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  • HDU5792 树状数组


    题意:给一组序列,从中找出一个四元组,使四个元素下标两两不同,且a<b,c<d有X< Xb , Xc > Xd。问一共有多少组满足要求的四元组。


      1 #include<iostream>
      2 #include<cstring>
      3 #include<cstdio>
      4 #include<algorithm>
      5 using namespace std;
      6 const int N = 50005;
      7 typedef long long LL;
      9 int tmp[N] , arr[N];
     10 int n,cnt; //cnt为离散后不同数的个数
     11 int ls[N],rs[N],rb[N],lb[N]; // ls:左边小于当前位的数的个数 , rs:右边小于当前位的数的个数,lb:左边大于当前位的数的个数,rb:右边大于当前位的数的个数
     12 int tls[N],trs[N],trb[N],tlb[N]; // 树状数组
     13 LL ans,suml,sumb; //答案,逆序对个数,顺序对个数
     16 void init()
     17 {
     18     memset(tls,0,sizeof (tls));
     19     memset(trs,0,sizeof (trs));
     20     memset(tlb,0,sizeof (tlb));
     21     memset(trb,0,sizeof (trb));
     22     ans = suml = sumb = 0;
     23 }
     25 LL getl(int p,int *tr)
     26 {
     27     LL res = 0;
     28     while (p > 0)
     29     {
     30         res += (LL)tr[p];
     31         p -= (p&-p);
     32     }
     33     return res;
     34 }
     36 LL getr(int p,int *tr)
     37 {
     38     LL res = 0;
     39     while (p <= cnt)
     40     {
     41         res += (LL)tr[p];
     42         p += (p&-p);
     43     }
     44     return res;
     45 }
     47 void upl(int p,int *tr)
     48 {
     49     while (p<=cnt)
     50     {
     51         tr[p] += 1;
     52         p += (p&-p);
     53     }
     54 }
     56 void upr(int p,int *tr)
     57 {
     58     while (p > 0)
     59     {
     60         tr[p] += 1;
     61         p -= (p&-p);
     62     }
     63 }
     66 int main()
     67 {
     68     while (scanf("%d",&n)==1)
     69     {
     70         init();
     71         for (int i=0;i<n;i++)
     72         {
     73             scanf("%d",&arr[i]);
     74         }
     75         tmp[0] = arr[0];
     76         cnt = 1;
     77         for (int i=1;i<n;i++)
     78         {
     79             if (arr[i]!=tmp[cnt-1])
     80                 tmp[cnt++] = arr[i]; //去重
     81         }
     82         sort(tmp,tmp+cnt);
     83         for (int i=0;i<n;i++)
     84         {
     85             arr[i] = lower_bound(tmp,tmp+cnt,arr[i]) - tmp + 1; //离散化
     86             ls[i] = getl(arr[i]-1,tls); lb[i] = getr(arr[i]+1,tlb);
     87             upl(arr[i],tls); upr(arr[i],tlb);
     88             suml += ls[i]; sumb += lb[i];
     89         }
     90         for (int i=n-1;i>=0;i--)
     91         {
     92             rb[i] = getr(arr[i]+1,trb); rs[i] = getl(arr[i]-1,trs);
     93             upl(arr[i],trs); upr(arr[i],trb);
     94         }
     96         ans = suml * sumb; //逆序对数乘顺序对数,结果存在不合法的情况
     97         for (int i=0;i<n;i++)
     98         {
     99             ans -= (rs[i] * rb[i] + ls[i] * lb[i] + ls[i] * rs[i] + lb[i] * rb[i]);
    100             // rs[i]*rb[i]为a,c重合的情况 , ls[i]*lb[i]为b,d重合的情况 , ls[i]*rs[i]为c,b重合的情况 , lb[i]*rb[i]为a,d重合的情况
    101         }
    102         printf("%I64d
    104     }
    105     return 0;
    106 }
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/bdNestInLastation/p/5735349.html
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