部发完再进行live555的eventLoop循环
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