在写代码时,多行存在不同的异常,使用try catch的话,习惯性的是有多个catch,如下所示:
Reports identical catch sections in try blocks under JDK 7. A quickfix is available to collapse the sections into a multi-catch section. This inspection only reports if the project or module is configured to use a language level of 7.0 or higher.
大概意思是再try的代码块中,存在多个catch块结构时,如果使用的是JDK 7及以上,把这些catch块进行折叠到一个中更高效,如下所示:
@Test public void test() { int c = 2; if (c == b() | c == a()) { // 会打印 // b() 返回值: 2 // a() 返回值: 1 System.out.println("| c = " + c); } System.out.println("|---- test end"); if (c == b() || c == a()) { // 会打印 // b() 返回值: 2 System.out.println("|| c = " + c); } System.out.println("||---- test end"); if (c == a() & c == b()) { // 会打印 // a() 返回值: 1 // b() 返回值: 2 System.out.println("& c = " + c); } System.out.println("&---- test end"); if (c == a() && c == b()) { // 会打印 // a() 返回值: 1 System.out.println("&& c = " + c); } System.out.println("&&---- test end"); } public int a() { System.out.println("a() 返回值: " + 1); return 1; } public int b() { System.out.println("b() 返回值: " + 2); return 2; }