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  • MySql查询,昨天,今天,本周,本月,本年的数据

    select * from 表名 where to_days(时间字段名) = to_days(now());
    SELECT * FROM 表名 WHERE TO_DAYS( NOW( ) ) - TO_DAYS( 时间字段名) <= 1
    SELECT * FROM 表名 where DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 7 DAY) <= date(时间字段名)
    SELECT * FROM 表名 where DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 30 DAY) <= date(时间字段名)
    SELECT * FROM 表名 WHERE DATE_FORMAT( 时间字段名, '%Y%m' ) = DATE_FORMAT( CURDATE( ) , '%Y%m' )
    SELECT * FROM 表名 WHERE PERIOD_DIFF( date_format( now( ) , '%Y%m' ) , date_format( 时间字段名, '%Y%m' ) ) =1
    select * from `ht_invoice_information` where QUARTER(create_date)=QUARTER(now());
    select * from `ht_invoice_information` where QUARTER(create_date)=QUARTER(DATE_SUB(now(),interval 1 QUARTER));
    select * from `ht_invoice_information` where YEAR(create_date)=YEAR(NOW());
    select * from `ht_invoice_information` where year(create_date)=year(date_sub(now(),interval 1 year));
    SELECT name,submittime FROM enterprise WHERE YEARWEEK(date_format(submittime,'%Y-%m-%d')) = YEARWEEK(now());
    SELECT name,submittime FROM enterprise WHERE YEARWEEK(date_format(submittime,'%Y-%m-%d')) = YEARWEEK(now())-1;
    select name,submittime from enterprise   where date_format(submittime,'%Y-%m')=date_format(now(),'%Y-%m')
    select name,submittime from enterprise where submittime between date_sub(now(),interval 6 month) and now();
    select name,submittime from enterprise   where date_format(submittime,'%Y-%m')=date_format(DATE_SUB(curdate(), INTERVAL 1 MONTH),'%Y-%m')
    select * from ` user ` where DATE_FORMAT(pudate, ' %Y%m ' ) = DATE_FORMAT(CURDATE(), ' %Y%m ' ) ;
    select * from user where WEEKOFYEAR(FROM_UNIXTIME(pudate,'%y-%m-%d')) = WEEKOFYEAR(now())
    select * 
    from user 
    where MONTH (FROM_UNIXTIME(pudate, ' %y-%m-%d ' )) = MONTH (now())
    select * 
    from [ user ] 
    where YEAR (FROM_UNIXTIME(pudate, ' %y-%m-%d ' )) = YEAR (now())
    and MONTH (FROM_UNIXTIME(pudate, ' %y-%m-%d ' )) = MONTH (now())
    select * 
    from [ user ] 
    where pudate between 上月最后一天
    and 下月第一天
    where   date(regdate)   =   curdate();
    select   *   from   test   where   year(regdate)=year(now())   and   month(regdate)=month(now())   and   day(regdate)=day(now())
    SELECT date( c_instime ) ,curdate( )
    FROM `t_score`
    WHERE 1
    LIMIT 0 , 30


  • 相关阅读:
    了解 DICOM 基本协议与其相关
    C# PropertyInfo 反射实体部分字段
    ref(引用参数) 和 out(输出参数) 区别
    Linq Where Expression<Func<T,bool>> 查询条件
    C# 集合分析
    C# 几种常用的数据类型
    关于 C# 方法参数的理解
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/blackCatFish/p/10330551.html
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