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  • [BJOI2019] 光线



    那么可以发现(g_i=p1_i^2 imes (p2_{i-1}+g_{i-1}) + p1_i^2 imes (p2_{i-1}+g_{i-1}) imes p2_i imes (p2_{i-1} + g_{i-1})+...)
    所以(g_i=frac{p1_i^2 imes (p2_{i-1}+g_{i-1})}{1-p2_i imes (p2_{i-1} + g_{i-1})})
    (f_i = f_{i-1} imes p1_i + f_{i-1} imes p1_i imes p2_{i+1} imes (p2_i + g_i)))
    所以(f_i=frac{f_{i-1}+p1_i}{1-p2_{i+1} imes (p2_i+g_i)})


    # define LL long long
    const int M = 500005 ;
    const int mod = 1e9 + 7 ;
    using namespace std ;
    inline int read() {
    	char c = getchar() ; int x = 0 , w = 1 ;
    	while(c>'9'||c<'0') { if(c=='-') w = -1 ; c = getchar() ; }
    	while(c>='0'&&c<='9') { x = x*10+c-'0' ; c = getchar() ;  }
    	return x*w ;
    int n , inv100 ;
    LL p1[M] , p2[M] , f[M] , g[M] ;
    inline int Fpw(int Base , int k) {
    	int temp = 1 ;
    	while(k) {
    		if(k & 1) temp = 1LL * temp * Base % mod ;
    		Base = 1LL * Base * Base % mod ; k >>= 1 ;
    	return temp ;
    inline int Inv(int x) {
    	x = (x % mod + mod) % mod ;
    	return Fpw(x , mod - 2) ;
    int main() {
    	n = read() ; inv100 = Inv(100) ;
    	for(int i = 1 ; i <= n ; i ++) {
    		p1[i] = read() ; p2[i] = read() ;
    		p1[i] = 1LL * p1[i] * inv100 % mod ;
    		p2[i] = 1LL * p2[i] * inv100 % mod ;
    	f[0] = 1 ; p1[0] = 1 ; g[0] = 0 ;
    	for(int i = 1 ; i <= n ; i ++) {
    		g[i] = p1[i] * p1[i] % mod * (p2[i - 1] + g[i - 1]) % mod * Inv( ( 1 - p2[i] * ( p2[i - 1] + g[i - 1] ) % mod ) % mod ) % mod ;
    		g[i] = (g[i] + mod) % mod ;
    		f[i] = f[i - 1] * p1[i] % mod * Inv( ( 1 - p2[i + 1] * ( p2[i] + g[i] ) % mod ) % mod ) % mod ;
    		f[i] = (f[i] + mod) % mod ;
    ",f[n]) ;
    	return 0 ;
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/beretty/p/10759117.html
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