package io.appium.android.bootstrap.handler; import android.os.Environment; import com.android.uiautomator.core.UiDevice; import io.appium.android.bootstrap.AndroidCommand; import io.appium.android.bootstrap.AndroidCommandResult; import io.appium.android.bootstrap.CommandHandler; import io.appium.android.bootstrap.utils.NotImportantViews; import java.io.File; /** * This handler is used to dumpWindowHierarchy. * https://android.googlesource.com/ * platform/frameworks/testing/+/master/uiautomator * /library/core-src/com/android/uiautomator/core/UiDevice.java */ @SuppressWarnings("ResultOfMethodCallIgnored") public class DumpWindowHierarchy extends CommandHandler { // Note that // "new File(new File(Environment.getDataDirectory(), "local/tmp"), fileName)" // is directly from the UiDevice.java source code. private static final File dumpFolder = new File(Environment.getDataDirectory(), "local/tmp"); private static final String dumpFileName = "dump.xml"; private static final File dumpFile = new File(dumpFolder, dumpFileName); private static void deleteDumpFile() { if (dumpFile.exists()) { dumpFile.delete(); } } public static boolean dump() { dumpFolder.mkdirs(); deleteDumpFile(); try { // dumpWindowHierarchy often has a NullPointerException UiDevice.getInstance().dumpWindowHierarchy(dumpFileName); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); // If there's an error then the dumpfile may exist and be empty. deleteDumpFile(); } return dumpFile.exists(); } /* * @param command The {@link AndroidCommand} used for this handler. * * @return {@link AndroidCommandResult} * * @throws JSONException * * @see io.appium.android.bootstrap.CommandHandler#execute(io.appium.android. * bootstrap.AndroidCommand) */ @Override public AndroidCommandResult execute(final AndroidCommand command) { NotImportantViews.discard(true); return getSuccessResult(dump()); } }