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  • 提高CTP的jswig_JAVA接口回调线程处理效率





     1 #include <Windows.h>
     2 struct DataHead {
     3     short packLength;//报文长度,
     4     short dataLength;//报文内有效数据长度,
     5     int  eventID;//事件ID
     6 };
     7 class SwigDirector_CThostFtdcMdSpi : public CThostFtdcMdSpi, public Swig::Director {
     9 public:
    10     CRITICAL_SECTION  g_mutex;//临界区变量
    11     HANDLE  g_cond;//唤醒信号
    12     //缓冲区
    13     /*有数据到达时,调用lockBuf(int length)请求一段缓冲区,然后填入消息报数据。
    14     消息报由头部和数据构成。DataHead。
    15     */
    16     char *dataBuf;
    17     int buf_begin, buf_end,buf_length;
    18     char* lockBuf(int length);//请求加锁的缓冲区
    19     void notifyBuf(char* pPtr, int plength);//设置数据长度并唤醒处理线程
    20     ~SwigDirector_CThostFtdcMdSpi();


     1 #ifdef __cplusplus
     2 extern "C" {
     3 #endif
     4     SWIGEXPORT jlong JNICALL Java_............._handleEvent(JNIEnv *jenv, jobject  swigjobj, jlong cPtr)
     5     {
     6         /*检查消息缓存,无消息则进入等待
     7         //jlong cPtr指向内存中SwigDirector_CThostFtdcMdSpi对象
     8         //
     9         */
    10         DataHead *pPtr = NULL;
    11         SwigDirector_CThostFtdcMdSpi *clsPtr = (SwigDirector_CThostFtdcMdSpi *)cPtr;
    12         while (true){
    13             EnterCriticalSection(&(clsPtr->g_mutex));
    14             int asize = 0;
    15             while (true){
    16                 pPtr = NULL;
    17                 asize = clsPtr->buf_end - clsPtr->buf_begin;
    18                 if (asize < 0){
    19                     asize += clsPtr->buf_length;
    20                 }
    21                 if (asize <= 0){
    22                     break;
    23                 }
    24                 pPtr = (DataHead*)(clsPtr->dataBuf + clsPtr->buf_begin);
    25                 if (pPtr->dataLength == 0){
    26                     //判断是否空包,跳过空包
    27                     clsPtr->buf_begin += pPtr->packLength;
    28                     if (clsPtr->buf_begin >= clsPtr->buf_length){
    29                         clsPtr->buf_begin = 0;//有空间
    30                     }
    31                 }
    32                 else{
    33                     break;
    34                 }
    35             }
    36             LeaveCriticalSection(&(clsPtr->g_mutex));
    37             if (asize <= 0 || pPtr->dataLength <= 0){
    38                 //进入休眠
    39                 WaitForSingleObject(clsPtr->g_cond, INFINITE);
    40                 continue;
    41             }
    42             //开始调用回调方法pPtr
    43             int eID = pPtr->eventID;
    44             char *dPtr = (char*)pPtr;
    45             dPtr += sizeof(DataHead);
    46             if (eID == 0){
    47                 jenv->CallStaticVoidMethod(Swig::jclass_thostmduserapiJNI, Swig::director_method_ids[0], swigjobj);
    48             }
    49             else if (eID == 1){
    50                 jint jnReason = (jint)(*(int*)(dPtr));
    51                 jenv->CallStaticVoidMethod(Swig::jclass_thostmduserapiJNI, Swig::director_method_ids[1], swigjobj, jnReason);
    52             }
    53             else if (eID == 3){
    54                 jlong jpRspUserLogin = 0;
    55                 jlong jpRspInfo = 0;
    56                 jint jnRequestID;
    57                 jboolean jbIsLast;
    58                 *((CThostFtdcRspUserLoginField **)&jpRspUserLogin) = (CThostFtdcRspUserLoginField *)dPtr;
    59                 dPtr += sizeof(CThostFtdcRspUserLoginField);
    60                 *((CThostFtdcRspInfoField **)&jpRspInfo) = (CThostFtdcRspInfoField *)dPtr;
    61                 dPtr += sizeof(CThostFtdcRspInfoField);
    62                 jnRequestID = (jint)(*(int*)(dPtr));
    63                 dPtr += sizeof(int);
    64                 jbIsLast = (jboolean)(*(bool*)(dPtr));
    65                 jenv->CallStaticVoidMethod(Swig::jclass_thostmduserapiJNI, Swig::director_method_ids[3], swigjobj, jpRspUserLogin, jpRspInfo, jnRequestID, jbIsLast);
    66             }
    67             else if (eID == 11){
    68                 jlong jpDepthMarketData = 0;
    69                 *((CThostFtdcDepthMarketDataField **)&jpDepthMarketData) = (CThostFtdcDepthMarketDataField *)dPtr;
    70                 jenv->CallStaticVoidMethod(Swig::jclass_thostmduserapiJNI, Swig::director_method_ids[11], swigjobj, jpDepthMarketData);
    71             }
    72             pPtr->dataLength = 0;//变成空包
    73             jthrowable swigerror = jenv->ExceptionOccurred();
    74             if (swigerror) {
    75                 Swig::DirectorException::raise(jenv, swigerror);
    76             }
    77             continue;
    78         }
    79         return 0;
    80     }


      1 //初始化数据
      3 SwigDirector_CThostFtdcMdSpi::SwigDirector_CThostFtdcMdSpi(JNIEnv *jenv) : CThostFtdcMdSpi(), Swig::Director(jenv) {
      4     this->buf_length = 4096 * 1024;
      5     this->dataBuf = new char[this->buf_length];
      6     this->buf_begin = 0;
      7     this->buf_end = 0;
      8     InitializeCriticalSection(&(this->g_mutex));  //初始化临界区
      9     //以non-signaled创建auto-reset模式的事件对象  
     10     this->g_cond = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL);
     11 }
     12 //清场
     13 SwigDirector_CThostFtdcMdSpi::~SwigDirector_CThostFtdcMdSpi(){
     14     delete this->dataBuf;
     15     DeleteCriticalSection(&this->g_mutex);  //释放临界区
     16     CloseHandle(this->g_cond);  //销毁事件对象
     17 }
     19 //获取数据包缓冲区,并设置相关指针
     20 char* SwigDirector_CThostFtdcMdSpi::lockBuf(int plength){
     21     int asize;
     22     DataHead *pPtr = NULL;
     23     EnterCriticalSection(&g_mutex);
     24     if (this->buf_end >= this->buf_begin){
     25         //end指针大于begin指针
     26         asize = this->buf_length - this->buf_end;
     27         if (asize > plength + sizeof(DataHead) + sizeof(DataHead)){
     28             //可以容纳
     29             pPtr = (DataHead*)(this->dataBuf + this->buf_end);
     30             pPtr->packLength = plength + sizeof(DataHead);
     31             pPtr->dataLength = -1;
     32             this->buf_end += pPtr->packLength;
     33         }
     34         else{
     35             if (this->buf_begin > 0){
     36                 //begin前有空间容纳end指针,可以分配或者填充空包
     37                 if (asize >= plength + sizeof(DataHead)){
     38                     //可以分配
     39                     pPtr = (DataHead*)(this->dataBuf + this->buf_end);
     40                     pPtr->packLength = asize;
     41                     pPtr->dataLength = -1;
     42                     this->buf_end = 0;
     43                 }
     44                 else{
     45                     //可以填充空包
     46                     pPtr = (DataHead*)(this->dataBuf + this->buf_end);
     47                     pPtr->packLength = asize;
     48                     pPtr->dataLength = 0;
     49                     this->buf_end = 0;
     50                     pPtr = NULL;
     51                 }
     52             }
     53             else{
     54                 pPtr = (DataHead*)(this->dataBuf + this->buf_end);
     55                 pPtr->packLength = 0;
     56             }
     57         }
     58     }
     59     asize = this->buf_begin - this->buf_end - 1;//end不能大于等于begin
     60     if (pPtr == NULL){//不用else是因为上面可能没有分配空间
     61         if (asize >= plength + sizeof(DataHead)){
     62             //可以容纳
     63             pPtr = (DataHead*)(this->dataBuf + this->buf_end);
     64             pPtr->packLength = plength + sizeof(DataHead);
     65             pPtr->dataLength = -1;
     66             this->buf_end += pPtr->packLength;
     67         }
     68         else{
     69             pPtr = (DataHead*)(this->dataBuf + this->buf_end);
     70             pPtr->packLength = 0;
     71         }
     72     }
     73     if (pPtr->packLength == 0){
     74         pPtr = NULL;
     75     }
     76     LeaveCriticalSection(&g_mutex);
     77     return (char*)pPtr;
     78 }
     79 //唤醒线程
     80 void SwigDirector_CThostFtdcMdSpi::notifyBuf(char* pPtr, int plength){
     81     EnterCriticalSection(&g_mutex);
     82     ((DataHead*)pPtr)->dataLength = plength;
     83     SetEvent(g_cond);//唤醒线程
     84     LeaveCriticalSection(&g_mutex);
     85 }
     87 //修改后的回调代码例子
     88 void SwigDirector_CThostFtdcMdSpi::OnRspUserLogin(CThostFtdcRspUserLoginField *pRspUserLogin, CThostFtdcRspInfoField *pRspInfo, int nRequestID, bool bIsLast) {
     89     int len = sizeof(CThostFtdcRspUserLoginField) + sizeof(CThostFtdcRspInfoField) + sizeof(int) + sizeof(bool);
     90     char *pPtr = this->lockBuf(len);
     91     if (pPtr != NULL){
     92         char  *dPtr = pPtr;
     93         ((DataHead*)pPtr)->eventID = 3;
     94         dPtr += sizeof(DataHead);
     95         memcpy(dPtr, (char*)pRspUserLogin, sizeof(CThostFtdcRspUserLoginField));
     96         dPtr += sizeof(CThostFtdcRspUserLoginField);
     97         memcpy(dPtr, (char*)pRspInfo, sizeof(CThostFtdcRspInfoField));
     98         dPtr += sizeof(CThostFtdcRspInfoField);
     99         *(int*)(dPtr) = nRequestID;
    100         dPtr += sizeof(int);
    101         *(bool*)(dPtr) = bIsLast;
    102         this->notifyBuf(pPtr,len);
    103     }
    104     return;
    105 }
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/bjguanmu/p/12582258.html
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