@{ ViewBag.Title = "Recommend"; Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml"; } @section RenderJSContent{ var currentSection = "home-pane"; @*// The default loaded section on the page*@ var tabTag = "-tab"; var paneTag = "-pane"; @*// Scroll the page manually to the position of element "link", passed to us.*@ function ScrollSection(link, scrollArea, offset) { @*// Store the last section, and update the current section*@ if (currentSection == link) { return; } lastSection = currentSection; currentSection = link; @* // Change the section highlight. // Extract the root section name, and use that to change the background image to 'top', revealing the alt. state *@ sectionTab = currentSection.split("-")[0] + tabTag; document.getElementById(sectionTab).className = 'active'; if (lastSection) { lastTab = lastSection.split("-")[0] + tabTag; document.getElementById(lastTab).className = "inactive"; } @*// Get the element we want to scroll, get the position of the element to scroll to *@ theScroll = document.getElementById(scrollArea); position = findElementPos(document.getElementById(link)); @* // Get the position of the offset div -- the div at the far left. // This is the amount we compensate for when scrolling *@ if (offset != "") { offsetPos = findElementPos(document.getElementById(offset)); position[0] = position[0] - offsetPos[0]; } scrollStart(theScroll, theScroll.scrollLeft, position[0], "horiz"); } function ScrollArrow(direction, toolbar, scrollArea, offset) { toolbarElem = document.getElementById(toolbar); toolbarNames = new Array(); @* // Find all the
- elements in the toolbar, and extract their id's into an array. *@ if (toolbarElem.hasChildNodes()) { var children = toolbarElem.childNodes; for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { if (toolbarElem.childNodes[i].tagName == "LI") { toolbarNames.push(toolbarElem.childNodes[i].id.split("-")[0]); } } } for (var i = 0; i < toolbarNames.length; i++) { if (toolbarNames[i] == currentSection.split("-")[0]) { if (direction == "left") { if (i - 1 < 0) { gotoTab = toolbarNames[toolbarNames.length - 1]; } else { gotoTab = toolbarNames[i - 1]; } } else { if ((i + 1) > (toolbarNames.length - 1)) { gotoTab = toolbarNames[0]; } else { gotoTab = toolbarNames[i + 1]; } } } } ScrollSection(gotoTab+paneTag, scrollArea, offset); } var scrollanim = {time:0, begin:0, change:0.0, duration:0.0, element:null, timer:null}; function scrollStart(elem, start, end, direction) { if (scrollanim.timer != null) { clearInterval(scrollanim.timer); scrollanim.timer = null; } scrollanim.time = 0; scrollanim.begin = start; scrollanim.change = end - start; scrollanim.duration = 20; scrollanim.element = elem; if (direction == "horiz") { scrollanim.timer = setInterval("scrollHorizAnim();", 15); } else { scrollanim.timer = setInterval("scrollVertAnim();", 15); } } function scrollVertAnim() { if (scrollanim.time > scrollanim.duration) { clearInterval(scrollanim.timer); scrollanim.timer = null; } else { move = sineInOut(scrollanim.time, scrollanim.begin, scrollanim.change, scrollanim.duration); scrollanim.element.scrollTop = move; scrollanim.time++; } } function scrollHorizAnim() { if (scrollanim.time > scrollanim.duration) { clearInterval(scrollanim.timer); scrollanim.timer = null; } else { move = sineInOut(scrollanim.time, scrollanim.begin, scrollanim.change, scrollanim.duration); scrollanim.element.scrollLeft = move; scrollanim.time++; } } function findElementPos(elemFind) { var elemX = 0; var elemY = 0; do { elemX += elemFind.offsetLeft; elemY += elemFind.offsetTop; } while ( elemFind = elemFind.offsetParent ) return Array(elemX, elemY); 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text-align:center; cursor:pointer; } .active a { font-size:14px; color:#4998fa; text-decoration:none; } img { border:none; } @*#footer li a { display:block; 82px; height:54px; }*@ /*省钱好站*/ .page1 { 973px; margin:0 auto; height:100% } .head { 900px; height:95px; border-bottom:#e2e2e2 1px solid; margin:0 auto; margin-bottom:27px; position:relative; } .page1 .content { 973px; height:426px; } .title { font-size:30px; font-family:"微软雅黑"; padding-top:35px; 200px; position:absolute; left:0px; } .page1 ul li { list-style:none; 139px; height:122px; display:block; float:left; font-size:12px; } .tu a:hover { background:url(http://www.lanrenzhijia.com/demo/2013/0304/tab/images/page1/hover.jpg) no-repeat; } .page1 ul { display:block; 973px; height:122px; } .page1 .tu { 87px; height:87px; margin:0 auto; } .tu a { display:block; 87px; height:87px; } .page1 .bt { 139px; text-align:center; color:#0063dc; height:21px; line-height:21px; font-size:12px; font-family:"宋体"; } .page1 .fx { 139px; height:14px; 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