(Crash in [libzip.so+0x1218f] ZIP_GetEntry2+0xff)[https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8175970]
可以知道在JDK 9中修正了这个Bug。
This is fixed in JDK 9 with JDK-8145260. Most of the times, the crashes in ZIP_GetEntry occur when the jar file being accessed has been modified/overwritten while the JVM instance was running. The following property can be used to disable the memory mapping of the central directory structure of the Jar files: -Dsun.zip.disableMemoryMapping=true Please note that enabling this property would have some performance impact on the application as the JVM needs to read the central directory structure from the Jar files on the disk again and again whenever it reads a Jar file entry. So, it is best to ensure that the jar files are not modified or overwritten while the JVM has an image of them loaded.
For details refer the following :