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  • solidity 十六进制字符串转十六进制bytes

    pragma solidity ^0.4.16;
    contract Metadata {
        // 十六进制字符串转换成bytes
        function hexStr2bytes(string data)returns (bytes){
            uint _ascii_0 = 48;
            uint _ascii_A = 65;
            uint _ascii_a = 97;
            bytes memory a = bytes(data);
            uint[] memory b = new uint[](a.length);
            for (uint i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
                uint _a = uint(a[i]);
                if (_a > 96) {
                    b[i] = _a - 97 + 10;
                else if (_a > 66) {
                    b[i] = _a - 65 + 10;
                else {
                    b[i] = _a - 48;
            bytes memory c = new bytes(b.length / 2);
            for (uint _i = 0; _i < b.length; _i += 2) {
                c[_i / 2] = byte(b[_i] * 16 + b[_i + 1]);
            return c;

    solidity 智能合约 从公钥得到账户地址

    function pk2account(address _address) public returns (address) {
            uint160 m = 0;
            uint160 tmp = 0;
            m = uint160(_address);
            tmp >>= 80;
            tmp <<= 80;
            return address(m);
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    判断链表 有环
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/bergus/p/solidity-shi-liu-jin-zhi-zi-fu-chuan-zhuan-shi-liu.html
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