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  • mfc控件位置随对话框窗口移动


    // ControlPos.h
    //    CControlPos 
    //    Position controls on a form's resize 
    //        Copyright (c) 2000 Paul Wendt
    //        VERSION#    DATE            NAME    DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE
    //        --------    ----------    ----    ---------------------
    //        1.01      07/11/2000    PRW    Original creation.
    #ifndef CONTROLPOS_H_
    #define CONTROLPOS_H_
    // these #define's specify HOW the control
    // will move. they can be combined with the
    // bitwise or operator
    #define CP_MOVE_HORIZONTAL                    1
    #define CP_MOVE_VERTICAL                    2
    #define CP_RESIZE_HORIZONTAL                4
    #define CP_RESIZE_VERTICAL                    8
    #define CP_MOVE_HORIZONTAL_CENTER           16
    #define CP_MOVE_VERTICAL_CENTER                32
    class CControlPos
        CControlPos(CWnd* pParent = NULL);
        virtual ~CControlPos();
        void SetParent(CWnd* pParent);
        BOOL AddControl(CWnd* pControl, const DWORD& dwStyle = CP_MOVE_HORIZONTAL);
        BOOL AddControl(const UINT& unId, const DWORD& dwStyle = CP_MOVE_HORIZONTAL);
        BOOL RemoveControl(CWnd* pControl);
        BOOL RemoveControl(const UINT& unId);
        void ResetControls(void);
        virtual void MoveControls(void);
        // most of the time, you don't want to move controls
        // if the user reduces window size [controls can
        // overlap and cause "issues"]
        // negative moves won't move controls when the parent
        // window is getting smaller than its original size
        void SetNegativeMoves(const BOOL& fNegativeMoves = TRUE);
        BOOL GetNegativeMoves(void) const;
        virtual void UpdateParentSize(void);
        CWnd*  m_pParent;        
        int    m_nOldParentWidth;            
        int    m_nOldParentHeight;
        int    m_nOriginalParentWidth;
        int    m_nOriginalParentHeight;
        BOOL   m_fNegativeMoves;
        CObArray m_awndControls;
    // internal structure used to hold all information
    // about a CWnd* control
    typedef struct tagCONTROLDATA
        HWND  hControl;    // HWND's never change; some MFC functions return temporary CWnd *'s
        DWORD dwStyle;        // check the #define's above


    // ControlPos.cpp
    //    CControlPos 
    //    Position controls on a form's resize 
    //        Copyright (c) 2000 Paul Wendt
    //        VERSION#    DATE            NAME    DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE
    //        --------    ----------    ----    ---------------------
    //        1.01      07/11/2000    PRW    Original creation.
    #include "StdAfx.h"
    #include "ControlPos.h"
    // CControlPos::CControlPos
    //    default constructor 
    //    Access: public
    //    Args:
    //        CWnd* pParent                =    pointer to parent window
    //    Return:
    //        none
    CControlPos::CControlPos(CWnd* pParent /* = NULL */)
        m_pParent = pParent;
        m_nOldParentHeight = 0;
        m_nOldParentWidth = 0;
    // CControlPos::~CControlPos
    //    default destructor -- It deletes all controls. 
    //    Access: public
    //    Args:
    //        none
    //    Return:
    //        none
    // CControlPos::SetParent
    //    This sets the parent window. It should be called from a CWnd's 
    //    post-constructor function, like OnInitdialog or InitialUpdate. 
    //    Access: public
    //    Args:
    //        CWnd* pParent    =    parent window
    //    Return:
    //        none
    void CControlPos::SetParent(CWnd* pParent)
        CRect rcParentOriginalSize;
        m_pParent = pParent;
        m_nOriginalParentWidth = rcParentOriginalSize.right;
        m_nOriginalParentHeight = rcParentOriginalSize.bottom;
    // CControlPos::AddControl
    //    This adds a control to the internal list of controls in CControlPos.  
    //    Access: public
    //    Args:
    //        CWnd* pControl                =    pointer to the control to be added
    //        const DWORD& dwStyle        =  how the window should be moved -- see #define's
    //                               in the header file
    //    Return:
    //        BOOL     =    TRUE if the control was added successfully, FALSE otherwise
    BOOL CControlPos::AddControl(CWnd* pControl, const DWORD& dwStyle /* = CP_MOVE_HORIZONTAL */)
        BOOL fReturnValue = TRUE;
        if (pControl && m_pParent)
            LPCONTROLDATA pstControl = new CONTROLDATA;
            pstControl->hControl = pControl->GetSafeHwnd();
            pstControl->dwStyle = dwStyle;
            fReturnValue = FALSE;
        return (fReturnValue);
    // CControlPos::AddControl
    //    This adds a control the internal list of controls in CControlPos. 
    //    Access: public
    //    Args:
    //        const UINT& unId            =    ID of the control to add
    //        const DWORD& dwStyle        =    how the window should be moved -- see #define's
    //                               in the header file
    //    Return:
    //        BOOL     =    TRUE if the control was added successfully, FALSE otherwise
    BOOL CControlPos::AddControl(const UINT& unId, const DWORD& dwStyle /* = CP_MOVE_HORIZONTAL */)
        CWnd* pControl;
        if (m_pParent)
            pControl = m_pParent->GetDlgItem(unId);
            return (AddControl(pControl, dwStyle));
            return (FALSE);
    // CControlPos::RemoveControl
    //    If a client ever wants to remove a control programmatically, this 
    //    function will do it. 
    //    Access: public
    //    Args:
    //        CWnd* pControl    =    pointer of the window who should be removed from 
    //                                the internal control list [ie: will not be repositioned]
    //    Return:
    //        BOOL     =    TRUE if the control was found [and deleted], FALSE otherwise
    BOOL CControlPos::RemoveControl(CWnd* pControl)
        BOOL fReturnValue = FALSE;
        for (int i = 0; i < m_awndControls.GetSize(); i++)
            LPCONTROLDATA pstControl = ((LPCONTROLDATA)m_awndControls.GetAt(i));
            if (pstControl->hControl == pControl->GetSafeHwnd())
                delete pstControl;
                fReturnValue = TRUE;
        return (fReturnValue);
    // CControlPos::RemoveControl
    //    If a client ever wants to remove a control programmatically, this 
    //    function will do it. 
    //    Access: public
    //    Args:
    //        const UINT& unId  =  ID of the control that should be removed from the
    //                         internal control list [ie: will not be repositioned]
    //    Return:
    //        BOOL     =    TRUE if the control was found [and deleted], FALSE otherwise
    BOOL CControlPos::RemoveControl(const UINT& unId)
        CWnd* pControl;
        if (m_pParent)
            pControl = m_pParent->GetDlgItem(unId);
            return (RemoveControl(pControl));
            return (FALSE);
    // CControlPos::ResetControls
    //    This function removes all controls from the CControlPos object 
    //    Access: public
    //    Args:
    //        none
    //    Return:
    //        none
    void CControlPos::ResetControls(void)
        while (m_awndControls.GetSize() > 0)
            int   nHighIdx = m_awndControls.GetUpperBound();
            LPCONTROLDATA pstControl = ((LPCONTROLDATA)m_awndControls.GetAt(nHighIdx));
            if (pstControl)
                delete pstControl;
    // CControlPos::MoveControls
    //    This function takes care of moving all controls that have been added to 
    //    the object [see AddControl].  This function should be called from the 
    //    WM_SIZE handler-function [typically OnSize]. 
    //    Access: public
    //    Args:
    //        none
    //    Return:
    //        none
    void CControlPos::MoveControls(void)
        if (m_pParent)
            // for each control that has been added to our object, we want to
            // check its style and move it based off of the parent control's
            // movements.
            // the thing to keep in mind is that when you resize a window, you
            // can resize by more than one pixel at a time. this is important
            // when, for example, you start with a width smaller than the
            // original width and you finish with a width larger than the
            // original width. you know that you want to move the control, but
            // by how much? that is why so many if's and calculations are made
            for (int i = 0; i < m_awndControls.GetSize(); i++)
                LPCONTROLDATA pstControl = ((LPCONTROLDATA)m_awndControls.GetAt(i));
                CRect rcParentBounds;
                CRect rcBounds;
                CWnd* pControl = m_pParent->FromHandle(pstControl->hControl);
                if ((pstControl->dwStyle & (CP_RESIZE_VERTICAL)) == (CP_RESIZE_VERTICAL))
                    if (!m_fNegativeMoves)
                        if (rcParentBounds.bottom > m_nOriginalParentHeight)
                            if (m_nOriginalParentHeight <= m_nOldParentHeight)
                                rcBounds.bottom += rcParentBounds.bottom - m_nOldParentHeight;
                                rcBounds.bottom += rcParentBounds.bottom - m_nOriginalParentHeight;
                            if (m_nOldParentHeight > m_nOriginalParentHeight)
                                rcBounds.bottom += m_nOriginalParentHeight - m_nOldParentHeight;
                        rcBounds.bottom += rcParentBounds.bottom - m_nOldParentHeight;
                if ((pstControl->dwStyle & (CP_RESIZE_HORIZONTAL)) == (CP_RESIZE_HORIZONTAL))
                    if (!m_fNegativeMoves)
                        if (rcParentBounds.right > m_nOriginalParentWidth)
                            if (m_nOriginalParentWidth <= m_nOldParentWidth)
                                rcBounds.right += rcParentBounds.right - m_nOldParentWidth;
                                rcBounds.right += rcParentBounds.right - m_nOriginalParentWidth;
                            if (m_nOldParentWidth > m_nOriginalParentWidth)
                                rcBounds.right += m_nOriginalParentWidth - m_nOldParentWidth;
                        rcBounds.right += rcParentBounds.right - m_nOldParentWidth;
                if ((pstControl->dwStyle & (CP_MOVE_VERTICAL)) == (CP_MOVE_VERTICAL))
                    if (!m_fNegativeMoves)
                        if (rcParentBounds.bottom > m_nOriginalParentHeight)
                            if (m_nOriginalParentHeight <= m_nOldParentHeight)
                                rcBounds.bottom += rcParentBounds.bottom - m_nOldParentHeight;
                                rcBounds.top += rcParentBounds.bottom - m_nOldParentHeight;
                                rcBounds.bottom += rcParentBounds.bottom - m_nOriginalParentHeight;
                                rcBounds.top += rcParentBounds.bottom - m_nOriginalParentHeight;
                            if (m_nOldParentHeight > m_nOriginalParentHeight)
                                rcBounds.bottom += m_nOriginalParentHeight - m_nOldParentHeight;
                                rcBounds.top += m_nOriginalParentHeight - m_nOldParentHeight;
                        rcBounds.bottom += rcParentBounds.bottom - m_nOldParentHeight;
                        rcBounds.top += rcParentBounds.bottom - m_nOldParentHeight;
                if ((pstControl->dwStyle & (CP_MOVE_HORIZONTAL)) == (CP_MOVE_HORIZONTAL))
                    if (!m_fNegativeMoves)
                        if (rcParentBounds.right > m_nOriginalParentWidth)
                            if (m_nOriginalParentWidth <= m_nOldParentWidth)
                                rcBounds.right += rcParentBounds.right - m_nOldParentWidth;
                                rcBounds.left += rcParentBounds.right - m_nOldParentWidth;
                                rcBounds.right += rcParentBounds.right - m_nOriginalParentWidth;
                                rcBounds.left += rcParentBounds.right - m_nOriginalParentWidth;
                            if (m_nOldParentWidth > m_nOriginalParentWidth)
                                rcBounds.right += m_nOriginalParentWidth - m_nOldParentWidth;
                                rcBounds.left += m_nOriginalParentWidth - m_nOldParentWidth;
                        rcBounds.right += rcParentBounds.right - m_nOldParentWidth;
                        rcBounds.left += rcParentBounds.right - m_nOldParentWidth;
                if ((pstControl->dwStyle & (CP_MOVE_HORIZONTAL_CENTER)) == (CP_MOVE_HORIZONTAL_CENTER))
                    if (!m_fNegativeMoves)
                        if (rcParentBounds.right > m_nOriginalParentWidth)
                            if (m_nOriginalParentWidth <= m_nOldParentWidth)
                                rcBounds.right += (rcParentBounds.right - m_nOldParentWidth)/2;
                                rcBounds.left += (rcParentBounds.right - m_nOldParentWidth)/2;
                                rcBounds.right += rcParentBounds.right - m_nOriginalParentWidth;
                                rcBounds.left += rcParentBounds.right - m_nOriginalParentWidth;
                            if (m_nOldParentWidth > m_nOriginalParentWidth)
                                rcBounds.right += m_nOriginalParentWidth - m_nOldParentWidth;
                                rcBounds.left += m_nOriginalParentWidth - m_nOldParentWidth;
                        rcBounds.right += rcParentBounds.right - m_nOldParentWidth;
                        rcBounds.left += rcParentBounds.right - m_nOldParentWidth;
                if ((pstControl->dwStyle & (CP_MOVE_VERTICAL_CENTER)) == (CP_MOVE_VERTICAL_CENTER))
                    if (!m_fNegativeMoves)
                        if (rcParentBounds.bottom > m_nOriginalParentHeight)
                            if (m_nOriginalParentHeight <= m_nOldParentHeight)
                                rcBounds.bottom += (rcParentBounds.bottom - m_nOldParentHeight)/2;
                                rcBounds.top += (rcParentBounds.bottom - m_nOldParentHeight)/2;
                                rcBounds.bottom += rcParentBounds.bottom - m_nOriginalParentHeight;
                                rcBounds.top += rcParentBounds.bottom - m_nOriginalParentHeight;
                            if (m_nOldParentHeight > m_nOriginalParentHeight)
                                rcBounds.bottom += m_nOriginalParentHeight - m_nOldParentHeight;
                                rcBounds.top += m_nOriginalParentHeight - m_nOldParentHeight;
                        rcBounds.bottom += rcParentBounds.bottom - m_nOldParentHeight;
                        rcBounds.top += rcParentBounds.bottom - m_nOldParentHeight;
    // CControlPos::SetNegativeMoves
    //    This sets the NegativeMoves boolean parameter of the object. When the 
    //    parent window becomes smaller than it started, setting this to FALSE 
    //    will not allow controls to be moved; the parent size may change, but 
    //    it'll just force the controls to go off of the 
    //    This parameter defaults to FALSE on object creation.
    //    Access: public
    //    Args:
    //        const BOOL& fNegativeMoves /* = TRUE */    =    value to set
    //    Return:
    //        none
    void CControlPos::SetNegativeMoves(const BOOL& fNegativeMoves /* = TRUE */)
        m_fNegativeMoves = fNegativeMoves;
    // CControlPos::GetNegativeMoves
    //    This function returns whether or not negative moves are enabled. 
    //    Access: public
    //    Args:
    //        none
    //    Return:
    //        BOOL     =    TRUE if negative moves are enabled, FALSE otherwise
    BOOL CControlPos::GetNegativeMoves(void) const
        return (m_fNegativeMoves);
    // CControlPos::UpdateParentSize
    //    Since CControlPos keeps track of the parent's size, it gets updated 
    //    every time it tells us to size the controls. We keep track so we know 
    //    how much it changed from the last WM_SIZE message. 
    //    Access: protected
    //    Args:
    //        none
    //    Return:
    //        none
    void CControlPos::UpdateParentSize(void)
        if (m_pParent)
            CRect rcBounds;
            m_nOldParentWidth = rcBounds.Width();
            m_nOldParentHeight = rcBounds.Height();


    CControlPos m_ControlPos;

    m_ControlPos.AddControl(GetDlgItem(控件ID), CP_MOVE_HORIZONTAL | CP_MOVE_VERTICAL); //随窗口变化移动

    /* 参数例表
    CP_MOVE_HORIZONTAL //随窗口水平移动
    CP_MOVE_VERTICAL //随窗口垂直移动
    CP_RESIZE_HORIZONTAL //随窗口水平变化而变化
    CP_RESIZE_VERTICAL //随窗口垂直变化而变化
    CP_MOVE_HORIZONTAL_CENTER //随窗口水平变化始终保存着居中比例
    CP_MOVE_VERTICAL_CENTER //随窗口垂直变化始终保存着居中比例

    //添加WM_SIZE消息 OnSize中添加

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/begoogatprogram/p/5952605.html
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