Problem Statement
We have an H-by-W matrix. Let aij be the element at the i-th row from the top and j-th column from the left. In this matrix, each aij is a lowercase English letter.
Snuke is creating another H-by-W matrix, A', by freely rearranging the elements in A. Here, he wants to satisfy the following condition:
- Every row and column in A' can be read as a palindrome.
Determine whether he can create a matrix satisfying the condition.
A palindrome is a string that reads the same forward and backward. For example, a
, aa
, abba
and abcba
are all palindromes, while ab
, abab
are not.
- 1≤H,W≤100
- aij is a lowercase English letter.
Input is given from Standard Input in the following format:
H W a11a12…a1W : aH1aH2…aHW
If Snuke can create a matrix satisfying the condition, print Yes
; otherwise, print No
Sample Input 1
3 4 aabb aabb aacc
Sample Output 1
For example, the following matrix satisfies the condition.
abba acca abba
Sample Input 2
2 2 aa bb
Sample Output 2
It is not possible to create a matrix satisfying the condition, no matter how we rearrange the elements in A.
Sample Input 3
5 1 t w e e t
Sample Output 3
For example, the following matrix satisfies the condition.
t e w e t
Sample Input 4
2 5 abxba abyba
Sample Output 4
Sample Input 5
1 1 z
Sample Output 5
1 #include<iostream> 2 #include<cstring> 3 #include<string> 4 #include<cstdio> 5 #include<vector> 6 #include<cmath> 7 #include<stack> 8 #include<set> 9 #include<queue> 10 #include<algorithm> 11 using namespace std; 12 #define in 1000000007 13 int h,w; 14 char ch[105][105]; 15 int ok=0; 16 struct mapa 17 { 18 char x; 19 int sum; 20 mapa(char m,int n) 21 { 22 x=m; 23 sum=n; 24 } 25 bool operator <(const mapa &a)const 26 { 27 return sum<a.sum; 28 } 29 }; 30 int sum[27]; 31 priority_queue<mapa >pq; 32 int book[105][105]; 33 void flag(int i,int j){ 34 book[i][j]=1; 35 int t=1; 36 if(!book[i][w-1-j]) 37 { 38 t++; 39 book[i][w-1-j]=1; 40 } 41 if(!book[h-1-i][j]) 42 { 43 t++; 44 book[h-1-i][j]=1; 45 } 46 if(!book[h-1-i][w-1-j]) 47 { 48 t++; 49 book[h-1-i][w-1-j]=1; 50 } 51 mapa a=pq.top();pq.pop(); 52 if(a.sum<t) 53 { 54 ok=1; 55 return false; 56 } 57 a.sum=a.sum-t; 58 if(a.sum) 59 pq.push(a); 60 } 61 bool dfs() 62 { 63 memset(book,0,sizeof(book)); 64 int p=0,q=0; 65 int i,j; 66 if(h%2==1) p=1; 67 if(w%2==1) q=1; 68 for(i=0;i<h;i++){ 69 if(p&&i==h/2) break; 70 for(j=0;j<w;j++) 71 { 72 if(q&&j==w/2) break; 73 if(book[i][j]) continue; 74 else 75 { 76 flag(i,j); 77 } 78 } 79 } 80 if(p) 81 { 82 for(int k=0;k<w;k++) 83 { 84 if(q&&k==w/2) break; 85 if(book[i][k]) continue; 86 book[i][k]=1; 87 int t=1; 88 if(!book[i][w-1-k]) 89 { 90 t++; 91 book[i][w-1-k]=1; 92 } 93 mapa a=pq.top();pq.pop(); 94 if(a.sum<t) 95 { 96 ok=1; 97 return false; 98 } 99 a.sum=a.sum-t; 100 if(a.sum) 101 pq.push(a); 102 } 103 } 104 if(q) 105 { 106 for(int k=0;k<h;k++) 107 { 108 if(book[k][j]) continue; 109 book[k][j]=1; 110 int t=1; 111 if(!book[h-1-k][j]) 112 { 113 t++; 114 book[h-1-k][j]=1; 115 } 116 mapa a=pq.top();pq.pop(); 117 if(a.sum<t) 118 { 119 ok=1; 120 return false; 121 } 122 a.sum=a.sum-t; 123 if(a.sum) 124 pq.push(a); 125 } 126 } 127 return true; 128 } 129 int main() 130 { 131 cin>>h>>w; 132 for(int i=0;i<h;i++) 133 for(int j=0;j<w;j++) 134 cin>>ch[i][j]; 135 memset(sum,0,sizeof(sum)); 136 for(int i=0;i<h;i++) 137 for(int j=0;j<w;j++) 138 sum[ch[i][j]-'a']++; 139 for(int i=0;i<27;i++) 140 if(sum[i]) 141 { 142 char t=i+'a'; 143 pq.push(mapa(t,sum[i])); 144 } 145 if(h==1||w==1) 146 { 147 int flag=0; 148 for(int i=0;i<27;i++) 149 if(sum[i]%2!=0) flag++; 150 if(flag>1) cout<<"No"<<endl; 151 else 152 cout<<"Yes"<<endl; 153 } 154 else{ 155 if(dfs()) 156 cout<<"Yes"<<endl; 157 else 158 cout<<"No"<<endl; 159 } 160 161 return 0; 162 }