- 题目描述:
The Fibonacci Numbers{0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55...} are defined by the recurrence:
F0=0 F1=1 Fn=Fn-1+Fn-2,n>=2
Write a program to calculate the Fibonacci Numbers.
- 输入:
Each case contains a number n and you are expected to calculate Fn.(0<=n<=30) 。
- 输出:
For each case, print a number Fn on a separate line,which means the nth Fibonacci Number.
- 样例输入:
- 样例输出:
#include<iostream> using namespace std; int f(int x){ if(x==0) return 0; else { if(x==1) return 1; else { int a=f(x-1)+f(x-2); return a; } } } int main(){ int n; while(cin>>n){ cout<<f(n)<<endl; } return 0; }